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To Whom it may Concern:

Today I am writing you this letter in reference to an employee,

Ms. Andrea Mauldon. Andrea has asked me to write her a
recommendation letter to help out with a school project. Although I do
not usually write recommendation letters in regards to our employees
ect., in this circumstance I have decided to make an exception to that
rule. Andrea is a full-time employee with us, A single parent, and
participation in furthering her education. She has never been late to
work, has she ever called off, or had any disciplinary actions taken
against her. I can say I have never had a complaint about her from any
client. All of our clients who has received care from Andrea have
always requests her to return. Ms. Mauldon enjoys her job. She goes
above and beyond her call of duty to those she is caring for, takes
pride in her job, and is always in uniform and ready to go. Andrea is an
excellent Home Health Aide and with furthering her education I do
believe she will be great at anything she puts her mind to and will be
successful at it.
Debra McNutt/HR Dept.

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