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Liliana Charles

Conference Preparation list

Time scheduled.
Coverage in classroom arranged.
Staff lounge reserved.
Organization of anecdotal record and portfolios.
Handout sent for parent preparation.
Parent contacted for observation appointment.
List of questions prepared.
Outline of topics prepared.
Plan for opening examples.
Environment prepared snacks, writing materials, and privacy sign.

Groundwork for a Successful Conference list


Teacher and parent understanding of the purpose and their roles.

Planning for uninterrupted time, agreeable to teacher and parent.
A relaxed and private physical environment.
Planning of goals and organization of materials.

Ten Hints to Facilitate Communication

1. Stop talking. You cannot listen if you are talking.
2. Put the person talking at ease. Help the person feel free to talk.
3. Indicate your willingness to listen nonverbally nonverbally.
4. Remove distractions. Do not doodle of fidget.
5. Empathize with the person talking, See the other persons viewpoint.
6. Be patient. Allow plenty of time. Do not interrupt.
7. Hold your temper. You are the professional.
8. Go easy on argument and criticism, which would make the other clam up.
9. Ask questions, this shows you are listening and helps develop points.
10. Stop talking. This is first and last because everything depend on it.

Strategies for a Successful Conference


Teacher taking initiative in putting parents at ease.

A positive beginning and ending.
Give-and-take in conversation, facilitated by a teachers questions and reflective listening.
A summarizing of areas discussed and action to be taken.

Pitfalls to Avoid for Successful Conferences


Overly technical terminology or jargon.

Playing the role of an expert.
Negative of destructive evaluations about a childs capabilities.
Unprofessional conversation.
Giving advice either invited or not.
Trying to solve all problems on the spot or trying to force agreement.

Tips for Successful Conferences

1. Prepare carefully before the conference by considering the individual childs progress and
2. Ensure privacy.
3. Provide an informal setting.
4. Be mindful of parents time.
5. Establish rapport.
6. Begin on a positive note.
7. Encourage the parents to talk.
8. Listen attentively.
9. Develop an attitude of mutual cooperation.
10. Delay making suggestions yourself.
11. Encourage suggestions from the parents.
12. Summarize points covered.
13. Make plans together for future actions.
14. End on a note of continuing cooperation.
15. Make notes about the conference after the parents leave.

Strategies to Implement for Possible Conflict Resolution

1. Analyze analyze your own feelings. Why do you feel so strongly about this issue?
2. Imagine a walk in their shoes what are they thinking, and why might they look at the
situation the way they do?
3. Confer with a colleague check out your perceptions. Find a colleague and ask for insight.
4. Meet arrange to meet with the parent be friendly and unthreatening. Role-play with a
colleague what you will say beforehand if you need to.
5. Brainstorm solutions try to come up with a solution that meets the childs needs

Possible Barriers to Teacher-Family Relationships


Family stress at home

Families feeling unvalued or unwelcomed
Families not knowing how to contribute
Language, culture, and values/belief barriers
Communication abilities
Differences in viewing roles

Parent-Teacher Conference Outline


Create a welcoming environment.

Open with positives.
Discuss progress and growth
Ask questions and listen
Make a plan
End with positives
Follow up

ParentTeacher Conference Letter

Dear Parents and Families,
Our scheduled parent-teacher conferences are coming up!
Before we meet, we need to collect our thoughts about your child so
our time can be put to good use. Ive created a brief questionnaire
that is designed to help me in cover all areas of concern to you and
to me. If you could, take a few minutes to complete and return it to
me before our conference. Thank you!
My child communicates the following to me at home about school:
a. Relationships with children and adults:

b. Favorite activities and areas of play:

2. I see my childs areas of strength as:

3. I feel that my child needs to develop skills in:

4. I would like to discuss or have more information on:

Have you considered the whole child social, emotional,

physical, and intellectual?
What else have you been wondering lately?

Parent/Family Conference Report Form

Parent Conference Report Form

Name of child
Participants in conference_______________________________________
Childs needs observed in classroom by
Childs strengths observed in classroom by
Childs strengths observed at home by
Childs needs observed at home by
Suggestions for action at
Suggestions for action at

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