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1st Semester Project

Lexi Kewish & Aubrey Dowdle 5th Period

Grade & Subject: Kindergarten-Math

Students develop number and operations through several fundamental concepts.
Students know number names and the counting sequence. Counting and cardinality lay
a solid foundation for number. Students apply the principles of counting to make the
connection between numbers and quantities.
Materials Needed:
-Laminating machine
-36 by 48 Bulletin Board
-Black Marker

-Di cut
-Green Border

Project Summary:
For our semester project we chose to make an apple themed poster and used vibrant
reds and greens that are visually stimulating and appealing. Our TEK is to teach
kindergarteners the sequence of numbers and their quantities. In order to do that we
wrote numbers on cut out apples which correspond with a pocket on the top of the tree
that have the written names of the numbers. We chose to scatter the pockets on the
tree so they arent in numerical order so it challenges students to remember numbers

sequence. We hoped that the challenge would increase their long term memory of the
number sequencing. We thought that If the number were listed in order they would just
be placing them without really focusing on the order, which makes it less likely that the
students would retain the information. We also used small apples that the students
could use to find and remember the quantity of the numbers, while memorizing the
written word, and the actual number. To make a challenge for the students, you use this
to help show even or odd numbers, and help with addition and subtraction using the
small apples.
Students are supposed place the correct apple number with the correct numbers word
in order from 1-10 as they place them on the tree. After all the apples are placed
someone should point to a number on the tree and in response the student is to show
the quantity of the number by taking miniature apples and laying them out with the
correct amount of the given number.

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