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Research is the on going process of gathering information.

Whether the research is

done to prove that Xbox is better than Playstation or how humans came to be all
research is done to prove or disprove a set of theories, ideas or presumptions. In the
21st century research and research resources are everywhere. Research can be found
on online web pages and even old dusty books from the library. It can be test results
showing positive correlations on a graph or it can be physical experiments done on lab
rats. In today's time research is very easily obtainable it just takes the capacity of the
willingness to truly search for the answers.
1. Rhetorical Awareness- The ability to not only complete the overall purpose of your
writing but to keep the audience in a clear understanding of your overall purpose.
2. critical reflection- The process of taking a step back from our process of thinking and
begin to argue and ask questions so that we may critique our own work.
3. knowledge of conventions- Conventions are the building blocks of sentence formation
and this allows us to properly write sentences. (ex. grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc)
4. Composing Processes- Combination/steps for writing (ex. prewriting, drafting,
revising, editing)
5. Critical Reading- Deeper examination of the author's choices in what they wrote.
Each and every single one of these components are extremely beneficial to a good
research paper. Thinking critically and getting deeper than just the surface is very
important. You always need to give your audience a clear understanding of why you
picked your topic and clearly explain your purpose. When done writing it's a good idea
to take step back and critique and ask questions about your own writing. Without
knowledge of conventions we would have no real sense of sentence structure in our
writing and our writing would be extremely unprofessional. Composing processes are
great steps to take to insure you cover everything you need in a paper. Critical reading
is a good way to understand and get a deeper feel for the author's choices in writing. So
all of these tools are great to have in writing because they can both heighten and
increase the level of one's writing.

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