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ot co-teachirg_ (0 Phy SHES Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation Kelsey Mentor Teacher: Crysha/ 7A, University Supervisor: Shelley Fathead Kone AS sae: Nov: 30, 2015 Schook Valley. HS Instruction: Use the rubric to assess the stadent teacher's sil evel at miter or ach ofthe InTASC Standard. The candidate wil se this derm ‘valuation o reflect on his/her teaching bles and to set goals or the remainder of the placement tis important to remember thatthe eandat ea Dre-servce teacher and isnot expected to demonstrat the sl level of a master teacher. Fara student teacher to earn credicat the end ofthe placement ‘Student Teacher: Termy ring Suni expeatons on the nl evaluation include tease competert or exemplary aings snd? developing ratings with ne unsatacory ange Unsatisfactory Developing coaipaeat 2 | _Guamaingteccr | coninangtencer |g xemplary | Comments: WTASC Standards: | ecncp ooteing ere | aairgnnng rahe | SNe) 7 Learner Developmeat The | Lasonr and Tmplement lessons —[Cansitay Icemersgrowand develop, | Gerelopmentely | developmental care ‘olf address recognningthat patterns ot | appropri appropriate someof (| developmentally qe earning development ary ecm spropriat ye a, individually within and across a a the cognve ingulate scl, emotional, and physical areas, Men and designs and implerents developmental appropriate and Iesming experiences Differences: The | Lasors and Tnplamanisansons [Eagan feacherusesundersandingot | struction arenot | thaedemunstrate an rent lessons individual erences end | connected tostdents | understanding ot /| thar emonstate on Givers cures and Ieaningstengts and | seadetsenring/ | une} staning of ommuniestosnaur inclusive | needs Srengihsand nepis | stats leoring icerngevtonmens tat romeo tine nats and needs, enable each karer tome lgh fan prvides Sandan | rodinertons “3. Learning Environment The | United undeanding | Dewonstates sme teacherworts witathesto | orno implementation” | implementation of reatecnronmentsthit | ofmotivstinal and/or | motiationl and ‘Supporindividual and Sraroom ‘esroom Callaboatvelesrning andthat | management strategies | management strategies encourage porte sci edemonsrated | that promote a postive Iteration acnve engagement in ‘ehaingenviconment tearing and setmotation dearingenicomen Up a204 conta tno Sehltete in ZAC, whe (her focal Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation ~] Unsatisfactory | Developing cape Te titascstandards: | eoceet tng | Crzanattader | agree | Sxemptry | Comments pecagiecaring | “Competner |, egnsinetaer | ERD ee) serra Teena Tig | Gnegkwr |nkwite|Cnet iw aren, aes, a" (see Ee concept toolsofingury.ané | tachingand/or lesson | conten wh ene, Stuetures ofthe dicpline(s) he corse teaches and erates learningexperlences that make these aspects ofthe discipline Sceesile and meaning fr learners assure mastery ofthe content ante snot accessible to students {emplementing sccessile lessons needed, le focus ef co— 5. Application of Content: The teacher understands howto connect concepts and use Airing perspectives to engrge learners menial thinking Does narmale ‘connections between concepts and ea ‘world appietons andor doesnot ‘Shows the connect between concepts Fealworid applications. snd Sometimes supports Conon Chapeau Ip Kelsey provides seativity,and collaborative | facltate the use of | learners use ofriteal i) —_—F ¢ Probiemsolvngeelated’o | erat andcreseve | andcreative thinking larg Slag pan veel Suterlloelandgloalissues,|tlakingandjor "| andjorcaesorateg por ents collaborative problem | problem solving. ae on ‘6. Assessment The wacher understands and wes aultple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, ‘monitor learner progress and to suid the teacher's andeaeners fecision making. Does notundeestand or | Primarily ralieson one strategies eflecivly form of assessment And/or shows limited ‘se ofasresements for Instructional purposes ors oF OS tec Lit UR greeters 7. Planning fr istration: ‘The teacher plas striction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals ‘by drawing upon knowlege of content areas, curieulun,eoss- Aisciplinary sls and pedagogy, 35 wall as knowledge oflearmers and the community eorex pct e504 Tastrucional plans are Inadequate in deta or arenot submited, Trsructional plans show some details garding vere toa content ondards, and Students needs planing for Ineoneitent for cigs hsb was, bet rete? Aves 6 Ae, é 2b, Pete [Crake erty Schoo af anton 2013 Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation Unsatisfactory Developing Compaen — Intascstandaris | Grmptiicy | Semucts” | amiga || equa | me Saag [ete te) © aio Sp gms | ape sks Perey cabrsaeeica" | marmanea™ | eens variety of instractonal strategies toencoarage learners to develop op understanding of content teas and their connection, and purpose Instructional strategies snd/or there are no {pportuntes for Incorporate a varity of Instructional strategies and gives students ‘some opportunites to tobui skis to apply knowledge | eucentstospsly | apply Rnowindge In eaningfl ways, now ‘9. Professional Learalngand | Inconsistent ‘SaFavaluates aching] Consistently sol [uhical Practice: The teacher ‘engages in ongoing profesional Tearning and uses evidence to continually evaluate is /her Prtice particularly the effects ‘this/herchlees and actions on others learners, families, other professional and the sclfevaluates teaching | a learning and/or oes not strive to fntinue professional ‘evelopment Toes not demonstrate profesional and lal practice in and learning and seks professional evelopment Demonstrates some professional and| tical practice in teaching evaluates teaching and rE | Re ES myer ses| fommuniy).andadapts practice | tracing tomeet he needs ofeach teaching. 10. Leadership and Doesnotdenonatrate | Demonstrates some] Cares out appropriate Collaboration: The teacher | leadership skis, leadership sls and Works ve seeks appropriate leadership | and/or does not engage | participates in some well w/ ‘oles and opportunities to ake esponsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners fais, colleagues, ‘other schol professionals and community members o ensure learner growah, and to advance the profession. {reallaboration Partnerships are wesle vith earners schoo! Colleagues and fails. fallaboration ts ‘working to build professional, Felaionships ness pdt 05/208 "80a Vor een oceaseon 21 ve i) je Ar adding ro avi A GI LS Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation School of Education Teaching Dispositions Assessment Instructions: Use the questions and rating scale below to assess the student teachers esposidonal ateributes at miter, 1 Please rote he stent eachers sucess os laring leader. | 2.” Beae race sade ocho USES G0 TCGITE Ses profesional oct recttrer. Poor Par Good Very Good Gay 7 ts on progress aie profsione gol Demonstrates confidence and selection pursuing came late, (a4 Solon to problems or questions ‘Artcaate high expectations or prafesaael prfrtanc' Foor Pardon Cane) tor Tote toed tay Gan een Communicates high expectation to siden Incorporates feedback nt her profesional practice. carer fra cs Somer anita armen Er le ey cyaen set fees out hots fe best bglance Bi ae. of te demands of herp ‘3. Please rate the student ted¢her’s success as a stude ‘4. What specific areas should the student teacher focus on during | (aS [S Poor aod "Yb ee) Se hiked, Demonstrates ext by edaping, edusing ond otter pen chirs a va ow) rmociing practice to meet te nevi gbaeyen Volcan or Fair Good Very Good ea | conte yo bu’. conan” Ot "07 + SENS reared Po Co- auc / ~ 564) abet I a char Kelsey has witltraly taken a a loi ale Yo WeaReg o W168) Fe Z sane CBSE TA OLY BAL eo ee bere elas és Student Feacher/Date heres = nn owt zon ki lap eo uh IAI dy (PI

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