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Design of Distillation Column

From the number of stages:
1 stage: flash distillation,
to separate components having high difference in volatility;
It is used in the beginning step of distillation separation

Cascade distillation: multi stage distillation

From the types of mass contact devices

From the process continuity:
Batch distillation
Continuous distillation

Design of Flash Distillation

Design equation:
F .z i
L Li
1 Ki


F .z i
V Vi
1 L

Ki V

Design of Flash Distillation

Design principles:

If P and T are designed, then V, L, and their

compositions are fixed/calculated
If P and one of results are designed, then T and the
other result are fixed/calculated
If T and one of results are designed, then P and the
other result are fixed/calculated

Design of Cascade Distillation

Separation Sequence
Number of possible sequence (Ns):

2 N 1 .!
N !. N 1.!

N = number of components in the mixture

Optimum sequence: the minimum total V


Design of Cascade Distillation

SeparationSequence .
Empirical methods to determine
the optimum sequence:
Pair components having low relative volatility
(approaching to 1) or azeotrope are separated at the
end; Or pair components having highest relative
volatility are separated first
The lightest (most volatile) component is separated first
The highest amount of component in the feed is
separated first
The separation results in near- equimolar split

Design of Cascade Distillation

Component Distribution
Types of components:
Key components: light component (LK),
heavy component (HK), components that are targeted
to separate or purify
Distributed components: components that exist in both
top and bottom results
Non-distributed components: components that exist in
just one result either at top or bottom result

Design of Cascade Distillation

Component Distribution

The compositions of products can be

designed based on: existing commercial specifications,
azeotropic point of mixture, or purely designed by
Designed by designer: once the targeted components
are determined, other components may be distributed
as follows: all components lighter than LK are at the
top products and all components heavier than HK are
at the top products

Perancangan Cascade Distillation

Perancangan Kondisi Operasi
Kondisi Operasi Atas
Memperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
Data kondisi kritis (terutama suhu kritis dan tekanan kritis)

Tk , camp x i .Tk ,i

Suhu operasi atas MD sebisa mungkin << Tk,camp, agar

uap mudah diembunkan
Sifat azeotropis campuran
Komposisi hasil tidak boleh melebihi komposisi

Perancangan Cascade Distillation

Perancangan Kondisi Operasi
Kondisi Operasi Atas
Memperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
Site plant condition (kondisi utilitas pendingin sekitar pabrik)

Ttop Tcm Tapproach

Perancangan Cascade Distillation

Perancangan Kondisi Operasi
Kondisi Operasi Atas
Diusahakan sebisa mungkin menggunakan kondenser total
Kondenser Total:
Jika T operasi atas MD dirancang, maka P operasi dihitung:
Dengan pers. Raoult
Dengan pers. bubble point
K .x 1

Jika P operasi atas MD dirancang, maka T operasi dihitung:

Dengan pers. bubble point

Perancangan Cascade Distillation

Perancangan Kondisi Operasi
Kondisi Operasi Atas
Jika kondenser parsial:
Jika T operasi atas MD dirancang, maka P operasi dihitung:
Dengan pers. dew point
Jika P operasi atas MD dirancang, maka T operasi dihitung:
Dengan pers. dew point

x yi / K

Perancangan Cascade Distillation

Perancangan Kondisi Operasi
Kondisi Operasi Bawah
Jika kondisi operasi atas sudah dirancang, P operasi bawah
dapat ditentukan dari:
Asumsi P sepanjang menara tetap atau tidak ada pressure
Jika ada pressure drop, maka P bottom = P top + pressure
drop (tekanan bawah > tekanan atas)

K i .x i 1

T bottom dihitung dengan pers. bubble point

Pada prinsipnya perancangan kondisi operasi MD juga bisa
dimulai dari bagian bottom MD, baru top MD

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