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Kloenhamer 1

Tyler Kloenhamer
Mrs. Jankowski
English 12 H CC

This I Believe
Its Saturday, 11 OClock in the morning, birds are singing, the sun above is shining
bright, and the air is calm, but like a bullet shooting from a gun, everything changes in flash. My
dad was sitting under a finishing mower hooked up to a tractor, he was calm, excited, and was
hammering away, trying to fix the dual blade and dented metal cover, when out of nowhere,
something tragic happened.
The right jack stand slipped out and the 718 lb finishing mower collapsed on him, nearly
crushing him into a ball. Im sitting in a white chair, thinking my dad is gone and that I cant do
anything to help because my knee is injured and too powerless to be able to lift it off of
him.Soon after, I heard that horrifying scream that emerged in the air and I sprung up like
someone gave me superhuman strength. I lifted the mower off of my dad like it was paper and
began to properly make sure he is ok. My dog rushed over and nearly bit my uncle because he
thought that he did something to my dad. My dad eventually gets up and my mom and I rush
him to the hospital, where we anxiously wait on the verdict. Two hours pass and we finally find
out he is in good condition. With a broken back and concussion he will live to walk another day.
That day was very dramatic, and had a very emotional impact on my life. Since this incident, my
dad has not been able to work, causing financial problems. We had to move out of our house
because the landlord decided he wouldnt work out any kind of a payment plan out with my dad.
This has tested our familys strength. My mom has finally got a job and that's helping us out a
lot. Living with my grandma can be hard at times because there is six of us living there, and the
bills get kind of crazy at times. It can also get hectic when your sisters use both of the

Kloenhamer 2
bathrooms, when you have seven minutes to get ready. It can be frustrating and you forget to
bring everything you need for that day with you. Then having to have to drive from Boonville to
Evansville every day can get annoying and very costly. It also has an effect on how we treat
each other in the morning. We all argue a little bit in the morning because of the high stress
levels. As the day goes on you realize that arguing was probably not the way to handle the
morning stress, I now listen to music to calm me down and block all the drama out. It has been
about a month and a half since his injury, and he will now be able to go back to work sometime
in October. He has learned that money needs to be saved instead of spent on stupid things that
are not relevant to what we need.
Many would say that it was just pure adrenaline, but I believe that it was more than that.
I believe that God helped me achieve my full strength, in order to save my dads life. I had a
flash of supernatural adrenaline seep into me, and was able to save my dad's life. If God was
not there with me that day, my dad would have curled up like a pigs tail under the mower, and
most likely would have died. But having strong family morals and a God that will help you
achieve anything, saved his life that day.
Since this incident, my relationship with my dad has grown strong. His back keeps him
from doing his daily activities, but if he can make it through that, he can make through the
struggles he is having. I believe that God has sent the challenges upon us, so that we may grow
from them and eventually have our own house, and grow closer to each other and God himself.
I have learned that keeping track of what you are spending your money on and making sure that
everything is safe and secure before you attempt to do any kind of work so that you prevent any
life threatening injuries. I plan to accept any challenge that God may throw at me and learn from

Word Count= 731

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