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Due: 21 October 2015
The Other Wes Moore's family pressure
The other Wes Moore endeavored a struggle that's most common in
American--living in a single parents residence. He had never met his father"
(Moore, pg.16) Mary, the mother of Wes and older sibling Tony was a work-aholic. She was the first of her family to graduate; she beat the statistical
odds in Baltimore. "...she made a pact [to] get her education and leave the
neighborhood no matter what it took" (Moore, pg19). Mary's mother, Alma,
was her main source of motivation. She pushed Mary to her limits--giving
her that strong mindset of being a parent. Wes's father Bernard wasn't ready
to become a father figure nor did he have the attributes of being a father.
Mary defined her sons fathers as "...two alcoholic, abusive men who shared
the DNA of her two children but no husband or dad for her boys" (Moore, pg.
Wes's brother Tony played a major factor in the roles that he'd chosen. Tony
understood his options in life, Wes didn't. Tony lived with his mother, and
could stay with his father under any circumstance. Tony's father was openended, he was there to support his son no matter what. Tony had all the
friends, clothes, drugs, street credit money, etc. Blind of his younger
brothers urge to become a "Tony"; he never knew that he was his brothers
role model. "To Wes, Tony was a "certified gangsta"" (Moore, pg. street credit;
"Rule number one: If somebody disrespects you send a message so fierce

that they won't have the chance to do it again" (Moore, pg. 33) Tony always
told Wes to finish school, to become something better than he was. Tony's
contradictory actions and words went into one of Wes's ear and out of the
other. Wes's mind was made up! "Wes". "Where". "Did". "You". "Get" "the".
"Money?" "Wes is out here hustling!" "No he isn't, he is making the money
DJing," Mary said. ..."thats what he told me, and I believe him," she said.
(Moore, pgs. 70-71) His mother was only around at night, Tony came and
went as he pleased, and Wes had unsupervised time to do anything
In relationship to the other Wes Moore, I researched an article "The parenting
role of African American fathers in the context of urban poverty". In this article, 36
fathers low-income were studied and researched to determine the
"emphasis" placed in the involvement of their childrens upbringing and lifes
outcomes. "African American fathers are also more likely to face additional barriers in their
parenting role due to poverty and the environment in which they live." (Threlfall and 2 others)
Bernard tried to see Wes when he was about eight months, Mary was tired of dealing with his
non sense. "It's Bernard's crazy ass...""I aint going out to talk to him" (Moore, pg. 24). At that
point of rejection, "that was the last time he tried to see his son". (Moore, pg. 24) Bernard had
trouble maintaining jobs and his alcoholism changed him into a different man. "Interventions
and policies that have placed the blame for father noninvolvement squarely at the feet of the men
themselves have either ignored or misinterpreted the desires of low-income men, such as those in
our study, who want to maintain a relationship with their child." (Threlfall and 2 others) Bernard
clearly gave up after trying just once to see his son. Wes didn't want to become that kind of

father. When he did encounter his father he never recognized him; "The man on the couch
looked up at Mary and asked, "Who's this?" "Wes meet your father" (pg. 25). The second time
encountered his father he thought things would be a little different. "He saw Wes standing over
him." "Still squinting, he looked his son in the eyes." "Who are you?" (pg. 102). Tony wanted
Wes to punch him, but Wes was hurt and ashamed and from that moment on he felt the same as
his mother. The article concluded that whether the father was or wasn't present they always
wished the best for their children and always wished for more economic advantages to better
support their children. Men were ashamed to live in an inescapable trap.
Wes made a life changing decision when he found out that his third and fourth childrens mother
Cheryl was an addict. He found her half-conscious with a heroin needle sticking out of her vein.
Wes was in denial, and he felt the same rush of emotions that he felt of his father. He ignored the
warning signs of missing money, and pipes thrown in closets because he knew for sure that it
was her friends. "Wes was tired" (Moore, 138). All of his karma started to catch up to him,
Cheryl had been sold the same drugs he's been selling to loved ones of others. "Im done, man,"
he said" [Im] "tired of being locked up, tired of watching drugs destroy families, entire
communities, an entire city" (pg138). Wes and his good friend Levy went to job corps where
Wes excelled and gained a GED. He took all his assignments seriously and worked several jobs
to support his family. Wes's aunt compared job corps to jail; this jail was a success for Wes. "He
worked ten hours a day and came home with barely enough energy to play with his kids and
barely enough money to feed and clothe them" (pg. 144). Wes had finally changed and then
burden rang at his door. "Alicia complained that he was not giving enough..., Cheryl was now
constantly calling..., His mother need money [for] raising both Wes and Tonys kids." (pg145).
$9 an hour couldn't support his obligations to his family. He hated that fact that he had to hustle

again. "Tears swelled in Wes's eyes but never fell"(pg. 145) He would do whatever it took to
keep his family together.
The police had legal wire taps through the suppliers phone and traced that information to find
them. After Tony and Wes robbed the jewelry store for "$438,000 worth of watches and jewels"
they gave their friends and drug suppliers to buy them to gain the fast money needed. Tony and
Wes fled to Philadelphia where their uncle lived. The neglected the presence of the police
because they werent approached. Hed never thought long term about his life at
all (Moore, pg.157) after 12 days of hunting for the brothers, they were
Wes lost all they hed tried to maintain because he didnt think before he
acted. We make decisions based on what we see in that limited world and
follow the only models available (Moore, pg. 179). The absence of a father
can play a major factor in a childs life. Fathers are better at guiding a child
in order to prevent them from facing the challenges that theyve faced.
Fathers feel less of a man when the emphasis of running a household and a
family is placed````````2``` the woman. Fathers face self-esteem issue and
fail to relate to their children due to lack of necessary resources. If Bernard
tried to put in the effort of building with his son, maybe he couldve made
better decisions for his children.

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