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Rosita Cansino

English 250 Section SE

Refection OVE
Ms. Futhey
December 10, 2015
Reflection of an OVE-Piece
Throughout the semester there were two assignments that required an oral, visual, and
electronic presentation. Both of the assignments were challenging and were interesting to
present. Assignment 3 was a group project where my group presented about anti-cosmetics on
animals. The other presentation was assignment 5, where I gave my presentation on Immigrants
and how they assimilate to a new country. With both assignments I learned to develop better
speaking skills and to keep a good eye contact. With the feedback I have received I have to learn
how to not move as much when presenting. I hope to use these skills with my other work in the
In assignment 3, I had to work with a group of my peers and I will have to say that was
one of the difficult projects for me. I can be social and I am responsible for my own work, but
working with others was hard for me since I had to trust that the rest of my group would get their
work done. At first I was a bit nervous working with people I did not know, but what made me
more nervous was not knowing how well we would all work together. I have had previous
experience with working in groups and it always ended up with some people not getting their
assigned task done. Although, this group project was actually a good experience. We would all
meet up and do our research together, which made things easier for all of us. When presenting
our information, all of us gave great eye contact, spoke clearly, and were able to answer the
questions that were asked.

In my last assignment I gave a presentation on immigrants and how they assimilate to a

new country. It was different from the last presentation I gave because I had to do this one on my
own, which I didnt mind because I know the things I am capable of doing. It was challenging in
a way because I did not have the support of others to give their point of view. Although, I did
take the feedback that was given to me in the previous project and used it in this presentation. I
realized I spoke clearer and I tried to be less nervous.
There are things I would have like to change in both presentations. One thing would be to
have more confidence when presenting. I know I stuttered on both presentations and I kept on
repeating um and like many times. Another thing I would have changed would be to make
my last presentation shorter. I could have done this by limiting my slides and by going straight to
the point. That way I wouldnt have missed out important information while giving my
presentation. Other than that I enjoyed giving these informative presentations. I know the
majority of my peers did not know a lot from the topics I and my group presented. I hope that I
take all the feedback that was given to me and put it in use for my future classes and job.

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