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Christine Stinchi

MusEd 341 Bag of Tricks

Moving groups from one place to another

Will you please sit down Will you please stand up? (1-5, 5-1). Sing or play some motive to
have students sit down or stand up.
Play a trickle on the piano from high to low and the children slowly sit down.
Sometimes the teacher goes up the pitches to tease, and the children love it. As she reached
the lowest notes on the piano, the children would be down on the floor.
Gaining attention and focus
Clap a rhythm and have students clap it back.
Phrase instructions for behavior as statements of what you want to see. Use are statements:
Students are seated quietly; Arms are down at your sides; students are watching carefully
so they know how to do it when its their turn.
When getting students to quiet down and focus, countdown (e.g. 5-1) slowly to allow them more
time, and to signal that times running out.
Being proactive
Have everything set up (internet, instruments, recordings, etc.) in order to minimize transition
Give instructions and model before students go to instruments or get in groups for a movement
Demonstrate to students what not to do to troubleshoot problems.
You get what you get and you dont throw a fit. (distributing instruments, props).
Students understand what they must take what they are given without complaining.
React to class energy. Have a plan, but accept that you cant always stick to it!

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