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Camelia Kelly
Sabrina Vargas-Ortiz
November 15, 2015
Edmundson versus Frier
There are a number of similarities and differences between the views expressed in Paulo Frieres
The Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Mark Edmunsons On the Uses of a Liberal Education:
As Lite Entertainment for Bored College Students. While Friere suggests that the foremost
problem in education lies in the authoritarian nature of educators, Edmundson believes that
consumerism is a major issue. Edmundson and Friere point out many varying issues, however,
they both agree on one major theme. An education system in which uninvolved students arent
required to challenge ideas is ineffective.

Edmundson and Friere take different approaches in an attempt to find a solution to what they
believe is causing the education system to fail. Friere places blame on the educators, writing that
they follow a number of authoritatian attitudes and practices, (Friere 9) oppressing their
students and preventing them from thinking critically. Edmundson believes that the problem lies
with the students. He believes they are too preoccupied with a consumerist culture in which they
are afraid to indict the current system. (Edmundson 18) One narrative is common throughout
both Friere and Edmundsons writings: students are not challenging the education they are
receiving. Whether they are a product of an oppressive society or simply too passive, students are
not realizing the full potential of their educations. Critical thinking is no longer necessary for
students of today. They are no longer driven by the opportunity to learn, instead only accepting
what they are taught at the most basic level. Both Edmundson and Friere agree that education has
devolved into a business-like operation.

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Both authors state that there is a definitive problem when it comes to education. The issues stem
from the practices that have been implemented within society as a whole. Although both provide
a marginal solution to the issues they raise, it will undoubtedly take more than a mere offering to
solve these issues that have been deeply embedded into our education system. There must be a
transformation in order to change and implement new policies.

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Friere, Paulo. "The Banking Concept of Education." Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. Myra
Bergman Ramos. New York: Continuum, 1993. Print.
Edmundson, M. (2015). On the uses of a liberal education: As lite entertainment for bored
college students. In Greene, S. & Lindiskey, S. (3rd) From Inquiry to
Academic Writing
(389-403). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins.

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