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Cultural testing item

X. Karneval.
X.a. Karneval is one of the most important celebrations in Germany, with all of Germany
and even tourists involved in parades and festivities. Please circle whether the statement on
the left is richtig or falsch. One point per correct answer. (5 points)

1. The tradition of Karneval originated from the Middle-Ages.

Richtig / Falsch

2. The festivities of Karneval occur after Easter.

Richtig / Falsch

3. Rosenmontag is one of the most important days of Karneval.

Richtig / Falsch

4. All German states share the same traditions of Karneval.

Richtig / Falsch

5. Fasching, Fastnacht, Fasenacht, Fasent are synonyms for Karneval.

Richtig / Falsch

X.b. Can you think of a similar celebration in your home country? How is it similar (1
point)? How is it different (1 point)? (2 points)




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