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0 - 12/18/2011 Creation begins

v1.0 - 12/18/2011 Released to HonorBuddy Forums for public use
v1.0 - 12/22/2011 Finalized v1.0 with additions from Guide section and no1knowsys input


Getting Started

***Downloading HonorBuddy--------------------------------------------- 5
***Installing HonorBuddy-------------------------------------------------- 6
***Before you launch HonorBuddy-------------------------------------- 8


***HonorBuddy User Interface-------------------------------------------***Adding Plugins-----------------------------------------------------------***Adding Custom Classes------------------------------------------------***When to Restart My Bot------------------------------------------------


How to Use an SVN


PvP Gear in a Few Short Days (coming in v1.1)

Mining & Herbing in a Few Short Minutes (in v1.1)
Profession Plugins (in v1.1)


General Tips


Troubleshooting (Authentication, Attaching Logs & More)


Advanced: this is designed to be a beginner guide; more advanced issues may be



covered at a later date.


Hey there, my name is ArmyDr, long time bot user, but fairly new to
HonorBuddy (HB). After struggling to get started with HonorBuddy, but realizing just
how easy the bot was to setup, I found it quite surprising there was not a singular
beginners guide. This guide was built to serve as a single, downloadable guide that
would explain everything you would need to know to start botting within a few
shorts minutes after paying for the bot.
What was my motivation to build this guide?
My experience thus far is that the community on the HonorBuddy is very
helpful. However, when I got started I wanted a guide to walk me through the initial
setup, and I wanted to be able to BG Bot as soon as possible. After paying for the
bot, I stumbled my way to the download site, and tried to open the bot (which is
how some other bots work). I found out that you had to have WOW open first. But
it still didnt work, so after searching I found that I had to have it in windowed mode,
non-minimized and NOT DirectX 11 (but DirectX 9). After selecting the BG Bot I had
no clue what if any profile to load, what the settings meant, and no clue what
plugins or CCs (Custom Classes) were. I read every link that I could find, including
the ones posted on a thread I created out of frustration. I eventually found every
answer I needed. All and all it still only took me about 2 hours to have my BG Bot
running with 5 custom plugins and a decent CC. So again, my goal is to make it take
much less than 2 hours for you!
Much of the information can be found, and in some cases was cut and paste
from the Forums/Wiki. That being said, I am only human, so if you see additions or
changes you would like, please post of the forums, and I will continue to update this
as time allows.

Getting Started: (see highlighted boxes)

1) Click HERE to download HB

2) You should see the latest version of HB, click that link

3) Click the Download button

4) You can Open or Save the file

*If you need additional instructions /images the Wiki has a

decent storyboard HERE

Getting Started continued:

Its as simple as extracting the zip folder.

You never want to extract a new version of Honorbuddy on top of a previously installed version.
Always extract new Honorbuddy releases into a 'fresh' directory.

You can name the folder whatever you like

It is recommended on the Wiki to install into the same
folder your WOW is installed, i.e.

Open your HB folder and RIGHT click on Honorbuddy.exe

Then click on properties

Getting Started continued:

Change Compatibility>Privilege Level to Run as Admin

Finally it is recommended you make a shortcut for ease of

use. Right click on your HonorBuddy.exe and click Create
*If you need additional instructions /images the Wiki has a
decent storyboard HERE

Getting Started continued:

Before you launch HonorBuddy

A computer running Windows XP (or later) OS
If youre not using Windows 7 you need .NET 3.5 SP1
*Not sure which .Net you have? See HERE or HERE
WOW Specific:
Latest Live WOW Patch (Private Servers NOT Supported)
Must log into your WOW account BEFORE opening HB
Must log into a specific character BEFORE opening HB
Must have WOW Windowed and NOT minimized
Must have DirectX Set to 9


HonorBuddy UI
1) Login This is the first thing you should see when launching
HB (remember, you have to log into WOW FIRST!)

This is the key you receive via email after purchase

Ensure no space at first/end & leave password blank
2) HB if you have no errors you should see one of two screens:

Depending on if you have Enhanced Mode checked

Keeping this checked allows for easy access to buttons which are
very useful (see below)

3) Dropdown Menu
This is where you chose
Your Base bot
QuestBot, GrindBot,
BgBot, GB2 etc...

4) Load Profile profiles can be stored anywhere

The profile you load will be dependent on the Bot Base (your
choice above in #3)
You can download profiles from the forums at the following
Tested Profiles
Submitted Profiles
Be sure to read the entire post BEFORE downloading and +Rep
the contributor if you chose to use their profile.

5) Settings and Tools

*** This is a good place to
Show you that you can
Resize HonorBuddy and
Each frame in HB

Mount this is required for most Bases/profiles

Ground and Flying are
Auto-populated if you
Select Automatic
Random will chose an
Appropriate mount
Mount Distance is the distance to walk before mounting (useful
in grinding/BG profiles/others to prevent mounting up for a mob
that is only 20-50 yards away).
Mouse-over one of the corners and drag to resize
*** If you want to manually add a mount, click HERE

Settings and Tools cont

If you click on Advanced Mode and Resize you should see this

Although it says Advanced most of these settings are selfexplanatory

*** Finding your Food ID click HERE
*** If you dont know what a Mesh is no worries, it is not
something you need to worry about for most uses

6) Bot Config dependent on the Bot Base you chose

Again, most of these settings are self-explanatory

***If you need more explanation about one of these settings,

please let me know, and Ill probably add it to this guide. Post
suggestions HERE

7) Class Config (CC) This section is important and should be set

before first running HB. It will control how your class reacts to
certain situations (i.e. spell/ability rotations, heals, etc)
***Hb comes with a very basic CC (aka Singular) but it is
recommended to try the CC thread to see which works best for
you. CC Thread HERE. How to install a CC HERE.

Here is an example of the CC I use on my priest

8) Plugins Think of plugins like Addons/Mods to WoW, only these

are Addons to HonorBuddy. There are a multitude of Plugins and
the variety is vast. Download them HERE & How to Install HERE

Please read the entire post and adjust settings of the profile before use!
*** Some Plugins Do NOT have a config Panel and therefore the Settings Button will be greyed out***

Sample Plugins:
AutoEquip2 will equip gear based on your preference
eAuction can help in posting auctions
ProfessionBuddy will level your professions!!!
Flask of Enhancement will use your FoE every 2 hours
MrHonorCap will purchase honor gear based on your choices

9) Developers Tools will not discuss this in guide, as this is

beyond the scope of this guide at present This is what the panel
looks like:


Adding Plugins
1) Download plugin via zip file or SVN client (found HERE)
2) Place into /Honorbuddy/Plugins/ directory (see below)
3) If HB already started click on "Recompile All", although a restart
is preferred
4) To be sure it was loaded properly, and to active, checkmark it
next to the list in Plugins window

Open HB Directory, then Plugins Directory, then Drag and

Drop/Download/Extract into this Directory

Adding Custom Classes

1) Download CC via zip file or SVN client (found HERE)
2) Place CC folder into /Honorbuddy/CustomClasses/ directory (see
3) Be sure to rename the folder if needed (Fpsware CCs need this)
4) Restart of Honorbuddy is required
5) Upon pressing Class Config in Honorbuddy it should show a list to
choose from (only shows CCs that support your Class, but not
necessarily Spec)
6) Any other needed steps will be listed on the respective CC's
As with Plugins, place your
Download/SVN into this directory:

Choices: When you start Bot

Or press CC Config you will get
This dialog box if you have
More than one CC

When to Restart My Bot:

Actions that require a restart

If you change characters
If you close WOW (and reopen)
If you want to change a Custom Class (CC)
Recommend that you restart if
Told to do so in the HB Log Window
After adding a plugin (pressing 'Recompile All' may work instead)
Anytime you feel that something isn't working as intended or
You do NOT need to restart after
Updating the settings of a Plugin
Updating the settings of a Custom Class Config
Changing settings under general Settings and Tools
Changing Bot base
Changing Profile

How to Use an SVN:

The video guide by Jvidia is great - found HERE

1) Find an SVN you want and copy the link

2) Download & Install TortoiseSVN

3) Create a folder (your choice of name/location)
***Remember location for plugin/cc specific SVNs
4) Right click on the folder you created
5) Then press SVN Checkout
6) Paste your link here

7) Press OK, wait for download, then press OK again all done!
If you ever need to update right click on the folder and press

Coming in Version 1.1

PvP Gear in a Few Short Days
Mining & Herbing in a Few Short Minutes
Profession Plugins


General Tips:

#1 Botting is dangerous
Expect to get your account banned at some time (makes it
hurt less when it actually happens).
If you will cry to lose an account to botting, do NOT bot on
that account
If you are detected, there is no safe period of when to start
botting again. You were likely reported by another player. As
far as I know there is no "flagging", but a repeat offense will
likely result in a perma ban.
Finally, reducing time botting, using secure
profiles/plugins/CCs and making sure your combat looks real
(in pvp/pve) should help
#2 Give +Rep
If you download a profile/plugin/cc
Someone helps you on the forums
This takes mere seconds
Especially if it was free!!!
#3 Be sure to read at least the first page of the thread for the
CC/Profile/Plugin/Program you download and intend to use
#4 Be sure to check and/or adjust Custom Class settings for every
one of your characters BEFORE botting on that toon


Manually Adding a Mount this is also how you can add other
items, npcs, etc.

Go to
Type in the name of your mount

Click on your mount

Click on your mounts Use:

The #s after the = is the Mount ID
***Apparently the name of the mount/food/drink works in most cases***
Adding Food same as above
1) Go to
2) Type in the name of your food or drink
3) Click on it / Mouse-over the link
4) The numbers after item= is the Food/Drink ID


***If you cant find your answer on the forums, you should post in
the support thread with an attached log.
Authentication - To verify you have paid for the # of accounts you
are botting on, HB creates a session for each log in. It takes roughly
one minute for a session to expire after closing a session
To manually reset a session you will need to:
create an account HERE
kill selected session

Attaching a Log 1) Locating your log files

2) Find the most recent log
Sort by Date modified

Attaching a Log cont:

3) Add the log to your post
If starting a new thread


If posting via quick reply (click go advanced and then use above)

Attaching a Log cont:

4) Adding your files (click +Add Files, then click Select Files)

5) Browse to your log files using #1 & #2 above

6) Click Done button
7) Then submit your post

Additional Technical Issues: check the Wiki HERE


#1 How to create a basic Grinding/Farming/Reputation Profile:
#2 May or may not be more to follow

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