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To enter into the pose, begin in our standard Badhakonasana.

slowly roll backwards onto you lower back. Finally, rock back and
forth slowly to message your lower back, while at the same time
keeping your legs pulled in to stretch the groin. This pose works
your balance and flexibility in the groin. It requires your core to
come into work in order to maintain a center of balance and not tip
over to the side. It will work wonders in opening up the groin. The
main precaution to take in this pose is to maintain your selfahimsa. This pose will be beneficial unless you decide to stretch
your groin too wide, or rock to vigorously on your delicate back. I
chose this pose because it addresses a few of my current injuries,
while giving my core (which I love very much) some easy
practical use. This pose is also very relaxed and chill which is
how I enjoy living my life.

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