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Idiocracy is satirical science fiction comedy about the story of two ordinary people from

the present who take part in a top-secret military hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500
years in the future in a dystopian society full of extremely stupid people. The films director is
Mike Judge and the cast includes Luke Wilson as Corporal Joe Bauers,Maya Rudolph as a
prostitute named Rita, Dax Shepard as Frito Pendejo ,a stupid man of the future, and Terry Crews
as President Camacho, the president of the U.S.A. in future.
The story begins when Corporal Joe Bauers and a prostitute named Rita are selected for
a suspended animation experiment which is supposed to last one year,but the experiment is
forgotten when the officer in charge (Michael McCafferty) is arrested for starting a prostitution
business. Five hundred years later, when the average IQ has dropped drastically, Joe and Rita's
suspension chambers are unearthed by the collapse of a mountain-sized garbage pile. Joe's
suspension chamber smashes through the wall of the apartment of Frito Pendej. Joe is arrested
for not having a bar code tattoo to pay for his doctor's appointment, only then realizing the current
year and society's state. Joe is renamed "Not Sure" by a faulty identity tattooing machine, and
takes an IQ test before outsmarting the prison guards and escaping. Joe returns to Frito's
apartment to ask him if a time machine exists to help him return to 2005. His IQ test identified him
as the smartest man alive. Joe Bauers is obligated by President Camacho to solve various issues
of the state.
The film is full of funny moments. The actors especially Luke Wilson and Dax Shepard
plays great roles, Luke making the film somewhat emotional. The directing is excellent.
This film is well worth seeing. It will make you to think about the future of this world in who
live a lot of idiots. Personally, this film got me thinking. Dont miss it!

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