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from By Joachim Pietzsch

Cyberspace? Health portals

that inform both patients
and doctors are
shooting up like mush-
rooms. Pioneering
cyber medicine Web sites
include OncoLink
in the United States and
Inkanet in Germany

The Internet gives

patients access to precise
information on the
current state of medical
research for the first
time. Patients are becoming
increasingly well-informed –
the patient as critical
ibraries can be places of horror. Like ed patient in the
a bolt of lightning sending her to the final stages of the
bottomless abyss, Anja Forbriger disease. “I had the
found the text in a medical diction- feeling that the
ary at her local library, a dictionary she used world had just stopped,” she recalls. Anja For- ered that it was already some 20 years old.
to look up the diagnosis she had been given briger was 27 years old at the time; she had Maybe the intervening years had seen an in-
only hours before. “Good thing I caught you,” just taken her degree in cultural studies and crease in survival rates for patients with
the chief doctor yelled out to her as she had her first full-time job contract in her Hodgkin’s disease? This did indeed turn out
made her rounds in the hospital. “You have pocket. At first, she had not taken the swell- to be the case, as she discovered the next day
Hodgkin’s disease; now it’s up to hematolo- ing in her throat seriously; there was no pain. on the Internet. One helpful site Anja discov-
gy to take care of you.” And with that the doc- Then, however, she began to suffer attacks of ered was OncoLink, an online cancer infor-
tor disappeared into the next room. extreme tiredness, and her doctor sent her to mation service run by the University of Penn-
This was in January 1995. “Malignant the hospital. A tissue sample was taken from sylvania. It was here that Anja struck gold. “I
tumor of the lymph nodes” is what Anja For- her the day after her graduation party. Cancer read the whole night long.” Over time what
Illustrations: Christoph Niemann

briger found in the medical dictionary under of the lymph nodes: a dark cloud which became even more important to her than the
the heading “Hodgkin’s disease” and she also threatened to wipe out her future. plethora of facts were the virtual self-help
discovered that most people with the disease Fortunately, the young woman – herself a groups of Hodgkin’s disease patients that she
die painful deaths as a result. The article was trained librarian – took a second and closer found through OncoLink. Such communities,
accompanied by a photograph of a torment- look into the medical dictionary and discov- e-mail discussion groups, keep their mem-


Web sites like Web

Medicine and OncoLink now
provide information on
diagnoses and treatments to
hundreds of thousands
of patients

bers in touch with each other via e-mail. “I is not a scientifically proven hypothesis: Most of these doctors said the information
cried,” says Anja, recalling her first log-in. “Which effect is more predominant, a feeling their patients presented appeared trustworthy
“Suddenly I could cry. I felt a contact that re- of help or one of insecurity, depends on the but had previously been unknown to them. In
moved my horror. I was no longer alone with individual. Some patients don’t want to know other words, the need for doctors to keep up-
my fear.” She wrote an e-mail and asked for much, whereas for others the Internet is an in- to-date is increasing, and what the Scottish
advice. exhaustible source of information.” study revealed is true elsewhere: patients who
Overall, however, it has become clear that obtain information about their diseases from
Source of emotional strength
the Internet will change the relationship the Internet play a more active part in their
The first answer was quick in coming, from between doctor and patient. Eysenbach cites own treatment, have higher expectations of
Steve in Salt Lake City: “Do not panic,” he a survey, the results of which were presented their doctors, and demand more of their time.
calmed her. He, too, suffered from Hodgkin’s in the Journal of Medical Internet Research,
Meeting on more equal terms
but had won his battle against the disease, and which he publishes. The survey looked at how
she would win it too, he said. “And then he the Internet affects doctors in Glasgow, Scot- “The Internet saved my spleen, at least,” says
wrote about the snow that had fallen during land, all of whom have Internet access via the Anja Forbriger in answer to the question as to
the night,” Anja Forbriger recalls. “He had to National Health Service. Although time pres- whether or not she would have been able to
finish up writing his e-mail because he want- sures and lack of computer expertise often successfully face up to her cancer without the
ed to go out and ski.” This was amazing. In- represent an obstacle for the doctors, some 70 Internet. She was diagnosed with stage IIa:
stead of writing about death, Steve, the survi- percent of those surveyed said they used the two lymph regions on the upper diaphragm
vor, was writing about snow. Anja felt an “in- Internet for medical information purposes. were cancerous, requiring either chemother-
describable emotional strength.” And if doctors intend to fulfill their patients’ apy or radiation treatment, and the treatment
Dr. Gunther Eysenbach also believes that increasing demands for knowledge, they will plan also called for surgical removal of Anja’s
the Internet can be a source of strength for have no other choice but to use the Internet. slightly enlarged spleen. However, on the Web
cancer sufferers. The head of the Research Some 58 percent of the doctors said they had site of an American cancer research center,
Group for Cyber Medicine at the University been confronted by patients with health infor- Anja found an article that contradicted this
of Heidelberg, Germany, emphasizes that this mation they had garnered from the Internet. treatment plan. The spleen did not necessari-

Internet health portals
are increasing the pressure
on doctors to keep abreast
of new developments.
Well-informed patients
play a more active role in
their own treament

KID, the Cancer

Information Service of
the German Cancer
Research Center in Heidel-
berg, presents the
latest findings in oncologi-
cal research

ly have to be removed; information network for in Heidelberg has been posting up-to-date in-
in certain cases local- cancer sufferers and their formation on oncology since April 1999. KID
ized radiation treatment loved-ones. Even at the has operated an extensive and anonymous
would do the trick. very start of her illness she telephone advisory service since 1986,
Armed with her article, had begun to make the in- through which it has answered more than
Anja entered into hard- formation she retrieved 170,000 requests for information.
nosed discussions with from the Internet available
New counseling service
her doctors and convinced them to leave her to others. “I distributed printouts of informa-
spleen in place, because without it – as she tion from the Web all over the hospital be- “We cannot substitute for a discussion with a
had learned on the Internet – she would be cause I was so outraged at how alone patients doctor,” says KID chief Birgit Hiller. “We
less protected from the possibility of her were left. They didn’t even put up the tele- don’t give any recommendations, but we do
tumor’s returning. phone numbers of the most important cancer try to provide information on the current state
advisory centers.” After a person has been di- of oncological research.” In Hiller’s opinion,
Serious help for patients
agnosed with “cancer” they are overwhelmed the Internet is used in a completely different
“There remain very large holes in our under- by so much at once that they can hardly get way than the traditional telephone counsel-
standing of the effect that cyber medicine has through the next two weeks. Patients are sent ing service: “Patients and increasingly their
on patients. But as researchers we are also to CT without being told, for example, that CT loved-ones go into the Net right away after the
obliged not to simply follow Internet euphor- stands for computer tomography – to say diagnosis; the telephone advice service, on
ia blindly but to help doctors and consumers nothing of what it means or does. “The doc- the other hand, is generally called upon after
use the medium to the best effect,” said Dr. tors have too little time to explain things and the first treatment, when the patient is once
Eysenbach during the opening of a world they are often lacking in any feeling for the again at home and finding his or her feet
congress on “Internet and Medicine” which needs of the patient,” is how Anja Forbriger again.” The “early” use of the Internet shows
he organized in Heidelberg in 1999. Anja describes her experience. The Cancer Infor- a clearly increasing interest in issues sur-
Forbriger also attended the congress. Semi- mation Service (Krebsinformationsdienst, or rounding cancer prevention. KID offers trust-
convalescent, she founded Inkanet in 1996, an KID) at the German Cancer Research Center worthy and understandable information, and

– who charged 25 dollars for his services – ed to a positive evaluation of the site’s con-

e-health wrote that the condition was probably not

anything too bad and recommended vitamin
C and a homeopathic medicine. Another an-
tent by medical experts. “This seal of approv-
al will initially confirm nothing more than the
fact that we have not discovered any out-and-
its highly trained team means that the reliabi- swered by saying that the patient was prob- out nonsense on a particular site.”
lity of this information can be maintained at ably suffering from a dysfunctional secretory Inkanet, the information network for can-
all times. system and recommended eating two apples cer sufferers and their loved-ones, has now be-
Extensive quality assurance – not just in and drinking a glass of warm water as an im- come a must-visit site for many people. “With
the field of oncology – is therefore of the ut- mediate treatment. 50,000 pages accessed monthly, we are oper-
most concern for cyber doctors like Gunther ating the most used self-help Web site for can-
New mark of quality
Eysenbach when it comes to the future of cer patients in Germany,” says Anja Forbriger.
medicine and information on the Internet. Dr. Eysenbach does not only see his job as The self-help network, which Forbriger and a
“The quality of medical information can helping to establish regulatory systems to pre- small team run in their free time, offers pati-
mean the difference between life and death vent outcomes of this kind. He also wants to ents a great deal: tips on new forms of treat-
for a patient.” Eysenbach examined the state counter such developments on the Internet ment as well as inside information on how to
of the service currently available on the In- with high-quality medical advice. Together deal with the disease, contact with other can-
ternet in an experiment he outlined in the Brit- with a group of colleagues he has developed cer patients, and words of encouragement
ish medical journal, The Lancet. First of all he, an Internet portal for skin dis- from those who have overcome the disease.
used the search engines Yahoo and Altavista eases. The main part of the site is comprised “Our strength lies in the fact that we have ex-
to find 17 so-called “cyberdocs” offering of an atlas of 600 skin diseases that attracts perienced what we are talking about,” says
medical consultations on the Internet. He approximately 3,000 hits a day. Anja Forbriger.
posed as a potential patient, and looked for However, Eysenbach’s most ambitious
Better chances of recovery?
advice via e-mail: “Hello. I am a 55-year-old project is the establishment of a system for
man and I have a severe skin problem,” he awarding marks of quality for medical infor- “The Internet is a wonderful medium because
began, describing the typical symptoms for mation on the Internet, a project that is receiv- it breaks the silence and shows the hurt; it
shingles (herpes zoster), and added that as ing support from the European Union. The helps to break through the isolation that
the result of a kidney transplant he was tak- seal of approval will be called “Medcertain” cancer patients suffer.” This champion of
ing immunosuppressive drugs. This descrip- and it should go into service for the first time patients rights goes on to say that there should
tion should not only have led all doctors to a next year. Sites offering medical information be Internet access for cancer patients in every
clear diagnosis, but also to a clear treatment: will have to take active steps in order to gain hospital. In order to support this call scientif-
acyclovir, the drug that would stop the life- the “Medcertain” seal, which will be offered ically, Anja Forbriger is also working on a
threatening infection. in three stages. The first step will require sites clinical study that is intended to demonstrate
to provide specific details – also accessible whether or not cancer patients with access to
A need for caution
to all users – so that the Internet have better
Five of the 17 cyberdocs did indeed give this they can be identified chances of recovery. Her
one and only correct piece of advice. Three and registered. The scientific partner in this en-
did not want to recommend any treatment be- second step is tied to deavor is Dr. Gunther Ey-
cause they said they did not have sufficient the fulfillment of cer- senbach. Should the results
dermatological expertise. And seven did not tain formal criteria, of the study come in posi-
answer at all. Had the case been genuine this such as the separation tive, then the Internet will
lack of response would have been no less dan- of information con- rightly deserve the status of
gerous than the two most dubious answers that tent and advertising. a virtual library that pro-
Eysenbach received. One supposed cyberdoc The third step is relat- motes health. ≈

Anja Forbriger Recommended Web Sites

is the founder of the Inkanet health portal French magazine for e-medicine
(, one of the most impor- German healthcare network
tant self-help Web sites for cancer patients University of Pennsylvania cancer center Detailed information from the
in Germany. Anja Forbriger suffered from
advisory service of the German Cancer Research Center
cancer in the middle of the 1990s herself – American healthcare portal
she now considers herself a “survivor.” Journal of Medical Internet Research
Among other things, the demands of this en- United States National Library of Medicine,
ergetic advocate of patients’ rights include the world’s largest online medical library
Internet access for cancer patients at every German portal on skin diseases
hospital. Site for Hodgkin’s disease patients


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