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| y chide ii il Recall Mel Reis VA\\ Dase VRC C nek N ta Mikhailov id: 800916623 " facint Rehoesine 9 past) tin my nests withthe hemes of his pret. 1 it fessiatine ho the Person vs Human Being dst een omy ple of ee Took fo lan expression, gives a lot of insight into “human beings”, and “human experience”. I Took fora exploring how tes themes uae he mre stad them here will this experience take place? This experience will take place in the Rowe Art gallery ‘on campus. = When will you do this & what is the schedule? 1 will be following the venue /art show schedules, and planning my entries in accordance with this schedule, The Rowe art shows will follow this schedule: Verve Alumni Biennial Exhibition (Aug 31-Sept 25), The McCoys: Priests of the Temple (Oct, 5-30), 2D/3D/Graphic Design BFA Student Exhibition (Nov 9-20), Art of Student Teaching Exhibition (Nov 30- Dec 8). I will be attending each event, during its duration, and making several entries on each installation What specifics about conventions have been settled? In terms of conventions, I will film on site (anwork and Rowe), and if I deem necessary, interview viewer’s at the exhibition. The interview will help me to see what they thought/ felt about the artwork; what kind of effect it had on them ete. During interviews I will make sure to dress in accordance with how others are dressing. Ifa dress code is required for the events, I will be sure to follow it -> Why do you want to do this? I chose the Rowe Art Gallery, because the ability for artwork to be an expressiveness of an individual greatly interests me. In their work, artists can convey and elevate each individual (viewer) differently. This reality about art is the reason people appreciate it so (and prices are so exorbitant!). With each stroke of the artists brush, each viewer can see a story being unfolded (Art can often say what “words” cannot), Art can be a revelation to some, as viewers can often be inspired/ elevated to a higher self. In this case, an artist is our definition of a “human being”; one who improves himself and elevates those around. Without art, it could be said, that many of the greatest artists would just be “persons”. They would be content with the world around them, and would not strive to improve themselves and the art world. This is because many great artists have their beginnings, in their inspiration, and desire to improve. It is in this inspiration that they are able to do great things (the elevation to “human beings”). An example of an artist improving another is that of young, Michelangelo. Early on Michelangelo became so inspired by the legendary artists at the time, from Donatello to Verrochio, that he sought to improve himself. This spark of inspiration became fundamental to his success. Due to this unique impact artwork has on each individual, Twould be fascinated to find out how people are “engendered” by the art at Rowe. I would test this by observing and interviewing the viewers. I look forward to finding out, how it impacts them, in contrast, to how it impacts me. In sticking to the idea of unique interpretations, and inspirations of art, I would also be fascinated by the student side of the Rowe Gallery. I would be excited to explore how their experience, and working in Rowe, motivated their works. “Alternates? Why would they be suitable? As alternates I chose: The Botanical Gardens, and Starbucks. I have interest in the Gardens, because of meditative / healing vibe of the garden. I believe this is significant to the project’s topic, because in this meditative state we are able to reflect on: our lives, our existence, and our future. The natural context of the garden allows us to explore the embracing of the “human experience”. I chose Starbucks (on campus), because it provides the illusion of busyness, as if itis situated on a busy downtown street. I believe this urban vibe is very important to the assignment, because in this fast paced environment I am reminded greatly about success. We can link success to human elevation. I would be fascinated to interview the busy bodies at Starbucks, to asses how they are engendered by this place.

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