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Storyline: Russell was a very good student.

But, recently, a tragic incident from his past is really bothering him. He
got extremely traumatized. He couldnt concentrate on anything. Consequently, his grades got degraded. One
day, he was thinking about bribing the admission officer to make him a fake report card. That night he had a
thrilling, life changing dream which made him realize that he had to change.
[In the South Shore Hospital, Russell talking with the Oncologist Dr. David about his fathers condition]
Russell: Will my father be alright?
Dr. David: Im sorry to say that your fathers condition is not that good.
Russell: [Gasp] Isnt there any way to save her?
Dr. David: Yes, there is. We have to go for an immediate surgery. But youll have to pay $60,000 for the surgery to
Russell: Thats the amount of money I need to finish my final year of undergraduate degree. [He went on a deep
Dr. David: Russell, your father will die without the surgery.
Russell: Alright, Ill pay. Ive the money in my bank account. Just give me a day to pay you in cash.
Dr. David: [Smiling] Really happy to know that youre willing to sacrifice your chance to build your career for your
mother. May God be by your side. We shall begin the procedure for surgery straightaway.
Russell: Thank you, Doctor.
[Russell exits with a worried face]
[Soliloquy] [Russell in his room at night laying down in his bed concerned about his future]
Russell: After my mother died, my father is the only person I can call my family. Im really thankful to God that my
father will be fine. But, how will I finish my undergraduate degree? There really isnt a way I can foresee, or
perhaps I canhmmwhat if I illegally get the certificate by bribing the admission officer. Yes, I heard a lot of
rumors about Mr. Harper taking bribes from students for passing the tests and he never get caught. He is my only
way [Falls asleep].
[As Russell sleeps, Mr. Peter stands watching him for a moment. He is the principal. He looks very calm and
caring, but has an underlying severity that becomes more and more apparent. After watching Russell sleep for a
moment, he shines a table light in his face.]
Mr. Peter: Wake up, Russell. Much to do with very little time.
Russell: [Opening his eyes, startled] what? [He sits up]. Where am I?
Mr. Peter: You are in the conference room, Russell. [He retrieves a walkie-talkie from his belt, speaks into it] Hes
Russell: What am I doing here?
Mr. Peter: We have some questions for you. Its easier this way. Breakfast? [Into walkie-talkie]. Bring in some
[The door opens and Mr. Henry enters carrying a tray with a plate of French toast and a glass of orange juice in it]
[Russell gets off the table and Mr. Henry puts the tray on the table]
Russell: Excuse me, I dont want to be rude
Mr. Peter: One moment Russell. [To Mr. Henry] Thats all for now.
Mr. Henry: Is he ready to be questioned? I want a crack at him early on.

Mr. Peter: I said thats all for now.

[Mr. Henry exists the room]
Russell: Mr. Peter?
Mr. Peter: What is it, Russell?
Russell: Do my brother know that I am here?
Mr. Peter: We did not whisk you from your bed without permission. Your brother is well aware, but we will talk
about that in a moment. [He sits down across from Russell at the table, opens a file, looks at it a moment] Let me
say at first, Russell, that you are an exemplary student. Straight As, no absence, not even a tardy.
Russell: Thank you.
Mr. Peter: Nowadays, what happened to you? You are not up to the mark. Lets be upfront and fortnight, shall
we? Why dont you just confess?
Russell: But I really have no idea what you are talking about.
Mr. Peter: I see. [Into walkie-talkie] Come remove the boys tray.
[Mr. Henry enters immediately, takes the tray away from him who hasnt touched a bite]
Mr. Henry: Has he confessed?
Mr. Peter: No.
Mr. Henry: Give me a few moments alone with him, Mr. Peter. I can get him to confess. Im sure of it.
Mr. Peter: Why dont you do me a favor? Send in the boys father and his brother.
[Mr. Henry exits the room]
Russell: Mr. Peter, I am getting a little scared. But I dont even know what I did
[The door opens and Mr. Henry ushers in Mr. Ramsay and Mr. Gary. Mr. Ramsay is sobbing in an exaggerated
manner and Mr. Gary is in a furious mood]
Mr. Peter: That will be all for the moment Mr. Henry. Thank you.
[Mr. Henry exits the room]
Russell: Father? Youre supposed to be in the hospital!
Mr. Gary: Sir, I am terribly sorry for all the inconvenience my brother has caused. I am also sorry that you had to
come to the University on a weekend, because of my troubling brother.
Mr. Peter: Dont worry about me. Focus on what are you going to do about him [Pointing at Russell]
Mr. Ramsay: Oh! I tried to be a good father. Mr. Peter! I did the best I could! Oh! I tried and tried!
Mr. Gary: Please, find the goodness in your heart that our father tried his best to instill in you, and admit it! If you
ever loved your family, please, please, please! Admit it!
[Russell sits quietly unsure of whats going on]
Mr. Ramsay: Russell, you have to come and confess. Until you do so, I am afraid theres no other way out.
Russell: I have no idea what are you talking about. I dont even know how I got here. I didnt even get a proper
breakfast yet.
Mr. Gary: You are not the same boy our father raised.
Mr. Ramsay: I dont know what has happened to you, but I am very disappointed.

Mr. Peter: Okay, it isnt working this way. Why dont you wait in my office until Russell comes to his senses? [Into
walkie-talkie] Mr. Henry, please escort them into my office.
[Mr. Peter stares a Russell a moment. He then slams his fist down on the table. Russell is startled. Mr. Peter grins]
Mr. Peter: [Into the walkie-talkie] Mr. Henry bring in the peer mediator.
[The door opens and Mr. Henry brings in Shannon. She is very pretty. She also seems very nice.]
Mr. Henry: Shannon, the peer mediator, Mr. Peter.
Mr. Peter: Thank you, Mr. Henry.
Mr. Henry: When do I get a crack at him?
Mr. Peter: That will be all, Mr. Henry. [Mr. Henry exits, grumbling] [To Shannon] I believe you know Russell, right?
Shannon: Yes, Sir, I do. We take electronics class together.
Mr. Peter: Yes, how nice. And Russell, I believe you have a crush on Shannon, Correct?
Russell: WhatIdont
Mr. Peter: Dont be embarrassed, Russell. Shannon, do you mind that Russell has a crush on you?
Shannon: [Embarrassed] its fine, Mr. Peter. Russell, theres no point in hiding. We all have problems in our lives,
we all make mistakes. Just confess and everything will be alright.
Russell: What do you mean by alright?
Shannon: I have spoken with the principal. He said he will overlook your crime and forgive you if you admit your
Russell: But I havent done anything wrong. Why are you people accusing me of something that I havent done?
Shannon: Russell, you are impossible. I cant deal with you anymore. [To Mr. Peter] He wont listen to me. I wish I
could help you but its a lost cause.
Mr. Peter: Dont be fret, dear. We have other methods of persuasion.
[Mr. Peter sends Mr. Henry to deal with Russell]
Mr. Henry: So, its my turn. [Slaps his hands together] Good! [He closes the door, Looks over at Russell. He adopts
a tough guy attitude.] Well, well, well. I aint your mommy or daddy, kid, and I aint no peer mediator. I do things
my own way.
[Mr. Henry cracks his knuckles]
Russell: You dont scare me. What are you going to do?
Mr. Henry: You got something to say, punk! Huh! You think you are so cool, dont you? Well you aint nothing.
Do you hear me? So Mr. Tough guy, what are you going to do who we kick you out of here?
Russell: Do you even have the authority to do that?
Mr. Henry: Yes!
Mr. Peter: No.
Mr. Henry: Huh?
Mr. Peter: Henry, you know you dont have the authority to kick a student out of this school. You are my yes-man.
No more, no less.
Mr. Henry: Right, sorry.

Mr. Peter: Now, you have had you crack at him as you call it, and, as I expected, it didnt help one bit. Please
bring in Mr. Harper.
[Russell got surprised after hearing Mr. Harpers name]
Mr. Peter: Russell, I really feel bad to lose a merit student like you. If you had confessed, I would reduce your
punishment but since youre not going to
[Mr. Harper enters]
Mr. Harper: Im sorry Russell, but this time I got caught by my new administrate officer. I totally underestimated
him. I completely understand what youre going through and this time I really wanted to commit a crime for a
good cause butIm really sorry Russell.
Russell: How is this possible? I didnt
Mr. Peter: Enough Russell, not a single word. Im expelling you from my prestigious University.
Mr. Harper: Sir please, take my job but not his career. Hes a brilliant student. He could get the certificate fair and
square only if he had money to complete his final year.
Mr. Peter: Mr. Harper stop! [taking a long breath] II cannot take any decision now. All of you, out my office!
[When he went out of the conference room, two senior and one junior student compared to Russell entered the
Jason: This is a reputed University. What are you trying to do? Destroy the Universitys reputation? You think you
can away with that?
Russell: No, I was just
Jason: Shut up. Not a single word. Even if the principal lets you stay here, I guarantee you, I will make your life
Rafael: For you, now, theres a black mark in regards of our Universitys reputation. Its a University. I cannot
punish you physically. But, right after you get out of here you will be facing a serious chain of mental torture.
Russell: I am extremely sorry. Okay, I confess. I bribed the admission officer to make me a fake report card.
Michael: I used to respect you as a senior brother. You were my role model. But now, I am very disappointed. I
hope you will change again so that I can give you the respect you deserve.
Russell: Guys, I cant take it anymore. Stop it, please! You all are driving me crazy. Expel me already. Enough is
[Russell wakes up from sleep. He realizes he has to change. Past is in the past. Yes, past is a part of our life. But
that doesnt mean we have to stick to it. We have to learn from our mistakes and move on.]

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