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Scott Straub Presents:

115 Incredible Study Tips Revealed!

Work smarter, not harder and enjoy life

Im Professor Scott Straub and for nearly 20 years Ive been helping students of every
age, from elementary school through college, succeed in school and in life. My new
video (DVD) program gives you the tools for school success. Check it out today!

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115 Great Study Tips Revealed!


1. Pre-read the chapter and notes
A medical school graduate said this was the #1 tip that got him and his fellow students through medical
school. If you pre-read the material for the upcoming classes, when the material is presented, it will
be the second time you are exposed to it. This will be a tremendous advantage when it comes time to
study. If its the #1 tip for future doctors, shouldnt we all do this?

2. Read the chapter review questions first!
Start by looking at what the text books believe is important. As you read the chapter you will
recognize the important concepts very rapidly.

3. Create active flashcards
Instead of simply writing the word on one side of the note-card, and the definition on the other, try
drawing a little picture or diagram next the definition. This makes the learning active which means you
will have an easier time remembering the information!

4. Create your own questions, then answer them
By creating your own questions, you will be forced to learn the material in order to answer the
questions you generate. This also makes learning active.

5. Quickly glance over every page in the chapter before you dive in
Get a quick overview of whats coming up by taking about 5-10 seconds on each page of an upcoming
chapter. You will get to understand the big picture early on.

6. Ask the teacher where the test questions might come from
Dont be shy. Ask the teacher what type of test is coming up, and where the information is coming
from. Many times they will give you clues to whats important.

7. Ask for a review session
Teachers love to help students who care about learning. Ask for help.

8. Pay attention to illustrations, charts, diagrams
If a teacher takes time out of the class to draw a diagram, chart or picture, chances are that it might
show up on the next test. Copy it down for future reference.

9. Use different color pens and markers when taking notes
Studies show that using different color pens/pencils/markers activate different areas of the brain,
which helps you remember the information. Many of my top students use one color for definitions,
another color for charts, another color for examples. Try it.

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10. Highlight and underline your notes
Highlighting and underlining are not just for textbooks. Make the important information stand out by
using this powerful technique in your own notes. It makes the notes come alive.

11. Write in the margins of your book and notes
If you are permitted, write quick notes in the margins of your book. This will help you quickly locate
key concepts. If you cant write in your books, use sticky notes.

12. Directly after class, look over your notes and fill in missing info
Many students are in such a rush to leave class that they dont get a chance to make sure they didnt
miss anything important. A quick review helps lock the new information into the brain.

13. During the review, write everything that is said
If a teacher is reviewing, chances are that they know exactly what is going to be on the test and they
wont want to waste your time giving you useless information.

14. Use abbreviations to make note-taking easier
Think about the common words that you have to write out multiple times then come up with an
abbreviation. Using the following symbols helped save me valuable time and energy when note-
taking: because = b/c, and =&, yes = y, no =n, different = diff, times = x, less than = <.
Now make up your own list and keep in the margin of your notes.

15. Use the same system for taking notes be consistent
Be consistent when taking notes and it will be easier to understand your notes later.

16. Find someone who is better than you at note-taking, ask them about their system
If you are struggling, ask someone who has a good system then model what they do. Why reinvent the

17. Dont worry about saving paper use as much as you need
While I dont want you to waste paper, please dont miss out on important information because you
are trying to save the world. Use recycled paper and use the front and back sides if necessary, but
dont miss information.

18. Sit up front!
If you have choice, sit up front. Studies show that students do much better when they are front and

19. Sit in the middle of the classroom away from the windows and door
Windows and doors can be a distraction, so stay away from them when possible.

20. Avoid chatty friends

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Let your classmates know you are serious about learning. Ask them not to bug you while the lecture is
going on. There is plenty of time to chat after class. Privately ask the teacher to move you if the
distractions continue.

21. Put the new information in your own words
Quickly summarize the new information in your own words. Once again, this makes learning active
and helps you to process the information

22. Better Nutrition
Research says that bad foods slow down your ability to process and learn. Fruits and vegetables help
you learn by boosting the learning chemicals in the brain and bloodstream. Fatty foods and
processed sugar slow you down.

23. Notice key phrases said such as this is important or you may see this on the test
Key into what your teacher is saying. If they say its important, chances are that it is. Make a separate
note to remind yourself when you are studying.

24. Search for main ideas in the notes and chapter
Try to pick out the important information as you are studying. Always look for the big picture.

25. Listen 75% of the time, write 25%
While it is critical you write down important information, listening to what is said in class is just as
important. Pay attention to what is being taught, then quickly take notes.

26. Listen actively - stay tuned in as much as possible
Keep your brain in the game by constantly checking to see if you are paying attention and processing
the information. It can be easy to zone out in the boring classes, but you must stay alert.

27. Dont be shy - ask for more clarification if needed
If you dont understand something, chances are that many others have the same question. Dont be
afraid to raise your hand.

28. Ask the teacher to repeat information or slow down
If the lesson is moving too rapidly, politely ask the teacher to slow down. As a teacher, it can be hard
to judge how fast to go.

29. Apply new information right away
Whenever possible, use the new information. In math for example, try out a few problems right away.
In science, do a quick experiment. During a writing exercise, get your thoughts down on paper.

30. Read your notes out loud
Saying your notes out loud is yet another way to make learning active, but dont do this in a crowd of

31. Know the important Latin root words that can unlock the meaning of all related words

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Most words are made up of smaller words, often from the Latin language. Knowing just a few Latin
roots, prefixes and suffixes can help you unlock thousands of related words.

32. Use pictures and diagrams in your notes
Draw your own pictures, diagrams and charts even if the teacher doesnt. Visual aids really help when
it comes time to study.

33. Tape record lectures
If you are allowed, tape challenging lectures so you can listen to it later.

34. Chunk information down into smaller pieces
Most concepts are broken into two or more pieces. Learn each piece to help you figure the main
concept. Why do you think phone numbers have a dash in them? The phone companies did research
and found out that humans like to break items down into smaller parts.

35. Know the important people in school
Get to know the librarian, the study skills teacher, and anyone else who helps students. They can be an
invaluable resource.

36. Avoid negative people
We all like to complain a little, but too much complaining can bring you down and convince you that
things are hopeless. My rule is to spend 5% of your time on the problem and 95% on the solution.

37. Participate in the class dont just sit there
If you are active in class, it forces your brain to focus on the lesson. Plus, it shows the teacher that you
care about learning.

38. If someone cant explain it to you in a way that makes you understand, find someone else who
Just because your teacher confused you, doesnt mean you are dumb. Everyone learns things
differently. Keep asking people until you find the person who can explain to you in a way that makes

39. Make a good first impression if a teacher thinks you care, they make cut you some slack
If you start off with a good first impression, its hard to shake that reputation. Students who care
about school and learning are often treated differently than students who appear to be disinterested.

40. If its written on the board, chances are its important
If a teacher takes time out of their day to write something down, then there is a good chance that it is
important. Take it all in.

41. Take full advantage of open book tests dont take them for granted
Just because you have an open book test doesnt mean you can slack off and not study. Prepare like
any exam and you will excel in school.

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42. Come early and get settled so you arent stressed
Students who come in late are not only a distraction, but they often fall behind because as the lesson is
being taught, they are fumbling around in the book bag looking for their materials.

43. Picture yourself succeeding in whatever you need to do
Take a few seconds each day and picture in your mind you doing well in school. Athletes visualize
themselves make the winning shot or running faster than their competitors. You should do the same
with everything in life you are trying to do well at.


44. Study in short 10, minute bursts
Research tells us our ability to learn diminishes over time. Give yourself frequent breaks. Somewhere
around 10 minutes into learning a new topic our brains start to zone out, so give yourself a quick 60
second break then get back to it.

45. Drink lots of water
Many of us are dehydrated and we dont even know it. Since our bodies are mostly water, drinking
lots of water helps us think better, and feel better! Soft drinks such as cola give us a quick burst of
energy, then we crash.

46. Stand you get up to 18% more oxygen to the brain when you stand
Standing circulates more blood to the brain versus sitting. So stand up and study! Just dont do this in
the middle of class.

47. Know Your brain rhythms we all have peak periods when we learn best
Did you ever notice that at certain times of the day you are more alert? Figure out when you are more
tuned in and schedule your study time accordingly.

48. Schedule it to make it real write down when you will study, then stick to it
When you schedule your study time, you make an agreement with yourself to commit to that time. So
schedule it and make it happen! A daily planner is critical for planning and organizing your time.

49. Study with a successful student find out how they do things
Find others who are doing really well and hang out with them. You will often glean helpful techniques
and habits that can help you become a better student.

50. Use tutors
If you are struggling, use the tutoring lab at school or ask for a private tutor. Just one hour with a
knowledge peer can mean the difference between passing and failing.

51. Do a little bit every day dont cram

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Havent we all heard this before Dont cram? Well, thats because your brain cannot adequately
process large amounts of information in a such a short time. Build upon your knowledge every day and
come test day you will get the grade your deserve.

52. Record yourself studying and listen to it later
Why waste time on the bus, working out, or getting dressed in the morning? Record yourself speaking
your notes out loud then listen to it later.

53. Use Mnemonics whenever possible (example HOMES helps you remember the 5 Great
Whenever possible use existing learning devices such as mnemonics. Some popular examples are:
ROY G BIV (which are the colors of the visible light spectrum R=red, O=orange etc.), HOMES (Lake
Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior).

54. Act out the information get your body into it
Dont just sit there and study, get up and move your hands, legs and body to simulate the new
information. This is also a great technique for presentations.

55. Music can often help you study better
Studies show that certain types of music help the mind learn more efficiently. Slower tempo music
relaxes us and puts us into a good learning state.

56. Just get started, then build upon your momentum
Just do it! Get started and stop worrying about the task at hand. You will build momentum and often
the task isnt as hard as you originally thought.

57. Unplug the TV, shut off the phone, kick your siblings out of the room
Physically unplug the TV, shut off the phone, and disconnect the cable to your computer. Avoid these
common distractions and youll have more time to watch your favorite show later.

58. Have others test you on the material
Ask your friends and relatives to constantly quiz you. It can fun and effective.

59. Make a list in your notes of everything thats going to be on test
Write out everything you need to study then check them off as you go.

60. Breathe deeply as you study to increase the oxygen level in your blood and brain
More oxygen means you learn faster. We often tend to take shallow breaths Force yourself to
breathe deeply 5-10 times and youll put more oxygen into the body.

61. Put Homework first make it a priority
Just get it done. You will feel better, and if you are having difficulties, there will be plenty of time to
get help.

62. Reward yourself often give yourself a treat when you reach a certain goal

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Give yourself little and big rewards as you complete tasks. It might be as simple as watching 5 minutes
of TV or eating your favorite snack. I treat myself to big steak dinner every time I finished a college
class. I look forward to this all semester long.

63. Review your notes before next class
Before you get to school, do a quick review of your notes. This will go a long way during class.

64. Explain concepts you have just learned to family and friends
Tell your friends and family what you have learned. As you explain it out loud, the information is
reinforced in the brain, plus you will quickly figure out what you need to brush up on.

65. Use the Internet to find answers quickly
If you cant find out the answer, Google it.

66. it look for a good video on your topic
Just about everything you could imagine can be found on YouTube. Look for a good video that explains
what you need to know. When you have it figured out, create your own video to help others. You
might just become a YouTube guru.

67. Create a song with the information
We all seem to remember songs, even if we havent heard them in years. Do the same with your
learning. Make up silly songs, just dont sing too loudly during the test!

68. Form a study group take charge and make it happen
Take charge and form your own study group. Work with only the people who truly want to learn. If
someone is constantly distracting the group, ask them to shape up or ship out. In other words, vote
them off of the island.

69. Make outlines of the things you have just learned
Make simple outlines of the new material. You will drive home the new material and have a good
study tool.

70. Good lighting can be the difference between success and a headache
Make sure you have good lighting as this will relax you and not strain your eyes.

71. Fresh air helps you process and think better
Open the windows when studying, breathing stagnant lower oxygen air will slow down your ability to

72. The scent of vanilla helps people to learn - according to recent studies
Students who study with the smell of real vanilla in the air tend to learn more information. Go figure.

73. Create a study area and use it often

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Stake your claim in the house and use this space as your own private study area. You will enjoy having
all of your materials in one place, plus you will feel comfortable and relaxed which is a good thing
when studying.

74. Make sure you are prepared so you dont waste time
If you are prepared and organized, you wont waste time looking for books, papers, etc. Often our
brains look for any excuse to avoid working, so take control and get right to work.

75. Keep your desk and study area uncluttered
You will feel more relaxed in a clean and uncluttered environment. Clean off that desk and only take
out what you are currently working on.

76. Be consistent do the same things everyday
Good habits only work when you do them consistently. Its the reason why basketball players shoot
hundreds of free-throw shots every practice. Practice makes perfect they say.

77. Use an agenda/day planner everyday
Using a day planner in a must in todays busy world. You need to a place to write down your
assignments, tests, and project due dates. Also use it schedule in study time.

78. Study at different times of the daymix it up and see what works best
Try a mixture of study methods instead. You may find you learn best early in the morning, or late at

79. Talk to former students to find out what the teacher likes, dislikes etc.
Learn what your teacher likes and dislikes from former students. Teachers are all different, so figure
out what their preferences are so you can give them what they like to see.

80. Study the hard stuff first research tells us we learn best in the beginning of learning session
Our ability to process new information decreases with time, so study the hard stuff first!
Plus, you will be less stressed if you face your fears head on.


81. Have a place for everything, then keep everything in its place
Have a place for notes, homework, extra paper, supplies. Organized students just do better in school,

82. Model other organized people (steal ideas that work)
If you are having trouble getting organized, find someone who already is organized and ask them what
they do and how they do it. Most people are so flattered that someone notices their efforts that they
will be glad to help.

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83. Have plenty of supplies handy

If you are always wasting time in class looking for something to write with, you will fall behind. Get
more of what you need and have it handy.

84. When getting organized, use the PORR Method (purge, organize, replace, repeat)
Ive used the PORR method with thousands of students to get them organized quickly and easily. I
even have a great video which shows how to get any student, no matter how disorganized, how to
quickly and easily get prepared for school It has a 180 day
guarantee. How can you beat that?

85. Create a list of supplies you routinely need and stock up
Have a list of supplies so you know what to get at Staples or Office Depot. A great checklist comes with
the program!

86. Ask your teacher for help getting organized dont be shy
Just one or two tips can go a long way. Do not be shy, ask for help today!


87. The 8 Second rule
Focus on items for at least 8 seconds to get them into long-term memory. Think about how long you
usually stare at each note-card. Most students only focus on each item for a few seconds.

88. Make the boring, abstract stuff stand out in your mind
Relate the new material to something exciting in life. Pretend that its alive and active.

89. When visualizing information
Make items come alive in your mind. Make them: have color, be very large, be every small, weird, or
have motion. Make the new information stand out from the ordinary thoughts you have.

90. Get in a peak emotional state, then study
Jump up and down, pump your fist get in a peak state then start studying. When you are bored,
upset or tired you have a hard time focusing.

91. Link new material with stuff you already know
Try to relate the material to something you already know. Previous knowledge in the brain is like a
hook. When you have something to attach new material to in the brain, you increase the chance it will


92. Do the easier questions first
Dont stress over harder questions. Dive in and start making progress. You can come back to any
difficult questions later.

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93. Read the directions twice!
Dont assume you know what to do. Read the directions in every section as teachers sometimes
change the testing format.

94. Dont rush
While you do have to get the test done, pace yourself. There is no need to be the first one done.

95. Leave room to fill in more information later
Dont crowd the answer sheet. Leave space to add in information later. Many times additional
thoughts will come to you as you take the test.

96. Write out your thoughts immediately so you dont forget them
If you memorized a large amount of information and are worried youll forget it, write down the
information on the side so you can refer to it during the test.

97. Cross out answers that are obviously wrong
If a choice is obviously wrong, eliminate it right away. The less choices you have, the more confident
youll feel about choosing the correct answer.

98. Ask your teacher for clarification if you are confused
If the directions or a question is unclear, dont be afraid to ask about it.

99. For essay questions, use good essay structure (introduction, body, conclusion)
Good essay structure doesnt just apply to take home essays and assignments. Use the same good
structure you always use to make your testing essays easy to read and better looking.

100. Be clear on the point(s) you are trying to prove
When writing your essay, make sure what you are trying to prove is very clear to the teacher.
Remember, they might have 100 or more exams to grade, and if they struggle to find your main idea,
your grade will suffer.

101. Write a quick outline before you write the essay question
Just like when you write a report or essay, outline your thoughts and supporting details before you
start writing the essay. A well crafted outline will make the essay a snap.

102. Make sure you support your point(s)
Support your ideas with as many hard facts as you can. The more detail you have, the more likely you
will get full credit.

103. Wrap up the essay by writing a good solid conclusion
Dont forget to re-state your thesis at the end. Its like putting the bow on a present.

104. Answer the question they are asking, not the question you want to answer

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As a teacher for many years Ive found that students often answer the question they want or think is
being asked, and therefore fail to properly address the real question. Make sure you answer only the
question being asked.

105. Go with your first thought/instinct when you unsure of an answer
If you are unsure of which answer to choose, choose the one that first came to you. Its often the
correct choice.

106. Dont stress over each answer move on quickly to the next question
Students tend to spend precious minutes worrying about questions. You must answer each question,
then move on quickly. Dont waste time worrying about previous questions.

107. Answer as many questions as possible, dont leave any questions unanswered
Dont leave answers blank! Teachers often grade on effort, and if nothing is written down it makes it
impossible to give any credit to the student. Better to have the wrong answer than no answer at all.

108. Make sure you read ALL of the choices
Knowing that students will choose the first choice that looks good, teachers will challenge students by
putting the correct choice at the end. Read them all!

109. Look for patterns in the test
Teachers have patterns when creating test questions. Be alert and look for them throughout the year.

110. Dont hand the quiz or test in too early if there is time, use it
You dont get extra points for being the first one done a test. Even if you get done early, spend a few
extra minutes reviewing your answers. Just one incorrect answer can mean the different between and
A and a B.

111. Quickly look at the entire test
Find out how long the test is and what kind of questions are on it so you plan how you are going to
approach the test. If the exam is longer than you think youll need to answer each question more

112. Look for clues in the questions
Often times clues can be found in the question itself.

113. Look for clues later in the test
Sometimes teachers have to mention information later in the exam. If you come across the correct
answer as you go on, go back and fix your selection.


114. Find out what the correct answers are

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After the tests are handed back, make sure you know what you got wrong so you wont make that
same mistake again.

115. Find out where the questions came from (notes, book, videos, other)
If you understand where the teacher gets their questions from, youll have an advantage on the next
test. For example, if they get 95% of the question from the book, spend most of the time studying the
chapter. If on the other hand the questions come from the notes or in-class activities, study those
areas thoroughly.


116. Ask your teacher if you still dont understand, and keep asking for help, even when youre
doing well
Dont be shy. Just talking about the information will help you settle it into your brain.

117. Keep a journal in your notes of important fact and concepts for the future
Make a small box in your notes and jot down important facts and concepts.

118. Do NOT give up
No matter how you did on your test, dont give up. The past does not equal the future! Keep plugging
away and you will get better.

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