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Each and every day, there are many advancements in technology innovation created from

bits of pieces of imagination and creativity from young and old innovators who sought out a new
money production income for their said company. Engineering can be the study of new creation
and innovative thinking to build structures that will be here for the future. There are many
advancements of engineering sciences like biomedical, mechanical, computer science, electrical,
construction management, etc. there are a lot of opportunities for young innovative thinkers and
students who have a passion and learning and creating new ways to improve the way us human
beings live our lives on a daily basis. Math and science for me as a kid were my favorite classes
groaning up and I took fond to it as choosing it as my career path choice in college studying
mechanical engineering to now mechanical engineering technology. As I was finally research
topics for my inquiry project for my URWT class, I would love to incorporate some of it about
my life story of how why I chose engineering and why UNC Charlotte as well.
I didn't know what to do at first when choosing a topic to write about at the end of the
year for my final project for my UWRT 1102 class. I usually sit back of class and listen to what
others were thinking about writing for theirs and see how they would get a specific discussion
topic from a very broad topic. And I wanted to do something with my background in engineering
but also me being an African American student as well. I remember doing in class assignments
that were based to help students creatively come up with ideas to help form their ideas together. I
chose the benefits and effects of being a minority in today's culture studying construction
management/ engineering positions. Because they're a lot of stories out there that I can relate too
and discuss based off the fact I'm an engineering student and also I'm a minority pursuing in a
high demanded position across not only the United States but worldwide as well. I found an
interesting novel by Gunyal Mundal and his theory of social engineering and race back in the late

1970s and early 1980s. Mundal goes more into detail about how the Caucasian race uses social
engineering as a barrier for African Americans and they give this false perception of modern
living. He called it "Social Engineering". I research more of this topic and it can be used to
manipulate regular protocol to give up classified information. It's a technique that use particular
influence persuasions by large scale private media groups or by governments as well. I thought I
could use this idea of social engineering in modern society for my inquiry project with some of
techniques used by modern media now that deeply impact minorities. And I took a while to sit
down and actually think this out and how I could you this topic as a valid arguable point for my
research discussion topic and I found out this in a heartbeat. Social engineering is used every day
among the Hispanic and African American communities both in a positive and negative way.
For African Americans, you can say social engineering have been a part of our culture
for centuries. From slavery, to segregation, to Civil Rights Movement, to Integration, all have
been impacted by violence acts over the course of hundreds of years. Said negatives of social
engineering for the African American community is right in their backyard with music and social
media right now. Nowadays, media gives this false hope to a young kid saying if he raps this way
and have this many girls, he is going to be successful. Or media can also give false
hope our young ladies by saying if you look this way, dress this way, shake your ass this way,
you're going to be famous and be in a happy steady relationship with your significant other.
That's all good but it's not meant for everyone. Some may succeed but that's why social media is
great at social engineering because they can manipulate the minds of young kids by giving them
the idea they can become the next basketball or rap icon in a matter of years. That's why most
African American males are in jail/ prison now. It's because of media. Media gave them an

idea of what's it is like to be a "true thug" and now these people are getting locked up
each and every day because of it. But most people don't know that most own music companies
are heavily involved and are invested heavily in most federal detention centers and that's the
number one source of money. That's why record companies and media show their client
overcoming jails in their music videos. It's a trick they use to get money out of it without people
actually thinking about it more. But the media fail to realize that there are more opportunities for
American males in general because most business companies are look to diverse their working
company and they are giving out money for them to come and apply to their job. Most jobs are
looking for African American males specifically just to prove the statistics and negativity media
portray for them.
The positives of social engineering used among the Hispanic community calls for
uprising of new workers given the opportunity to prove healthy well care for themselves and
their families but also providing stable jobs as well. Most construction/ contractor services are
own by Hispanic. The hardest working people out there who makes amazing enchiladas. But also
there are negatives that come around as well. Having this freedom comes with a cost and it's not
that easy obtaining a well-paying job or citizenship too. This upcoming election, over the last
couple of months, government used social engineering to oppress the Hispanic community as a
backbone of their election campaign. The infamous toupee wearing son of a bitch devil himself,
Donald Trump, is known for his riches and infamous quote, "You're Fired", until he got fired
from his own show from producers. He used irrational and hurtful logic to hold down and
suppress the Hispanic community by saying their lazy and no red for any of them to be here in
the United States. He wanted to eradicate and deport all of back to where they came from and to

build a wall up to keep them out. I don't know if this sounds very familiar before in U.S history
but the last person who felt similar about a certain situation was a German Nazi who used
politics to use racism as support for his army. You can say Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump can be
long lost cousins at that point.

UNC Charlotte is great school with great

opportunity surrounding its campus because it's not
located to far from Charlotte Motor speedway or
from Bank of America stadium, home of the
undefeated Carolina Panthers. But recently, there


racial allegations from staff members of UNC

Charlotte, saying that there were "too many African
American students on the student government
council and there needed to be more white". This


of bothered me at the time because everyone here at the university have equal opportunity to do
anything on campus. If they choose not that's their fault. But to make those allegations really said
something about people now. I also thought about what my English professor told me about the
engineering photos in Duke Ball and I needed to go there and discuss about that. I looked around
Duke Hall
sand I saw pictures of men probably identified as significant engineering leaders that went
through this engineering program and to see there's not one African American or other minority
individual up on the wall says something as well. I'm guessing UNC Charlotte's engineering
program is living in their high school glory days because I really believe this is the only major

whose program is not diverse in their pictures. Even walking through Burson, you can seem
various diversity among men and women of all races with Masters and Ph.Ds. in physics. The
pictures in Duke Hall don't truly represents its students at all because every day there are more
races on campus studying the same major and there will be more in the next couple of years as

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