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Hydrazine and sodium sulfite are the most widely used chemical oxygen scavengers
for boiler feed water. Though sodium sulfite reacts with dissolved oxygen at a faster
rate even at low temperatures it increases the dissolved solids in boiler water and
causes loss of thermal energy due to the requirement of increased frequency of blow
downs to reduce the solid contents. Decomposition of sodium sulfite also becomes
significant at boiler pressures above 950 psig and hence not used in high pressure
boilers. In comparison hydrazine does not contribute to the dissolved salt contents of
the boiler water. Hydrazine is slightly volatile but starts to decompose to ammonia at
1 Issued as Technical Report No. SWCC RDC)-27 in June, 1993

high temperatures reducing its efficiency as oxygen scavenger. In comparison with
sodium sulfite hydrazine reacts with oxygen slowly and the kinetics of reaction
increases as temperature increases.
Hydrazine may be lost from the boiler water by a variety of reactions as shown below:
(a) In the presence of oxygen,
N2 H 4 + O 2 -------------> 2 H2O + N2 (1)
(b) At high temperature or in the presence of catalysts:
3N2H4 ----------> N2 + 4NH3 (2)

2N2H4 -------------> N2 + 2NH3 + H2 (3)

(c) In the presence of metal oxides,
N2H 4 + 6 Fe 2O 3 ------------>> 4 Fe3O4 + 2 H 2O + N 2 (4)
N2H4 + 4 Cu O -----------> 2 Cu 2O + 2 H2O + N2 (5)
Considering some of the disadvantages of sodium sulfite and hydrazine as noted
above various all volatile amines such as diethyl hydroxylamine, cyclohexylamine,
morpholine and some filming amines such as octadecylamine have been successfully
used for high pressure boiler water treatments.
Since 1982 in all boilers under operation in the Phase-II of SWCC Desal/Power
plants in Al Jubail, hydrazine has been successfully used as oxygen scavenger with
coordinated phosphate treatment to control pH and scale formation. Phase-II A and
B areas have 5 BTG units each and two spare boilers, one on each area. The spare
boilers are usually kept under long term preservation under wet storage condition.
The boiler parts are filled with DM water containing 300-500 ppm hydrazine and a
nitrogen atmosphere is maintained above the water level. Hydrazine concentration is
monitored periodically and maintained at the required concentration by topping up
when needed.

During a prolonged period of Jan. 89 to June, 92, boilers #66 and 86 in Phase-II A
and B, respectively, were under long term preservation. Periodic analysis of the boiler
water revealed a dramatic drops in hydrazine concentrations. Frequent addition of
hydrazine was required to maintain its concentration at the required level. Fig. 1
indicates the variation of hydrazine level in boiler #66 during this period. Despite
frequent topping up with fresh addition of hydrazine (indicated by arrows in Fig. 1.
loss of hydrazine continued to occur. Analysis revealed the presence of ammonia in
substantial quantities in the boiler water.
The incidence caused serious concern as hydrazine is not expected to show such rapid

decomposition at low temperatures unless an active surface or ionic impurities that

can catalyze the decomposition reaction is present. Traces of copper and iron, normally
found in the solution at less than 10 PPb, are not considered to be sufficient
to cause decomposition of such large amounts of N2H4 Source of Cu is from the
corrosion of Cu/Ni heat exchanger tubes used in H.P. heaters as well as the brine
heaters of the SW desalination plants. To overcome the problem efforts were made
to find an alternative chemical for long term preservation. Several proprietary chemicals,
claimed to be hydrazine alternatives, were evaluated based on informations
from the suppliers. A chemical with the trade name Betz Layup-1, manufactured by
Betz, USA was tested in boiler #66. For a period of 4 months (Aug-Dec. 1991, see
Fig. 1. the boiler was preserved with 2000-3000 ppm of Betz Layup-l and nitrogen
blanketing. Two corrosion coupons (one mild steel and one copper) were installed in
the steam drum. Periodic analysis of DO, iron and copper in the drum water was
carried out during this period. After 4 months the boiler was drained and the steam
drum was inspected, The condition of the drum was found to be good and coated
with a black film of magnetite. The corrosion rates determined with test coupons
were very low (< 0.1 mpy).
After draining Betz Layup-l the boiler was subsequently preserved in hydrazine
(<300 ppm). An interesting observation was subsequently noted - after the Betz
Layup-l treatment, hydrazine concentration in the boiler water did not show significant
reductions, as was the case before the treatment. However, copper contents in
the preservation water showed significant increases (Fig. 1).
The incident was reported to the SWCC O&M Seminar conducted at Al-Jubail in
April 1992 by Mr. Ghazzai Al Mutairi, Plant Chemist, Al Jubail Plant and a coauthor
of this report. The report generated considerable interest and the Engineering
Department, SWCC (EP) suggested in their letter dated 5 July, 1992 that the
R&D Center conduct further studies to confirm the findings and suggest possible

alternative measures. R&D Center has subsequently conducted a series of tests
using bench top experimental set up. The details of the tests and the results are
described below:
Hidrazin dan natrium sulfit adalah yang paling banyak digunakan pemulung oksigen
untuk air umpan boiler . Meskipun natrium sulfit bereaksi dengan oksigen terlarut
pada lebih cepat
Tingkat bahkan pada temperatur rendah akan meningkatkan padatan terlarut dalam
air boiler dan
menyebabkan hilangnya energi panas karena kebutuhan peningkatan frekuensi
downs untuk mengurangi isi padat . Dekomposisi natrium sulfit juga menjadi

signifikan pada tekanan boiler diatas 950 psig dan karenanya tidak digunakan
dalam tekanan tinggi
boiler . Sebagai perbandingan hidrazin tidak memberikan kontribusi isi garam
air boiler . Hidrazin sedikit stabil tetapi mulai terurai menjadi amonia di
1 Tahun sebagai Laporan Teknis No SWCC RDC ) -27 pada bulan Juni 1993
suhu tinggi mengurangi efisiensi sebagai pemulung oksigen . Dibandingkan dengan
natrium sulfit hidrazin bereaksi dengan oksigen perlahan-lahan dan kinetika reaksi
meningkat dengan meningkatnya suhu .
Hidrazin dapat hilang dari air boiler dengan berbagai reaksi seperti berikut:
( a) Dengan adanya oksigen ,
N2 H 4 + O 2 ------------- > 2 H2O + N2 ( 1 )
( b ) Pada suhu tinggi atau dengan adanya katalis :
3N2H4 ---------- > N2 + 4NH3 ( 2 )
2N2H4 ------------- > N2 + 2NH3 + H2 ( 3 )
( c ) Dengan adanya oksida logam ,
N2H 4 + 6 Fe 2O 3 ------------ >> 4 Fe3O4 + 2 H 2O + N 2 ( 4 )
N2H4 + 4 Cu O ----------- > 2 Cu 2O + 2 H2O + N2 ( 5 )
Mengingat beberapa kelemahan natrium sulfit dan hidrazin seperti dicatat
atas berbagai amina semua menguap seperti hidroksilamin dietil ,
cyclohexylamine ,
morpholine dan beberapa film amina seperti octadecylamine telah berhasil
digunakan untuk tekanan tinggi perawatan air boiler .
Sejak tahun 1982 di semua boiler di bawah operasi di Tahap - II SWCC Desal / Listrik
tanaman di Al Jubail , hidrazin telah berhasil digunakan sebagai scavenger oksigen

pengobatan fosfat terkoordinasi untuk mengendalikan pH dan pembentukan kerak .

Phase- II A dan
Daerah B memiliki 5 BTG unit masing-masing dan dua boiler cadangan , satu di
masing-masing wilayah . cadang
boiler biasanya disimpan di bawah pelestarian jangka panjang di bawah kondisi
penyimpanan basah .
Bagian-bagian boiler yang diisi dengan air DM yang mengandung 300-500 ppm
hidrazin dan
atmosfer nitrogen dipertahankan di atas permukaan air . Konsentrasi hidrazin
dimonitor secara berkala dan dipelihara pada konsentrasi yang dibutuhkan oleh
topping up
bila diperlukan .
Selama periode berkepanjangan dari 89 Januari sampai Juni , 92 , boiler # 66 dan
86 di Tahap - II A
dan B , masing-masing, berada di bawah pelestarian jangka panjang . Analisis
periodik boiler
air mengungkapkan tetes dramatis dalam konsentrasi hidrazin . Selain Sering
hidrazin diperlukan untuk mempertahankan konsentrasinya pada tingkat yang
diperlukan . Gambar . 1
menunjukkan variasi tingkat hidrazin dalam boiler # 66 selama periode ini .
sering topping up dengan penambahan segar hidrazin ( ditunjukkan oleh panah
pada Gambar . 1 .
hilangnya hidrazin terus terjadi . Analisis mengungkapkan adanya amonia di
jumlah besar di dalam air boiler .
Insiden ini menyebabkan kekhawatiran serius hidrazin tidak diharapkan untuk
menunjukkan cepat tersebut
dekomposisi pada suhu rendah kecuali permukaan aktif atau kotoran ionik yang
dapat mengkatalisis reaksi dekomposisi hadir . Jejak tembaga dan besi , biasanya

ditemukan dalam larutan kurang dari 10 ppb , tidak dianggap cukup

menyebabkan dekomposisi jumlah besar seperti N2H4 Sumber Cu adalah dari
korosi Cu / Ni tabung penukar panas yang digunakan di HP pemanas serta air garam
pemanas tanaman SW desalinasi . Untuk mengatasi masalah upaya dilakukan
untuk menemukan alternatif kimia untuk pengawetan jangka panjang . Beberapa
bahan kimia proprietary ,
diklaim sebagai " hidrazin alternatif " , dievaluasi berdasarkan informasi
dari pemasok . Sebuah kimia dengan nama dagang " Betz layup - 1 " , yang
diproduksi oleh
Betz , USA diuji dalam boiler # 66 . Untuk periode 4 bulan ( Agustus-Desember
1991, lihat
Gambar . 1 . boiler itu diawetkan dengan 2000-3000 ppm Betz layup - l dan nitrogen
menyelimuti . Dua kupon korosi ( satu baja ringan dan satu tembaga ) yang
dipasang di
steam drum . Analisis Periodik DO , besi dan tembaga dalam air drum
dilakukan selama periode ini . Setelah 4 bulan boiler terkuras dan uap
Drum diperiksa , Kondisi drum ditemukan untuk menjadi baik dan dilapisi
dengan film hitam magnetit . Tingkat korosi ditentukan dengan kupon uji
sangat rendah ( < 0,1 mpy ) .
Setelah menguras Betz layup - l boiler kemudian diawetkan dalam hidrazin
( < 300 ppm ) . Pengamatan yang menarik kemudian dicatat - setelah Betz
Layup - l pengobatan, konsentrasi hidrazin dalam air boiler tidak menunjukkan
pengurangan , seperti yang terjadi sebelum perawatan . Namun, isi tembaga di
air pelestarian menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan (Gambar 1 ) .
Insiden itu dilaporkan kepada Seminar SWCC O & M yang dilakukan di Al - Jubail di
April 1992 oleh Mr Ghazzai Al Mutairi , Tanaman Chemist , Al Jubail Tanaman dan
rekan penulis sebuah
laporan ini . Laporan yang dihasilkan bunga yang cukup besar dan Rekayasa

Departemen , SWCC ( EP ) disarankan dalam surat mereka tertanggal 5 Juli 1992

R & D Center melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengkonfirmasi temuan dan
menyarankan mungkin
langkah-langkah alternatif . R & D Center telah selanjutnya melakukan serangkaian
menggunakan atas bangku eksperimental mengatur. Rincian tes dan hasilnya
dijelaskan di bawah ini :

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