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Tara Albrecht, Matt Ballew, Gaoyuan Lu & Joanna Toro

The Zardashians Take Washington D.C.

It was early in the morning in the nations capital. Too early, that is, according to Zim
Zardashian. She had just been crowned First Lady of the United States, and as a social media
mogul, she wasnt used to starting off her day before noon. The lack of beauty rest had taken a
toll on her.
Honestly Zhloe, I just cant believe Zanye would have me traveling at such an early
hour. Fashion Week or not, Im just feeling disrespected, Zim said. I mean, its like you know a
guy and then he gets elected President. Now hes too cool for school, I guess.
Zhloe shifted in her seat, physically uncomfortable with Zims whining.
Zim, youre lucky he even remembers your name, she said. I mean, he did make it
illegal for anyone to watch your sex tape. You should be glad.
Zim gave Zhloe the stank eye, clearly annoyed by the statement. It had been a long
journey to international stardom since the days of the sex tape. Zanye, being newly elected, made
it his first order of business to rid the world of that video once and for all, per Zims request of
She got out of her seat despite the plane just taking off and began to pace around the
cabin. Zim was feeling overwhelmed, as her first duty as First Lady of the United States was to
decide on an advocacy project for children all across the US. It was a lot to think about, but Zim
had come up with a few ideas.
Zhloe, I need to run these ideas by you real fast, Zim said.
Zhloe looked at Zim with curious eyes, letting her know she was listening.

Okay, so I was thinking and as First Lady, Id really like to give quality skin care to all
the children in our Nation, she said. Like, look at Florida. Totally humid, right? You have to
focus on skin care at a young age in a place like that. Free facial spinning brushes for all
children! What do you think?
Zhloe held her head in her hands.
Zim Zhloe said.
Suddenly the plane shook. Zim and Zhloe screamed, fearing their lives. No, it wasnt the
plane going down. They knew better than to think that.
ZIM, ZHLOE! a voice yelled.
Oh no, how did she- Zim uttered.
I thought I told you to hold the plane! How is a momager to keep up with her
moneymakers if they wont wait! Zris roared.
Hi mom Zhloe said.
Oh, Im sorry Zhloe, did you open your mouth in my direction? Its momager today, not
mom. But it doesnt matter anyway, does it? Youre not exactly Zim so I cant be bothered with
you right now, Zris said.Look ladies, its Zims first Fashion Week as First Lady, and you
better believe Ill be closely monitoring you. I cant have Zim running around unsupervised. Not
after last time. You know Chanel still wont let Zim touch a piece of clothing they produce?
Yes mother, you still remind me every day. Howd you even get here? Weve been flying
in the worlds most secure plane ever for, like, twenty minutes.
Zim, I have my ways. No amount of security could stop a momager like me, not this
week. Zris replied. We have work to do and designs to turn down. Shall we begin, or are you
going to continue picking your nose like a dimwit?

Zim slowly lowered her finger from her face and frowned at the floor.
Im ready, I guess, Zim said, sounding defeated. Zim was the most powerful woman in
the public eye, but the only entity stronger than her is and had always been Zris. She was ruthless
and tough. Momager by day, momager by night.

A few months had passed, and President Zanye had already made the lives of all
Americans so much better. Or at least the lives of the Zardashians. Now that President Zanye
made DUIs illegal only if you hit someone, Zhloe could finally get her criminal record cleared.
She enjoyed her long island ice tea while cruising down the 101 in her Range Rover. She was on
her way to the courthouse to get her DUI charges cleared. As Zhloe hit 115 MPH, her phone
How are you, sis?! said Zhloe.
Im literally so exhausted right now. You have no idea, Zim immediately began
complaining. This whole First Lady thing is seriously so draining, you should see the bags
under my eyes. Anyway I definitely need a night out, so Im going to this club tonight in LA and
you should totally come with me. The only problem is that the Secret Service have to come, but
You have been under so much stress lately Zim, you totally need a night out, Ill
definitely be there! I just have to stop by the courthouse to get these freaking DUI charges off my
record, replied Zhloe.
Yeah, I mean you didnt even hurt anybody. Thats so annoying, said Zim. Anyway
call me when youre on your way tonight, bye!

Zhloe arrived at the courthouse to find a long line of others waiting for their appointment
to get their charges dropped. Zhloe pulled up to the front of the building and stepped out of her
car. She took a look around.
Wheres the valet around here?
Theres no valet here replied someone in line.
Ugh. So annoying, said Zhloe. Whatever, Im leaving the car here, she said as she
strutted up the stairs of the courthouse in her Christian Louboutins. She walked up to a
receptionist, Hi, Im Zhloe Zardashian. Im here to see someone about getting my DUI charges
Maam, theres a line. It starts over there, replied the receptionist pointing out the
Im sorry but I dont think you heard me...Im Zhloe Zardashian. Sister of Zim
Zardashian, you know, the First Lady of the United States. Should I give my brother-in-law, Mr.
President, a call, or are you going to continue to harass me?
The receptionist rolled her eyes and stood up from behind her desk.
Right this way, Ms. Zardashian, she said sighing as she led Zhloe back.

Zhloe had finished her business at the courthouse and found herself back at her home.
She had just spent the last three hours getting ready for the girls night out that she was about to
have with her sisters. When her phone began to buzz and Zims name appeared on the screen,
Zhloe headed outside to rendezvous with her sisters.
Oh my god, Zim! I wasnt expecting a double! I was thinking we were just going to do
the regular Hummer Limo tonight. Zhloe squealed as she piled into the double limousine in her
driveway. The smiling faces of her beloved sisters, Zim, Zourtney, Zylie, and Zendall, greeted

her. Im so happy we are finally doing a girls night out, Ive needed this so bad after all of the
stuff with Jamar. The press will seriously not leave me alone every time I leave that rehab
center, Zhloe lamented.
Suddenly, the partition window between the Zardashians and their driver began to open.
Im sorry to interrupt, ladies, but shes asking for you, Zim, the driver said.
Ugh why is she so needy tonight? Zim muttered to herself. Okay, driver, thank you.
Bring her around.
Moments after the partition closed, the driver appeared at the back door of the limo,
ushering South in to find her mother. Souths face was grumpy, and she began to whimper as she
ran to Zim in the limo and jumped on her lap. Mommy, I want to go home! South exclaimed.
The limo pulled out of Zhloes driveway, headed towards Hollywood Boulevard.
Ew, South, watch out, this dress cost me a fortune. God, its like she doesnt even know
when Im wearing Versace, Zim griped to her sisters.
Zim I cant believe you brought South with you to the clubs. Zanye couldnt watch her
tonight? implored Zylie.
Zylie I told you already, hes supervising the painters at the house. Theyre coming in
the house so obviously they need someone to watch them. I dont want those people around my
jewels. He needed to make sure that the gold exterior paint that they chose was the perfect shade
for the White House, Zim said nonchalantly.
Mommy, why is the White House gold? South asked.
Youre so silly, South, Zim laughed, shifting to bring South onto her lap. The house
changes with every President. Who cares if its gold now?

Suddenly, the girls are all jerked forward as the driver slams on the brakes. They squealed
in unison. The limo screeched to a stop, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.
Thats it, this driver is fired. He almost got us in a Zourtneys sentence was
interrupted by screams as the girls were thrown forward once more as the limousine was rearended.
From the floor of the limousine with their heads covered, the girls looked up to see South
jump up and exclaim, Crash!

Works Cited
A guide to fanfiction for people who can't stop getting it wrong. (2014, June 17). Retrieved
October 18, 2015, from

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