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Writer's Journal Entry #2

Monday, 31 August 2015, 9:53 AM

by Will Misenheimer

It was a very easy decision to make when asked about a certain topic that I became literate in.
Baseball has been, and will be, a very important aspect and game in my life. In all technicality, my
appreciation for the game starts with Mike Schmidt. Mike Schmidt is a Hall of Fame third baseman
that played for the Philadelphia Phillies from 1972-1989. It was his style of play that won over my
dad's interest in baseball. This interest would grow over the years and eventually reach me. The love
for baseball that my dad held was passed on to me. To this day, my dad and I exchange texts and
discuss the current (and unfortunate) state of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball club. Some of my
sponsors of literacy while on this voyage would be my dad, the Creekside Dodgers team that I played
on (and my dad coached), all of my school baseball teams, and all of my non-school related high
school teams. As you might imagine, I have experienced several exhilarating moments on the
baseball diamond. Initially, my first thought is the diving catch I made during my tee-ball years, or the
walk-off single I enjoyed to cap off a 5-5 day at the plate. Baseball is a game of failure; therefore,
when success appears, it must be enjoyed, or the process of hard work will not seem worthwhile. I
have always loved playing, and observing the game of baseball. I'm very excited about the
opportunity to share this experience through the literacy narrative and bringing back some of my
older, yet fond, memories of the game I love!

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