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Quake III Arena Point Release 1.

--Index-1 - Note to users
2 - PunkBuster implementation and funtionality
3 - What's changed

ION OF A POINT RELEASE: If you are planning to uninstall Quake III we STRONGLY r
ecommend following these steps.
Remove any and all point releases from the Windows Control Panel Add/R
emove Programs application.

Remove Quake III Team Arena from the same application.

Remove Quake III from the same application.

Delete the Quake III Arena directory on your hard drive.

Note: If you install Quake 3: Team Arena after installing this point release, y
ou will experience problems running the game. If you wish to install Team Arena
after applying the point release, please reinstall the download version of this
point release after properly installing Team Arena (the auto-updater will not f
unction in this situation, so you will need to have the downloaded point release
file to properly install).
If you run into ANY problems with Quake III and it s point releases, we advise rem
oving everything Quake III related on your system (see above for instructions),
and starting from scratch. To reinstall the original versions of Quake III and T
eam Arena see (A). To reinstall the Ultimate Quake or Quake III: Gold versions o
f Quake III see (B).

Reinstall the game from the original disks, then download and instal
l the 1.32 version of the point release. From this point, you will be able to ch
eck for updates by running the "Check for Quake III Arena Updates" program in yo
ur Windows start menu. We recommend using the Auto-Updater when updating Quake I
Reinstall the game from the original disks, then simply run Check for
Quake III Arena Updates in the Quake III Arena folder in the Windows Start Menu.

For a comprehensive list of what s changed recently with Quake III Arena and Team
Arena, please see the readme included with the 1.30 point release. This release
is primarily a security release aimed a combating cheating.


A note on PunkBuster and how it works...

PunkBuster is an automatically self-updating Anti-Cheat software system. The Pun
kBuster system is designed to hold all participants accountable by scanning the
game computers looking for known cheats, game hacks, and exploits similar to the
way Anti-Virus software would scan a computer looking for a virus. PunkBuster i
s optional, however, without it you will not be able to play multiplayer on Punk
Buster enabled servers.
When first installed, PunkBuster will be disabled. To enable PunkBuster so that
you can join PunkBuster enabled servers, click 'Multiplayer' from the main menu.
Find the clickable item in the upper right portion of the in-game server browse
r screen that says PunkBuster: Disabled and click it. If you have any problems g
etting PunkBuster enabled or any issues related to PunkBuster during gameplay, p
lease visit <> for support. The website contains docum
entation (including a FAQ), forums and contact information for email-based suppo

- new network protocol, 68
- network code:
improved fragmented messages handling
map change while client loads map no longer causes an 'Invalid .PK3' error
map_restart while client loads map no longer causes a reload
fixing donedl being ignored after autodl if map_restart'ed
- the demo command has a list of compatible protocols, it will loop through 66 6
7 68
you can do '/demo four' and it will try four.dm_66 four.dm_67 four.dm_68
or you can explicitely give a '/demo demoname.dm_??'
- added mousewheel support in the console:
wheel to scroll, ctrl+wheel to scroll faster, shift+wheel to scroll history
- UI in baseq3/ and missionpack/ for PunkBuster configuration
punkbuster server in server creation dialog (sv_punkbuster)
punkbuster client in server browser (cl_punkbuster)
added PB Yes/No to the browsers
- removed obsolete MPlayer UI stuff
- bumped server browser to handle up to 4096 servers

IP maintained in userinfo
cl_guid in userinfo (as part of PB integration)
printing ports as unsigned ints, no longer printing negative port numbers
cleaned up the legacy IP banning code
use * for IP pattern matching now instead of 0 (fixes some confusion)
ex: 192.246.12.*
made it safe from overflowing and crashing
NOTE: using PunkBuster's banning system is advised instead though
- rcon: some fixes to the buffering to avoid overflowing and dropping parts of t
he message

- rcon: now supports quoting /rcon g_motd "foo bar"

- added SVF_CLIENTMASK (0x00000002), works only with <= 32 players
set bitmask of players to which send entity
- pushed cl_maxpackets upper limit to 125
- added [skipnotify] from RTCW, use to display in the console only, but not on c
lient screen
(also fixes pb_msgprefix and pb_sv_msgprefix)
- new cvar sv_lanForceRate (defaults 1):
forces LAN clients to the maximum rate instead of accepting client setting
(1 is the default behaviour, backward compatible)
- new cvar sv_strictAuth (defaults 1):
server side variable to control wether strict CDKEY auth should be performed w
ith the auth server
this is required if you want reliable cl_guid for the server (for users tracki
- filesystem:
client re-orders it's pk3s according to the order given by server
(fixes some 'Invalid .PK3 files referenced' situations
- fixed invisible entities/players bug (thanks goes to Rick Johnson / Raven for
this one!)
- update x86 VM code (better and safer optimisations) (Richk Johnson / Raven too
- clearing client gentity before GAME_INIT call
- failing vote if there's only one voting client (fixes exploit on 2-player serv
er where one player votes then disconnects, forcing vote to pass)
- added trap_FS_Seek
- renderer fix:
if client game code registers a shader after drawsurfaces are generated but be
fore frame is rendered
had a one-frame visual glitch (shader indexes messed up)
- renderer fix:
r_roundImagesDown 0 + map q3dm1 -> crash (buffer overflow fix)
- renderer fix:
fixed a crash in widescreen displays (q3dm11)
- renderer fix:
MAX_SHADERS up to 2^12
- renderer fix:
moved screenshot from frontend to backend, fixes broken r_smp 1 screenshots
- TA fixes:
MOD_KAMIKAZE MOD_JUICED logging properly to games.log
fixed bot taunt spamming
- fixed typo in scripts/models2.shader (shader error Ursula head)
Win32 specific:
- fixed the DirectInput mouse init procedure
- rcon:
fixed rcon not working on NT/2000/XP workstations that have a long uptime
Linux specific:
- no longer trying to load
obsolete code, was confusing when trying to setup correct OpenGL acceleration

- SMP support in the renderer. Detects CPU count, r_smp 1 default if available.
(thanks to Gareth Hughes for contributing this)
- changed default GL driver from to
see LSB 1.2 spec:
- Handle Ctrl and Space key together correctly (Ctrl was disabling Space)
- sub-frame timing of input events (key/mouse) (input timing quality now equival
ent to win32)
------------------------------------12-14-01 - Notable Changes and What s New
Windows Fixes:

fixed Doppler effect

changed protocol from 66 to 67
fixed simple developer 1 cvar cheat hack
changed a few warnings to developer warnings
rcon commands no longer fragment, sent buffered to the rcon client
fixed connection issues / broken userinfo
only printing R_AddPolyToScene warnings with +set developer 1
various dedicated server issues fixed

Linux only:
- fixed sound crash, going around memset bug in glibc i586/i686

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