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1 samam - controllling all sencing incldign gross and subtle + mind

5 + 5 + 1 = 11.
2 thatva vicharana or contemplation - Differentiation between essncial and none
or Atma and non-atma...
3 satisfaction - no craving for extenl things.
4 satsang 1 2 3 4 gate keepers of Moksha kingdom.

Follow the master

Face the devil
Fight to the end
Finish the game.


The science of liberation(moksha vignanam) = 2 vasana kshayam + 3 mano nasa + 1

tathva vignanam.
vasana = samskara (good and bad)
these 1 2 3 leads 4 positition in atma 5
great libaration.
Pratyahara = removing senses from objects / keeping mind in the atma/silence/bre
use pratyahara to control senses.....
Control senses leads to -> control mind .
Tips to control mind:
1) Adyatma knowledge.
2) Sadhusatsang.
3) Vasana ksayam. contemplation or remembrance of death ceases vasanas/ see the
seen as whimsical or projections
4) Pranayama.
continuos sadhana + vairagyam
continuou Practice + renunciation


Purusha prayatna
Control of mind and senses
drusyam - midyatatvam
controlling of sexual desire.

BhagavathGeetha: 2 nd chapter, 12 nd chapter , 13 nd and 16 th chapter

1) pratice early morning dyana practice.

2) meditate 1/2 hour ---> 3 hours
seersha n sarvanga asanas.
walk ..little pranayama
3) chant any matra a minimum of 108 .
4) Eat wisely, fruits and milk.
5) Have a mediatation room
6) Donate 5/100 percent.
7) READ any Brahmagnana.
8) save VEERYA the life energy
9) byheart few slokas and mantras for fast remmbrance before meditation.
10) keep away from bad habits and bad friends..
11) Ekadasi fast - take milk and fruits.
12) keep a beads next to you always and practice.
13) practice mouna vrata...
14) Always speak truth- speak less - speak nicely...
15) keep watch on ur desires and control it.
16) Never hurt others.. control anger using love-forgive-kindness.
17) before sleeping ., Do (inner cleaning)atma pariseelana -- confess and never
commit them again.
18) remember the death always...have good displine.
19) Before sleep and after wakig up ... remember god .. dedicate everything to h
20) Be modest -> have devotion and fear to god or paramatma.

Eating etiquttte stuff:


Sattvik food
limited food
prasadam - kabalam.
earned honestly
un cooked food.

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