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What Daddy Did Today

A Fathers Bedtime Story

By Walter Wally l Illustrated by Judith Bicking

For every loving father, most of all my own.

Copyright 2011 by Walter Wally.

Two Harbors Press

212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the author.
ISBN-13: 978-1-936401-09-3
ISBN-10: 1-936401-09-6
Distributed by Itasca Books
Printed in the United States of America

Copyright Info

If youre wondering
what Daddy did today,

First, I walked outside,

And what did I see?
An itty-bitty kitten
Stuck in a tree.
So I climbed the tree
To save the kitten,
Even though I knew
I might get bitten.

But she didnt bite me;

She purred all the way.
I saved a kitten
To start my day.

Next, I drove off,

I wasn't far,

When a...


jumped in front of my car!

"Please sir," she said,

"You must come with me;
No time to say why,
When we get there, you'll see."

So I sat on her back

And we sped away,
Past cars in the street,
And boats in the bay.
She took me to the jungle,
I dont know where.
But then I saw why
She had taken me there.

A mean green dragon

Had cornered her cub,
And was threatening
To eat him...

like a six-inch sub!

So I JUMPED on the dragon,

And DRAGGED him to the ground,
Where I tied up his legs
With some vine I found.
The dragon couldn't untie his legs;
He couldn't reach them at all.
Cause though the dragon's really big,
His arms are really small.
The dragon was defeated,
The cub, safe and sound.
When, all of a sudden, something HUGE
Was falling to the ground!
I ducked for cover
Not a moment too soon.

I almost got hit by a...

hot air balloon!

The balloon man asked me

To take his place,
And to fly his balloon
To outer space.
"When you get there," he said,
"You'll find out why."
So I got in the balloon,
And rose in the sky.

I learned the purpose

When I made it to space.
One of the planets
Had a frown on his face.
He said he loses his smile
Every now and then,
So I told him I'd help him
Find it again.

I gave him the tickles

And we played for a while.
That's all he needed
To find his smile.
So I flew away,
A happy man.
But then
A blast of wind began.
It carried me up and up
And up so far,
That the balloon I was in

Popped on a star.
So I dropped and dropped
At a zooming pace,
Past the planets
To the bottom of space.

I dropped through the clouds and into the sky,

Right next to an...

enormous butterfly!

A very nice enormous butterfly

I was lucky to have found.
She took me by the collar
And placed me on the ground.
Where did she place me?
I won't keep it concealed...

Right in the middle of

a baseball field.

The baseball players

Were glad I came;
They needed me to play
In the baseball game.

So I bent my knees
And straightened my back;
The pitcher pitched
And I gave it a whack.
The crowd went crazy
At what I had done;
On the very first pitch...

I hit a home run!

My teammates wanted
To celebrate;
The problem was
It was getting late.

And I had to get home

Right away;
Otherwise I'd miss
The best part of my day.

So I ran through the streets

As fast as I could.
I hopped over fences
Like a kangaroo would.

The final hill

Was particularly hard,
But I didnt stop
Til I hit our yard.

I made it home
I can say with a grin,
Just in time
To tuck you in.

And to say good night...

And to tell you I love you...

Because no matter where I go

Or what I do,
Every single moment
I'm thinking of you.
Whether I'm saving a kitten
Or traveling to space,
Playing baseball
Or running a race.
What Daddy does
While he's away,
Is nothing compared to this,
Right here...

The best part of my day.

Good night.

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