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Hamilton Hewitt

Professor D. Jizi
UWRT 1103-013
DrugFacts: Marijuana Notes
Source: "Marijuana." DrugFacts:. National Center for Drug Abuse, Sept. 2015. Web. 10 Nov.
2015. <>.
What is Marijuana?

Dried flowers and seeds from the hemp plant cannabis sativa
The active ingredient in the plant is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol which has mind altering

Marijuana is the most illicit drug in the United States
The rate of increase of marijuana users has leveled recently

How do People Use Marijuana

The most common way is to smoke marijuana

o Pipes, blunts, bowls, bongs, vaporizers
o Cookies, candy, brownies, gummies, tea

How do Marijuana Affect the Brain

THC passes from the lungs into the blood which is then spread into the brain and the rest
of the body
Eating or drinking the THC causes a delay for the effects
THC causes
o Altered senses
o Altered sense of time
o Changes in mood
o Impaired thinking, judging, balance and memory

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