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Pumpkin Carving Write Up

Kaden Lloyd, Maya Blaisdell, Kai Brabeck

Part One For our pumpkin we used many different shapes and fractals in order to make a
face. We only used straight lines for the face but added some decoration on the back
and sides. For the eyes we made triangles and then we made another triangle on the
inside which created a Sierpinski triangle (It was not infinite though because that would
be impossible to carve into a pumpkin.) So basically both eyes were Sierpinski triangles.
Also, the mouth is a great example of self similarity and repetition because the teeth are
simply triangles being repeated over and over again until it created a mouth. Also, we
tried to make the nose a Sierpinski triangle also but it didn't turn out well but it still
represents reflection symmetry because if you were to draw a line down the face of our
pumpkin it would be symmetrical on both sides. If you were to draw a line across the
face (horizontal) it would not be symmetrical.
Part One (Story) One cold day in October there was a very lonely pumpkin named Eugene.
Eugene had no friends and was despised by all the other pumpkins because of the way
he looked. He had ever big triangle eyes and huge ass eyebrows. This made Eugen
very sad because all he wanted was a friend but it seemed impossible to find one
because everyone hated him. This caused the young pumpkin to never leave his
apartment and he watched TV most of the time envying all the other pumpkins who had
friends. This cold October day felt different to Eugene. He had a slight feeling that this
day would be better so he cracked open his door and peeked outside to see if anyone
was there. The halls were empty so he sprung out and rolled to the elevator. Eugen was
finally gonna go outside for the first time in 4 years and he felt very confident that the
world was a better more loving place. As he left the apartment complex he noticed that
the streets were extra busy and pumpkins were rolling up and down the sidewalks
getting all of their Halloween decorations. No one seemed to notice Eugen at first and
then a small young pumpkin screamed, Hey look! It's Eugene! You look likes a butt
muncher Eugene!. All of the other pumpkins began looking at Eugene and calling him a
butt muncher as they threw rocks and sticks at him. One rock hit eugen right in the stem
causing his brain stem to shift and his neurological cells to shift. His entire personality
changed as his brain was thrown around his head due to all the rocks hitting him. His
eyes widened and a huge smile creeped across his face. Are you haters?, asked
Eugen as he took a step closer to the crowd. The crowd went silent because this was
the first time they had ever seen Eugen smile. He continued to walk towards the crowd
as everyone watched him in disbelief. I said, ARE YOU F*CKING HATERS?!?!,
screamed Eugene as he raised up his hands and flipped off the entire crowd. The
pumpkins couldn't believe their eyes. Was eugene really standing up for himself after all
these years of torment and harassment?, the crowd thought. Finally Eugen was about a
foot away from the crowd when he said, You know what I think of haters? I think haters

are dumb!. Eugen then whipped out his glock and began unloading into the crowd as he
did a backflip. Pumpkin guts were flying through the air and seeds were littering the
streets. Each backflip Eugen did he took out hundreds of pumpkins until finally the
streets were silent. Eugene glared up from the ground after his final backflip and
whispered to himself, No more haters yo.. Years after that happened Eugene suffered
from a major panic attack leading to his death. The End. (Remember. Haters are dumb.)

Part Two (Math)Circumference- 25.5 inches

Diameter- 8.11 inches
Radius- 4.055 inches
Volume- 278.45 inches^3
Surface Area (Not Carved)- 206.5 inches^2
Surface Area (Carved)- 165.5 inches^2

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