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Dear Mr.

Dennis Rieke,
My name is Khalid Elhag and my partners name is Dishon Wise. We are students at the
Worcester Technical High School, who are studying pre-engineering. We are writing you today
because we wanted to properly introduce ourselves and our project to you. In the pre-engineering
program, we have to do a Capstone project. Our projects purpose is to help reduce back pain and
discomfort when sitting at a desk for multiple hours.
In order to do so we designed a unique table that not only can adjust to the desired height
for consumers, but also can fold into a smaller unit, making the table portable. My partner and I
decided to design this table to help reduce the back pain in students and workers who
uncomfortable have to sit at an undersized table. For this project my partner and I did various
researches to see what caused back pain in schools and offices. Some people suggested that it
was the chairs ability not to be raised to the specific height they want. But medical doctors say
that the low level tables make the user bend their back to be somewhat leveled or closer to their
table. This causes the user to strain their spine leading to back pain.
The purpose of this letter is to properly thank you for your part in this project. We
appreciate your advice on what materials to use and how we should build this project. Your
advice helped us come along on this project and it helped develop our project. So we thank you
for your help.

Sincerely Dishon Wise and Khalid Elhag

Students at the Worcester Technical high school

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