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By: Caitlin Whalen

What is a XRay
An X-Ray Technician is someone whom is known
as taking images of parts of the body. In
Correct wording, they are called X-Ray
Technologists and Radiological Technologists.
They use cutting-edge technology to see
inside of a human. These machines are normally
used for when someone is injured to see if a
bone is broken.

The Education
The education required for this job is to
graduate high school and get your diploma.
It is 3 years in total just for the course,
since you are working with people whom
trusts you with their scans.

Where Can
you Receive
this Course?
In Newfoundland, you can receive this
course at The College of The North
Atlantic in St. Johns. Of Course, after
the course is over, you can search all over
the world to work at a hospital or clinic
with this job needed/required!

What is the
The average hourly rate for an XRay technician in Canada is between
$24.47- $40.36. The amount of
overtime is approximately $57.89.
The bonus for the workers actually
range from $0.00- $22,000. The
total pay yearly is in between,
$49,019- $83,760.


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