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‘Shopping and Fucking was frst performed at the Royal Court ‘Theatre Upstairs, Landon, on 26 September 1996. The cast ‘was as follows: Lalu Kate Ashfield Robbie Andrew Clover Mark James Kennedy Gary ‘Antony Ryding Brian Robin Soans Direced by Max Staford-Clark Designed by Julian McGowan, ‘Lighting by johanna Town ‘Sound by Pal Arc A slash in the dialogue (/) indicates that the next actor should start their lin, creating overlapping speech, Scene One Flat ~ once rather sys, nw almost entirely striped bere. Lalu and Robbie ore tying to get Marko eat fom a crtn of takenvny ford. Lalu Come on. Try some. Powe. Come on. You must eat. Pause Look, please, It's delicious, Isn't that right? Robbie That’ right. Lalu We've all got to eat. Here. Come on, come on Abicfor me. ‘Marke vomits Robbie Shit. Shit. Lala Why docs that al. .? Darling ~ could you? Lets clean this mess up. ‘Why does this happen? Mark Please Lula This will... come on... it alright Mark Look, please Lala Thank you, See? It's going. Going... going... gone. Robbie Alright? OK? Lala Yes, yes, He's alright now, Mark Look... you two goto bed. Lala Leave you like this? 4 Shopping and Fucking ‘Mark I want tobe alone for a while Robbie Is someone coming round? Lulu Do you owe money? Mark No. No one’s coming round. Now ~ goto bed. Lulu So what are you going to do? Mark Just st here Sit and think, My head's a mess, I'm fucked. Robbie You'llbe alright. Mark I'm so tired. Look at me. Ican't control anything. My... gus, My ‘mind, Robbie We have good times don’t we? ‘Mark Of course we have. 'm not saying that Robbie Good times. The three of us. Parties Falling into taxis, out of taxis, Bed. ‘Mark That was years ago. That was the past. Lala And you said [ove you both and I want to look after you for ever. Mark Look!... Lulu ‘Tellus the shopping story. Mark Please I want to Robbie Yeah, come on. You still emember the shopping story. Powe, Mark Well aright. ‘Tm watching you shopping. Lulu No. Start atthe beginning, : Mark That's where it starts Scene One 5 Robbie No it doesn’, It starts with: ‘summer’ Mark Yes. OK. It’s summer. I'm in a supermarket. I's hot and I'm sweaty. Damp. And I'm watching this couple shopping. I'ma ‘watching you. And you're both smiling. You see me and you know sort of straight away that I'm going to have you. You know you don’t have a choice. No control. Now this guy comes up to me. He's a fat man. Fat and hair and iyera and he says: See the pair by the yoghurt? ‘Well, sas fat guy, they're both mine. Towa them. Lown. them but I don't want them ~ because you know something? ~ they're rash. Trash and Tate them. Wanna buy them? How much? Piece of trash like them. Let’s say... twenty. Yeah, yours for wwenty. So, Id the deal. [hand it over, And L fetch you. I don't have to say anything because you know. You've seen the ‘And I take you both away and I take you to my house. And you see the house and when you see the house you know it You understand? You know this place. And I've been keeping a room for you and [take you into this room. And there's food. And it's warm. And we live out ‘our days fat and content and happy. Paws Listen. I didn't want to say this. But I have to. Fm going Lulu Scag, Loves the scag, Mark Not any more Robbie Loves the scag more than he loves us. Mark Look. Look now. That isnt fair. I hate the sca. Lalu Sail buying the seg though, arent you? 6 Shopping and Fucking Mark No. I'm off the scag. Ten days without the cag. And I'm going away. Robbie From us? Mark Yes. Tonight. Lalu Where are you going? ‘Mark Iwant to get myself sorted. [need help. Someone has to sort me out. Robbie Don't do that. You don’t need to do that. We're helping you Lala We're sorting you out. Mark Is not enough. I need something more. Robbie You're going? And leaving us? Mark I'm going to get help, Robbie Haven't we tied? We've tried, What do you think we've been doing? All this time. With the... clearing ‘up when you, you . Lulu Where? Mark Justa place Lalu Tellus. Mark A cenwe, For treatment. Lalu Are you coming back? Mark Ofcourse Iam. Robbie When? ‘Mark Well that all depends on how well I respond. To the treatment. A few months Robbie Where is it? We'll visit. Mark No, Robbie We'll come and see you. Scene Two 7 Mark Imustn’tsce you. Robbie I thought you loved me. You don't love me, Mark Don't say that, That's a sill thing to say. Lulu Hey. Hey, look. If you're going, then go. Robbie You don't love me, Lulu Look what you've done. Look what you've done to him. What are you waiting for? A taxi? Maybe you want me to calla taxi? Or maybe you haven't got the money? You going to ask me for the money? Or maybe just take the money? You've sold everything. You've stolen. Mark Yes. Its not working. That's why I'm going. Lalu Yes. [think you should. No. Because we're going to be fine. We're going to do very well. And I think maybe you shouldn't come back. We wont want you back. Mark Let's wait and see Lala You don’t own us, We exist. We're people, We can get by. Go. Fuck right off Go. GO. Mark Goodbye. ‘Exit Mark, Robbie Stop him. Tell him to stay. Tell him Hove him. Lalu He's gone now. Come on, He’s gone, We'll be alright, We don’t need him. Well get by. Scene Two Interview om. Brian and Lake si facing eachother. Brian is showing Luk on illustrated plas plate. 8 Shopping and Fucking Brian And there's this moment. This really terrific ‘moment. Quite possibly the best moment, Because relly, You see, his fathers dead, Yes? The Lion King was crushed ou fel the sorrow weling up in you erushed by a wild herd ofthese big cows. One moment, lord ofall he surveys. And then a breeze, a wind, the stamping of a hundred feet and he's gone. Only wasn't an aceident. Somebody hada plan. You se? Lalu Yes. Isee. Brian Any questions. Any uncertainties. You just ask Lala Ofcourse Brian Because I want you to follow. Lulu Absolutely Brian So then we're Lula Crushed by a herd of wild cows, Brian Crushed by a herd of wild cows. Yes. Lalu Only it wasn’t an accident. Brian Good. Excellent. Exactly. It wasn't an accident. It ‘may have looked like an accident but, No, It was arranged by the uncle. Because ~ Lulu Because he wanted to be King all along, Brian Thought you said you had seen it. Lalu Thaven't Instinct. I have good instincts. That's one of my qualities. man instinctive person, Brian Is that right? Beian writes daum ‘astnctoe’on a pad. Brian Good. Instinctive, Could be useful Lalu Although of course Ican also use my rational side, ‘Where appropriate, there's Scene Two 9 Brian So you'd say you appreciate order? Lulu Order. Oh yes. Absolutely. Everything in its place. Brian writes down ‘appreciates order. Brian Good. So now the father is dead. Murdered. It was the uncle. And the son has grown up. And you know ~ he looks like the dad. Just ike him. And this sort of monkey thing comes to him. And this monkey says: T's time to speak to your dead dad.’ So he goes tothe stream and he Jooks in and he sees Lala / His own reflection. Brian his own reflection. You've never seen this? Lulu Never. Brian Butthen ... The water ripples, it hazes. Until he sees a ghost. A ghost or a memory looking up at him, His. . Pause Excuse me.I takes you right here. Your throat tightens. Unit. shesees-. his. dad. My lite one, Ges to that bit and [look round and be’ got these bg ears his eye. He feels it ike T do. Because now the dad speaks, Ad he sys “Te ime has ome. Its ime for you to take your plac in the Cycle of Being {words otha fect You are my son and the one true King” SS he Knows what ts he's goto do. He knows whois ine has otal. : [nd thats the moment. That's ove fvourt bit Lalu Ian see that. Yes. Betan_ Would you my youn anyway rexembled your Lalu No, Not really. Not much. Brian Your mother? 10 Shopping and Fucking Lula Maybe. Sometimes. Yes. Brian You do know who your parents are? Lalu Ofcourse. We still... you know. Christmas, We spend Christmas together. On the whole. Beiam vies down ‘elerates Christmas. Brian So many today are lost. Isn't that so? Laka 1 think thats right. Yes. Brian And some come here. They look to me. You're looking to me, aren't you? Well aren’t you? Lala he Yes. I'm looking to you. Beinn (profes pla) Here. Hold it Just hold it up beside you. See if you look right Smile. Look imterested, Because {hiss special. You wouldn't want to part with this, Can you five me that ook? Laake atempts the lok Brian That's good. Very good, Our viewers, they have to Uslieve tht what we hold upto them it special, For the right sum~ fe is ease, richer, more falling, And you have to believe that too. Do you think you ean do that? Again Laka atempts the look Brian Good. That's very good. We don’t get many in your league. Lalu Really? Brian No. That really is very. Lalu Well. Thank you. Thanks. Brian And now: Justa few more left So dal this number Lulu Justa few more left. So dial this number now. distinctive. Scene Two 11 Brian Excellent, Natural. Professional, Excellent, Laka Ihave had training. Brian So you're...? Lalu I'm, a tained actres Brian writes down ‘rained ate? Brian I don't recognize you. Lalu No? Wel, probably not. Brian Do some for me now. Lulu Youwantme t0...? toe iy a Fat tsmngtn era ae eae rime le ere areca ean New Yormane on Lalu One day people will know what allthis was for. All this suffering Brian Take your jacket off Lala Tm sory? Brian I'm asking you to take your jacket off. Can't act, with your jacket on. Lalu Actually find it helps, Brian In what way? 12. Shopping and Fucking Lalu The character Brian Yes. Butit's not helping me. I'm here to assess ‘your talents and you're standing there acting in a jacket. Lala I'd like to keep it on Beinn (stn) Aight. call he gi, Ormaybe you remember the way. Lalu No. Brian What do you mean ~ no? Lalu Imean.. please Id like this ob. I want to be ‘considered for this job. Brian Then we'll continue, Without the jacket. Yes? ‘Lae rence: her jacket, Ti child ready meal fll othe flr. Brian Look at allthis, r ‘They bth goto pick wp the meas, Bria gets the frst Exotic. Lalu We've got really into then. That's what we eat. For supper. Brian Did you pay for these? Lalu Yes. Brian Seuffed into your jacket. Did you pay for them? Lalu Yes, Brian Look me inthe eyes. Did. You. Pay? Lulu No. Brian Stolen goods. Lulu We have to eat. We have to get by. I don’t like this. Tm not a shoplifter. By nature. My instinct is for work. T need a job. Please. Scene Two 13 Brian You're an actress by instinct but theft is a necessity ‘Unless you can persuade me that Ineed you. Alright. Camry on, Act abit more. No shire. Lalu No Brian Carry on without the blouse. And the... ‘Lak removes hr blows, Lalu One day people will know what allthis was for. All this suffering, There'll be no more mysteries, But unti then ‘we have to carry on living. We must work. Thats all we can do, I'm leaving by myself tomorrow... Brian (sifing 08) Oh God. Lulu I'm sorry. Shall I stop? Brian Carry on. Please. Lalu I'm leaving by myself tomorrow. I'll teach in a school and devote my whole life to people who need it. I's snutumn now. Itwill oon be winter and there'll be snow everywhere. But I'll be working. ‘That’ all ‘Lae usher lowe and jacket on [Brian (wipes aay a le) Perfect. Brilliant. Did you make it up? Lulu No, Ilearnt it. From a book. Brian Brillant. So you think you can sell? Lulu Thnow I can sell Brian Because you're an actress? Lulu Ithelps Brian You seem very confident. Lulu Lam. (what's the... ?) 14 Shopping and Fucking Brian Alright then, A tral. Something by way ofa test. Tm going to give you something to sell and we're going to see how well you do. Clear so far? Lalu Totally. Lala Yes. Brian You understand that lam evrusting you? Lala [ understand, Brian Iam entrusting you to pas this important tes. Lata I'm not going tet you down. Bia reaches for his briefase and stars to en it Scene Three Fla. Robbie ir siting. He is wearing th anifrm of leading burger chain, Las stands oer him. Robbie And all I've said was: With cheese, ir? ‘And he just looks at me blankly. Just stares into my eyes. ‘And there's this fear. ‘Try again. Would you like cheese on your burger, sir?” ‘This it too much for him. I see the bottom lip go, The eyes ave filling up. Lula So you told him. And they sacked you? Robbie Someone had to. I'you were there you'd ...T decided I'm going to have to tell him. And I say: Look, here ‘you have a choice. For once in your life you have a choice {0 for fucks sake make the most oft Lala And then they / sacked you? Robbie And then. He gets his fork. Grabs this fork, And hhe jumps over the counter. And he goes for me. Scene Three 15, Laka With the fork? Robbie Goes for me with the fork. Gets me down and stabs me. Lalu He stabbed you? Bat, Robbie It's nothing. Lula You're wounded, You should have told me. Robbie No. Its nothing Lula Where's the wound then? Robbie It snapped. Before it did any damage. Lala ? Robbie The fork It was a plastic fork It snapped before itd any damage. Pause, Lula So. .. no wound? So. Where's the money going to ‘come from? Who's gonna pay for everything? Robbie You'll come up with something Laka Me? Robbie Yeah. You'll sort it out Did you geet? Lala Did I get...? Robbie The job. The TV. Lala Well. Yes. They're taking me on Robbie Brilliant. / That's brilliant Lala They're offering me a sort of temporary assignment. Robbie Yeah? What sort of ..? Tal produces thee hundied I in acer plastic bag. 16 Shopping and Fucking Robbie You're gonna sell them? Lala We're going to sll them, You can make yourself susefil. ‘Should be three hundred. You ean count them. Exit Lulu, Robbie slats counting the tablets. Marke enters and ‘watches Robbie, wcho does’ se him until — Mark Are you dealing? Robbie Fuck. You made me ~ How long have you~ ‘Mark Just now. Are you dealing? Robbie That doesn't Pause So. They let you out. Marke Sort of Pause Robbie Thought you said months, Did you miss me? Mark I mised you both. Robbie I missed you. So. Is pose .. 1 sort of hoped you'd miss me, Mark Yeah. Right. Robbie moc y Mark. Tho his. Robbie move o ss Mare again Mark No. Robbie No? Mark Sony. Robbie No. That's OK. Scene Three 17 Mark No, sorry. [mean it, Because actually 'd decided I ‘wasn't going to do that. I didn’t realy want that to happen, you knov? Commit mysel'so quickly t .. intimacy. Robbie OK. Mark Just something I'm tying to work through, Robbie... Work through? Mark Yeah. Sort out. In my head. ‘We've been talking a lot about dependencies. Th ‘get dependent on. Robbie Smack. ‘Mark Smack, yes absolutely. But also people. You get dependent on people. Like... emotional dependencies. ‘Which are just as addictive, OK? Robbie (pause) So that’s itis it? Mark No, Robbie That's me finished, Mark No, Robbie ‘Goodbye. igs you Mark I didn't say that. No. Not goodbye. Robbie Then... kiss me. ‘Mark Until I've worked this through, Pause Robbie Did you use? Mark No, Robbie Right You used, they chucked you out. Mark Nothing. I'm clean. 18 Shoppingand Fucking _ Robbie So Posse Mark ‘There are these rules, you se. They make you ign you agree to thi et of rules One of which {broke ok? Robbie Which one? Mark twas noting. Robbie Come on. Mark [told them, It wasn't lke that, put my case / but Robbie Tellme Pause Mark No pertonal relations Robbie Fuck Mark You're not supposed to — form an attachment, Robbie Ah, Isee. Mark Which I didn't, Robbie So that’s why / you won't kiss me. Mark It wasn’ Robbie (pau) Iyou were just honest. / We said we'd be honest. Marke It wasn’t like that. I told them ‘You can’t call this a personal relationship. Robbie What was it then? Mark More of... transaction. Ipaid him. I gave him money. And when you're paying, you can't call that a personal relationship, can you? / What would you cali? attachment. Scene Three 19 Robbie You can't kiss me. You ftcked someone / but you can’t kiss me. ‘Mark That would mean something. Robbie Who was? Mark Somebody. Robbie Tell me who, Mark He was called Wayne. Robbie Well get you. Mark _Ijust— you know —in the shower. Shower and I. Saw his bottom. Saw the hole, you know. And I felt like ~T ‘wanted to. ick i Robbie (paws) That's it? Mark We did a deal. I paid him. We confined ourselves to the lavatory. Ie didn't mean anything, Robbie Nothing for afters? Mark That’ all. Robbie Just Lick and Go. Mark Ic wasn'ta personal relation. Robbie (las trousers drop) Well, you can't kiss my mouth, Mark No, With you~ there's... baggage. Robbie Well, excuse me. I'l just have to grow out oft Robbie pulls is nowsers yp. Pause. Mark I'm sorry, Robbie Sorry? No. I's not... sorry doesn't work. Sorry's not good enough. Pause, Mark You're dealing? 20 Shopping and Fucking Robbie Doesn't matter. Mark ‘Thought so, Robbie Listen, ths stuffs happiness. Little moment of heaven, And if I'm spreading a litle ~ no a great big fuck off | load of happiness Pas Rabie pics wp on E btcen tht ond joing Mark Its not rea. Robbie Listen, ifyou, ifthis, this... planet is real He tbe an E Pace Waiting for you. Do you know what it’s ike — waiting? Looking forward to this dayfor you to... And you~ (Oh fuck it Fuck ital. Robbie tle anather B, Ente Lae tht micro ay mals on 9. Lala I... They let you out Is sooner. ‘Mark Yeah. They let me out. Thought I'd come back Sce if you're alright Pause Lalu I've only got enough for two Mark Never mind, Lala I's jst hard to share them. They're done individually. Mark Ob well Lalu Well... helo. Mark Hello, Lalu We've got really into the little boxes with the whole thing in it, One each, Scene Three 21 Robbie Looks great, doesn't she? Gonna be on TV, aren't you? Lalu They're... 0 Robbie Just she says. Only. I's TV. Mark Great. Robbie You see, we're doing something? Aren't we? Lalu Yes, Robbie We're working. Providing. Mark So will I Yes. I'l sort myself out and we'll be OK. Lalu They're really not made for sharing. I's difficult. Mark It’s OK.1Nl go out Robbie Back to Wayne? Mark No. Out. Find some food. Shopping. Robbie Don't just ~don’t stand there and judge us. Mark Cheeseburger. Some chocolate maybe Robbie I want you to be part ofthis Mark I've hurt you. I see that. But ~please just let me ve got to take this a step ata time, OK? EsitMark Robbie Cunt, Cunt, / Cunt Lalu Tknow, [know. Robbie Hate the cunt. Lulu That'sit. Come on. / Come on, Robbie Hate him now. Lulu Yes. Yes. Yes. Robbie I want him to suffer. leving it Te’ just a / litle 22 Shopping and Fucking Pause. Lulu Did you count them? Robbie Oh. Yes. Yeryesyes Lulu And was it? Three hundred, Exactly. Robbie Yes. Three hundred. Exactly, Scene Four A bedsit Gary i siting om a taty armchair, Marke is standing. Gary Course, any day now il be virtual. ‘That’s what they Feckon, ‘Mark I suppose that's right. Gary [I'm planning on that. Looking to invest. The Net and the Web and that. You ever done that? Mark No, Never. Gary Couple of years time and we'll not even meet ‘We'll be like holograph things. We could look like whatever ‘we wanted. And then we wouldn't want to meet 'cos we ‘might not look like our holographs. You know what I mean? [think alot about that kind of stu me. See, Tealled you back. Don't do that for everyone. Mark Thank you. Gary Why d'ya pick me? Mark liked your voice, Gary There must have been something special. Mark just thought you had a nice voice. Gary How old did you think I was—on the lines? Mark Iidn't think about it Scene Four 23 Gary How old do you want me to be? Mark Iedocsn't mater Gary Everybody's got an age they want you to be. Mark 1 ike you to be yourself. Gary That's new one, Mark I'd like to keep things straightforward. Gary You're in charge. Make yerelf at home. D'you want porn? I mean, is mosdy women and that but it’ something CIniatig por) She looks rough, doesnt she? Would you shag her? Mark No. Let's eave the porn Gary Or we could do some like... stu, ynow. Hepulls ot a pa of ine. Share it with yo. Mark No. Thank you. Gary Iesthrown in. There's no / extra cost. Mark I don't want any Gary _I¢s quality. He don't give me rubbish Mark Putitaway. Gary 1 int gonna poison ya. ur the fucking stu away: Alright, alright. Don‘ get knock. EEE Tm going to have to go. Gary You only just got here. ‘Mark I can'tbe around people who use. 24 Shopping and Fucking Gary Alright. Look. 'm putting it away. “He ps the packet in his tower packet See? All gone. ‘You stopping? ‘Mark I'm sony. I'm realy sorry but I suppose I was threatened by your actions. And my fear led me to an ‘outburst. Which I now regret. It's just very important to me. ‘And I'd like you to acknowledge that, Gary You God Squad? Mark I'm sory? Gary_ Thad em before. We'e at and he kept going on ‘Sout Lamb ofJesus Hitme I ge as good av wok Mark No,1'm not God Squad. Gary Just gota thing about druggies? Mark Ihave a history of substance abuse, You're a drug? rma recovering substance abuser. You're not a druggie? ‘Mark used to be a druggie. Gary Got you. So what you into? ‘Mark You mean Gary Sexwise ‘Mark Sexwise, Pd say I'm into the usual things. Gary. So, you're looking for regular? ‘Mark Pretty regular. The important thing for me right now, for my needs, is that this doesn't actually mean, anything, you know? Which is why I wanted something that was a transaction, fee Scene Four 25 ‘Because I thought iI pay then it won't mean anything. Do you think that’s right ~ in your experience? Gary Reckon, Mark Because ths isa very important day for me. I'm somry, I'm making you listen. Gary Everyone wants you to listen, Mark Right. Well Today you se is my first day of new life. I've been away to get better, well acknowledge my. needs anyway, and now I'm starting again and I suppose I wanted to experiment with you in terms of an interaction that was sexual but not personal, oF atleast not needy, OK? A distant sound of coins cltering. Gary Downstairs. The arcade. Somebody's just had a win, You gotta know which ones to play otherwise all you gets tokens, 've a hicky streak me. Good sound, inti? (Chinkchinkchinkchinkchink Mark I suppose what Pd like what Pd really ike i to Hk your arse, Gary Thatall? Mark Yes. That's all Gary Right. We can settle up now. Mark How much do you want? Gary Hundred. ‘Mark A hundred pounds? No, I'm sorry. Gary Alright It's jus licking, fy. ‘Mark Look, I can give you twenty. Gary Twenty. What d'you expect for twenty? Mark I'sall ve got, ve got to keep ten forthe taxi. 26 Shopping and Fucking Gary You're taking the piss, int ya? Mark Look, I'll walk. Thisty. Its all ve got. Gary I should kick you out, you know that? I shouldn't be wasting my time with loers like you. Look at you. Druggie with thiry quid. I'm in demand me. I don't have to be doing this ‘There's a bloke, right, rich bloke, big house. Wants me to live with him, So tell me: why should Ile you lick my arse? ‘Mark Why don’t you think of him? You could le there and think of him. Justa few minutes, OK? Thirty quid. ‘est getimy longue up, wig it about and you can think of ‘This isn’t a personal thing. I's a transaction, OK? Gary pulls down his trousers and wadepants, Marke sats oc Gary'sare, Gary He's a big bloke. Crue ike but really really he's kind” Phones me on the lines and says: I really like the sound of you. I want to look after you.” Cater of cain. Listen to that. Theyre all winning tonight Soll probably move in. Yeah, probably doit tomorrow. Mark pulls away. Theres bla around his mouth. Mark ‘There's blood. Pans You're bleeding. Didn't think that happened any more. ‘Thought T'd healed, OK? That's not supposed to happen, Pm not infected, OK? Punter gave me a bottle somewhere. Rinse it out. Mase gestae the money. Scene Five 27 Gary You can’t take that. Lick me arse you said, Licked me arse didn’t ya? Mark Iilleave you ten, Gary Rinse your mouth out We agreed thirty Mark Twenty. I need ten forthe taxi, Gary Thirty — look, I need the money — please ~Towe him downstairs ~ can’t live on tokens ~ give me the thirty ‘You promised, Mark Have the thiry. Mark gives Gary the thirty pounds, Gary Stay. Rinse it out, You'll feel better. It's champagne. Gary exits, Marke sts, Scene Five Pb. Robbie hand: Lala drink Robbie After ten minutes I thought I'd got the wrong ‘name. Checked the name. And then I thought: maybe i's the right name but the wrong pub. Because there could be ‘wo pubs with the same name. But probably not on the same street, So I checked. And there wasn't, The same rname on this street. But then I thought there could be other streets with the same stret name. So [looked it up, borrowed the book from this bloke and looked it~ listen, Did you know? There's blood. Lulu On me? Robbie On you. You've got blood on you face. Lala thought so. Get i off. 28 Shopping and Fucking Robbie Why's that then? Lalu Please I want it off Robbie Is that your blood? Laka (pacing a he face) Where ist? Robbie (indicates forchad) Just yeah — that’s it, Lalu Is tall gone? Everything? Robbie Yes. It all gone. ‘Was that your blood? Lalu No. Itmust have splashed me. Robbie Who's blood is it? Lala Why docs it have to be lke this? Robbie I knew something was up. Lulu I mean, what kind of planet is this when you can’t ceven buy a bar of chocolate? Robbie I tink that’s why I worried so much, Lulu And afterwards of course you feel so guilty. Like you could have done something. Robbie They attacked you? Lulu Not me. The Seven-Hleven. ‘Walking past and I think: I'd like a bar of chocolate. So I go in but I can't decide which one. There's so much choice. ‘Too much. Which I think they do deliberately. I'm only parly aware ~ and really why should Tbe any more aware? = that an argument is forming atthe counter. A bloke. Ding, pisy sort of — Robbie Wino? Lalu Probably. Wino sort of bloke is having a go a thie Bir, young ~ Robbie Student? Scene Five 29 Lalu Yes, Student girl behind the counter. Wino is raising his voice to student. ‘There's a couple of usin there. Me ~ chocolate. Somebody else ~ TV guides. (Because now of course they've made the choice on TV guides so fucking dificult as well) ‘And wino's shouting: You've given me twenty {asked for a packet often and you've given me twenty. ‘And I didn't see anything. Like the blade or anything. But I suppose he must have hither artery. Because there was blood everywhere. Robbie Shit Lulu And he's stabbing away and me and T'V guide we Doth just walked out of there and carried on walking. ‘And I ean'thelp thinking: why did we do that? Robbie Look. Its done now. Lalu I could have stayed. ‘Am I clean? Robbie All gone. Lalu I could have intervened. Stopped him. Iesall off? Robbie Yes. Lulu 10s ike i's not really happening there ~ the same time, the same place as you. Youre here. And it’s there ‘And you just watch Tm going back Robbie What for? Lala Who called an ambulance? She could be lying there. Robbie No. There must have been someone. Lala Or I could give a description, Robbie Did you see his face? Lulu No. No, I didn't 30 Shopping and Fucking Robbie He's a wino. How they going to find a wino out there? Lalu I don’t know. Robbie Look, they'll have a video. There's always like a security camera. They'l have his face. Lulu And Ive sll got. You see I took. ‘She produces the chocolate ba om her pocket. took the bar of chocolate. She's being attacked and I picked this up and just for a moment I thought: I ean take this and there's nobody to stop me. Why did I do that? What am I? Pause Robbie They must be used tot. Work nights ina shop like that, what do they expect? ‘You go home. Lalu Tan’. Robbie You've had a shock. You need to rest. Lulu We've got todo thi. Robbie I know. Lala We've got to do i tonight, Robbie You're in no fit state. You've gotta sleep. Luka I don't want to sleep. I want to get on with ths, Robbie ldo it Lulu We've got todo it together. Robbie 1! sage? I ean cope. Lala Ofcourse you can Robbie I want todo it. nk Tean’t Lala Out thereon your own? Scene Five 31 Robbie I'm cducated. I've read the books. ve got the bits of paper. Ie’ only selling. can sell. Go home. Go to bed Lala You're right. Lam tired. Robbie Then sleep. Lala They'll have me on the video. With the chocolate. Robbie They'llbe after him. Not you. Lula Suppose. Iesall here. Lalu give Robbie 2 bum-bag Robbie Right then, Lula Look there's just one rule, OK? That’s what they reckon. Ifyou're dealing. There's just rale number one. Which is: He who sells shall not use. Robbie Yeah. Makes sense, doesn't i? Lulu Right So just don't Robbie Course not. Rule number one. I'm a big boy. Lulu (hands Robbie fhe) Show them this on the door. Robbie Stil love you. Lalu Haven't said that for a long time, Wish we could go back to before. Just you and me. Do you think Flook great? Robbie In the right light. And a fair wind, Lalu Anda couple of E? Robbie... Ibetter go. Exit Robbie. Lad Looks at the chocolate bar fra Beat. Then eas it zr quik, 32 Shopping and Fucking Scene Six Bedst Gary hands Mase the botle of champagne Gary Horrible in it? Lite kid with his ase bleeding, Mark Sorry. [need to go. Gary Arse like a sore Mark I's not that. Gary Thought I'd healed Mark Yes, yes. Sure. Gary This bloke, my mum's bloke ‘Mark No, Don't, please. Gary Ted wo fight him of ut think he gets off on u Mark Please, ifyou... Gary Whatever, you le back you ght hes I started to bleed. ee ae Mark No. Gary He comes into my room after Naw at Ten... every night after Nees at Ten and it's, son. Come here, son. 1 fucking hate that, ‘cos I'm not his son, Mark Sure, sure. [ understand. Gary ButT thought... now. ..1... got... away. Mark FUCKING SHUT UP OK? KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT, Gary Sound lke him. Mark Listen, I want you to understand because, Ihave this personality you see? Part of me that gets addicted. T have a tendency to define myself purely in terms of my Scene Six 33 sclationship to others. Ihave no defrition of myself you se. So attach myselo others as a means of avoidance, of voiding knowing the self Which is actually potenally very destructive. For me ~ destructive for me. don't know if you're following this but you sce iT don’t stop myself repeat the patterns. Get attached to people to these motions then I'm back to where I started. Which is why, though it may sem uncaring, Tm going to have to go You're gonna be OK? Tm sorry t's jst ~ Gary ri. Mark Hey. Hey. Hey. He males a devon. He tates Gary in hs ars ‘Come on. No. Come on. Please. I's OK. Everything will be OK. ‘You don't have to say anything. Gary I want a dad, [want to be watched. All the time, someone watching me, Do you understand? Mark I think so, Gary Does everyone fe! like that? Mark Gary What do you want? Mark I don’t know yet. Gary You must want something. Everybody's got something. Marke [used to know what [felt traded, I made money. ‘Tic Tac, And when Imade money I was happy, when Lost money I was unhappy. Then things got complicated. But for so many years everything I've felt has been... chemically induced. I mean, everything you fel you wonder... maybe its jus the Gary ‘The smack 34 Shopping and Fucking Mark Yes. The smack, coffee, you know, or the fags. Gary The microvaves. ‘Mark The cathode rays, Gary ‘The madcow. Moooo0e. ‘Mark Right. I mean, are there any feelings left, you know? ‘The vin clater. T want to find out, want to know if there are any feelings let Gary (offering neo Pot Nw) Beef or Nice and Spicy? Scene Seven Accident and Emergency waiting oom. Robbie sis brie and blading. Lab i holding a bottle of TCP, Lalu _Lasked the Sister. She said I could, Ie'l sting a bit. But with blood. It might get infected, Like gangrene. Tal opis he TP Robbie's face ata Keep Dot want ap wih ke one 96 Took good actualy. Robbie Yeah. Lala Yes sts you, Makes you ook well. tough Robbie Good, Lulu I could go for you. Some people a bruise, a wound, doesn’t suit them, Robbie No. Lalu But you~ itfits. It belongs. Scene Seven 35 ‘Lal slips her had into Robbie's troses and starts to play with Lulu That's it, Come on. That’ it “Tell me about them. Robbie Who? Lula ‘The men. Attackers. Robbie Them. Lalu The attackers. Muggers Robbie Well Lalu Sort of deseribe what they did. Like a story. Robbie No. Lulu Iwant to know. Robbie It's nothing. Lalu I don’t want to just imagine. Robbie I wasn't like hat. Lalu Come on then. Robbie Look Luka What was it ike? Pause Robbie There was only one, Lalu Dide't you say gang? Robbie No. Just this one bioke. Lula A knife? Robbie No. 36 Shopping and Fucking Lala Ob. So. He pinned you down? Robbie No. Lulu Got the money. Robbie I didn't— there wasn't any money alight? I never took any money. Lala Younever / sold? Robbie No. Jala So before you ven got here this man. With his Robbie _/ There wasn'ta knife Lula Attacks and gets the E. Robbie No. I got there. I was there with the E. Lala So? Robbie So. Pause, Lalu You've lost it. (His eetion) Robbie Yeah. Lalu Gone limp on me, Robbie Yeah, Lalu Why’s that then? Pause Robbie I was there. [was all ready. Iwas ready to deal Lala Right Robbie Thee'sa ew other dealers. Stood around the ace flor. I take up my position. I'm ready. ‘And this bloke comes up to me, Really, really nice-looking. Scene Seven 37 ‘And he says: “You selling? Yeah, I say. Fifteen quid a go. ‘And the way he looks at me I know he fancies me, you know? ‘And he reaches in his pocket and ~oh shit. So stupid. Lula It was the knife yes? Robbie There wasn't a knife, Lule Gun? Robbie He. Look. He reaches in his pocket and says ‘Shit [eft my money in my other jeans. Oh shit, now how am I gonna have a good time, now how am I gonna enjoy myself” Lulu Right. Yes. Goon, Robbie And he looked 20... felt sorry for him, alright? But then he says: ‘How about this? How about you give me the E? Give me the E now then later, a the end, you can come back to mine and we can get the money from my Jeans. Lalu Right so he was luring you. Luring you back to his / place Robbie No. Lalu Get you back to his so that he could pull the gun / ‘or whatever, Robbie No. Lalu And get the Es off you. Robbie No, it didn Lulu No? happen. That's not i Robbie No. : So I said yes. I's a deal. And I gave him the E and he takes itand I watch him and he's dancing and he's sweating and 38 Shopping and Fucking smiling and he looks ~ well - beautifal and just really really happy. Lalu How many? Robbie What? Laka You broke the first rule— yes? Yes? Robbie Yes. Lala How many? Robbie I was out there on my own, Lulu How many? Robbie Three. Maybe four. Lulu Shit. Itold you. Rule number one. Robbie [know. But then, a few minutes later, A bloke, Even better, yes, even better looking than the last bloke. And he says: Look, you gave my mate some E and I was wondering, I get paid atthe end of the week and if give you my phone number will you give me a couple of EP" Lulu You didn’? Robbie Yes. Lala Fuck, Robbie And I (eli good, I felt amazing, from just giving, you see? Lata No, no I don’t, Robbie But imagine. Imagine you're there, imagine how itfeels, Lulu No. Robbie And then -itsort of rolled. I flew. Lula You prick. Three hundred. Scene Seven 39 Robbie Until there's these guys they're asking and I'm ‘giving and everyone's dancing and smiling. Lalu ‘Three hundred E. / Silly prick Robbie Listen, lsten to me. This is what [felt Laka I don’t want to know. / You gave away three hundred. Robbie Its important. Lala No, Stupid. Fucking, / Cunt Robbie Just listen for a moment, OK? Listen, this is the important bit. Ifyou'd felt... fle. Twas looking down on this planet, Spaceman over this ‘earth, And I see this kid in Rwanda, erying, but he doesn't know why. And this granny’in Kiev, selling everything she's ‘ever owned, And this president in Bogota or... South. ‘America, And I see the suffering. And the wars. And the rab, grab, grab. ‘And T think Fuck Money. Fuck it. This selling. This buying, ‘This system. Fuck the bitching world and let's be .. beantifl. Beautiful. And happy. You see? ‘You see? But now you see, but then I've only got two left and this bloke comes up and says: "You the bloke giving out the E?” I ive him the two but he says ‘What two? Two. Two's not joing to do shit for me. You gotta have more.’ And he stats to hit, he start to punch me. Lulu Fucking fucker arschole, Puck Pillowbiter. (Hi) Shitstabber. (ft) Boys grow up you know and stop playing with each other's willie Men and women make the future. There are people ‘out there who need me. Normal people who have kind tidy sex and when they want it, And boys? Boys just fuck each, other. "The sulfering is going to be handed out, And I shouldn't be part ofthat. But i'l be both of us. And that’s not justice. Is 40. Shopping and Fucking You look like shit now. Look like you might get (Throws te Intl of TCP no Robbie's ges) gangrene. Est Lala, Robbie Nurse, Nur Scene Eight Best, Mark and Gary. new it wasnt right, went to the council ‘And I said to her, look, its simple: he’s fucking me. Once, twice, three times a week he comes into my room. He's abig man, He holds me down and he fucks me. How Jong? she says. About two years, I say. [say he moved in then six months later it stars, I told her and she says ‘Does he use condom?” Mark Yeah? Gary Yeah. I mean ‘Does he use a condom?” ‘When it’s ike that he’s not gonna use a condom, spit All he used isa bit of pit Mark On his—? ise? Just Gary Spit on hs dick Mark Ofcourse Gary And then she / says— Mark / And you Gary. The nex thing /she says Mark Does he / spit Gary. told her that and /she says Mark Does he spit up you? Scene Eight 41 Gary Listen, I tell her he's fucking me — without a ‘condom — and she says to me ~ you know what she says? ‘Mark No. No, I don't Gary _I think I've gota leaflet. Would you like to give him leaflet? Mark Fuck Gary Yeah. Give him a leaflet. Mark “Well Gary No, Idon't want a leaflet, mean, what good is a fucking leaflet? He can't even read a fucking leaflet, you now. Mark Yes, Gary And there's this look — like... panic in her eyes and. she says: What do you want me to do? Mark Right, Gary Tell me what you want me to do. ‘Marke And you said. Gary Well, don't know. Inject him wid something, put him away, cut something off Do something. And m= Pve {got this anger, right? This great big fucking anger ~ here in front of my eyes I mean, I fucking hate her now right? ‘Mark So did you / attack? Gary Igo: Fuck, Fuck, ‘Mark Maybe a knife or something? Gary. So. In thistle box, lite whit Mark You attacked / her? Gary [stand on the table and I shout: snot difficult this is it? I's easy this. He's my stepdad, Listen, he’s my stepdad and he's fucking me box room. 42 Shopping and Focking ‘And I walk away and I get on the coach and I come down, here and I'm never going back. Gonna find something ele. Because there's this bloke. Looking out for me. He'll come and collect me. Take me to this big howse/ ‘Mark Look, this person that you're looking for... Gary Yeah? ‘Mark Well it’s not me. Gary Ofcourse not Mark No, Gary Fuck, you didn't think... ? No, It’s not meant tobe you. You and me we're looking for diferent things, right? Mark Right Gary Mates? Mark Mates. Gary So—mate—do you wanna say? Mark I don’t know. Gary Stay ifyou like. Room on the floor. Someone ‘waiting up for you? Mark Not exactly. Gary You stay long as you want. Mark Thank you. Gary Stay around and you can keep yourself bury. Give ‘usa hand. Getting the messages, cleaning up. Chucking out the mental ones ‘Tell you what, you hang around long enough we can ‘He pals ou a holdall fom beind the chair “He unzip the ba. Ics fll of ify-pence pecs. He catches yp ‘andl and ls thm cascade though i fines. Scene Nine 43 ‘See? I'm a winner me. Every time. And I don’t let them give sme tokens, Tan pay for what I want. ‘Stick around, you and me could go shopping yeah? Mark Idon't know. Gary I's only shopping. ‘Mark Alright then, Yeah, Lets go shopping. ‘They both en othe cons as they rum though Gary's gers Brian inverts «vide. Beiaa Watch. I want you to see ths. ‘They watch a video of schoolboy playing a cll. Thy sit fr some time in silence, Bim starts to ep. Sorry. Sorry. Lal Would you like a ~ something to wipe? Brian. Silly. Mea grown man Lalu Maybe a handkerchief? Brian No. No. He pulls himself together. Thy sit end watch again for some tine, bul ccentually he starts owe again ‘Oh God. I'm so ~ I'm really sorry. Lulu No, no, Brian Its just the beauty, you see? The beauty oft. Lulu Ofcourse 44 Shopping and Fucking Brian Like a memory, you know, memory of what we've Jost Pause Laure you sure you don't want ~ Brian Well Lala Iesno problem. Brian Well then Lalu (Robbie) Could you~? Robbie No problem. Robbie exits. The continu o watch the vide. Robbie enters gain witha toilet ol takes it ove to Bria. Brian What's this? Robbie Irs for your you know to wipe your - Brian I asked you what itis. Robbie Well Brian So tell e what itis, What i in your hand? Robbie Well Lalu Darling Brian Yex? Robbie Toilet paper. Beinn Tolet paper exact Toilet pape. Which belongs Robbie Toilet. Brian Exactly. Lalu Darling, I didn't mean .. that, Brian And we use itto~? Robbie Well, wipe your arse. Scene Nine 45 Brian Exactly. Wipe your arse, While I~ what i this? (pe 9) Lalu [didn't mean toilet paper. Robbie I'sa~ like a tear. Brian Itis teat Lite drop of pure emotion. Which requires a~? Robbie Well, a hanky. Brian Handkerchiet Robbie Handkerchief Lalu Ofcourse, I meant a handkerchief, Brian Thisislsrupting you know that? Lalu Sorry Brian. Thisisn't—we'e not in a supermarket or, oF disco. Masi ike this, you listen Lalu Yes. Again they al sete dn to watch te vide. After @whil, Brian, Starts oy, bul eon mare this time Brian Oh God. Oh God. God. Lulu He's very good. Brian You feel it like — like something you knew. Something so beautiful that you've lost but you'd forgotten that you've lost it. Then you hear this. Lala Play like that when he's how... how old? Brian Hear this and knew what you've - .I-+1-oo0st Brian start to 0b hes Lala Look, I think I've got one. Robbie A handkerchief? Lala Yes. A handkerchief. Inthe bedroom, 46 Shopping and Fucking Robbie Shall I fetch i? Lalu Well—yes. Yes, I think you should, Exit Robbie, Brian Because once it was paradise, you see? And you ‘could hear it~ heaven singing in your eyes. But we sinned, land God took it away, took away music until we forgot we ‘even heard it but sometimes you get a sort of glimpse — ‘music or a poem ~ and it reminds you of what it was lke before all the sin. Enter Robbie, ofirs handlerchief lo Brian, Brian Isitclean? Robbie Yes. Brian Again ~isit clean? Robbie Yes. Brian Again ~isitclear? Robbie Yer. Brian Look me in the eyes. Straight in the eyes. Yes? Robbie (does so) Yes Brian And again ~isitclean? Robbie No. Brian ‘Then why did you offer it to me? Robbie Well Brian Disty handkerchief Ofer a dsty handkerchi Lala Darling Brian Handkerchief for your nose. Brian punces Robbie. He slumps to th for. Robbie I'm-sorry. Scene Nine 47 Lula Take it away. Robbie Yes. Sorry. Robbie cratl out asthe see dun in front of the vide, Brian His teacher says and it's a religious school, very religious school —his teacher says It’s a git from God.’ And [think that’s right, Think that must be right because it can't be from us. Doesn't come from me and his mother. I mean, where des it come from it's not from God, ch? Kid like that, nce kid ~ his father's son ~ but nothing special, picks ‘up bit of wood and string and — well~ grown men cry Lulu You must be very proud. Robbie mics. Brian removes a pristine handkerchief from his op pocket and carly wipes his se. Brian (Robbie) Soe. You don’t wipe your eyes with something that’s been up your nose, alright? Robbie Yes. Sorry. ‘They continu to watch the ide. Brian Think ofthe life he's gonna have, ch? Think of that Powe Becaun he doc ow it now of couse But when e's ‘ler, when he kiows about si abot al hy then e's gonna hank Go hes goths, ae? This fie bit of Hes Lata Teisamezing, iat? Robbie Yeah. Yeah. Really ~amazing. Lata That itjst ks so efor. Brian But ther is effort Lala Ofeoune Bian Behind it ali elfor. 48 Shopping and Fucking Lalu Have to practise all the time, don't they? Brian His effort yes. Lalu For like ~ hours a day. Brian His effors of course but also my effort Lulu Ofcoure. Brian Because atthe end of the day, atthe final reckoning, behind beauty, behind God, behind paradise, peel them away and what is there? (To Robbie.) Son, I'm asking you. Robbie Well- Brian Come on, son Robbie Well Brian Answer the question, Robbie Wella father. Brian Sorry? Robbie You've can’t have them without a sort of a dad. Brian No. No. Think again. Try again Robbie Well — Brian Think Robbie No. Brian No, no. That's not good enough no. Behind beauty, behind God, behind paradise ~ Lala Darling...? Robbie Money. Brian Yes. Good. Excellent. Money. Takes a few knocks, doesn’t it, son? Yeah, Scene Nine 49 But we gett knocked into us don’t we, eh? Learn the rules. Money. There's boarding fes and the uniforms, the gear, the music, skiing. Which is why Lun sucha tight ship you see? Which is why TThave to keep the cath flow flowing you see? Which is why L can'et people FUCK. ME. AROUND. You understand? Lalu Ofcourse. Brian Which is why, right now, I feel sad and sort of angry. Yes? Lalu Yes. Brian I don't like mistakes. I don’t like my mistakes. And now you tell me I've made a mistake. And so I hate myself. Inside, My soul. ‘We have a problem. Three thousand pounds of a problem. ‘But what isthe sohution? ‘The sit for a mamnt and contonplat ths. Finaly, Brim gts up, ect th vider, puts it back int its case ‘This could be a stalemate. Unless one of us concedes. But ‘would you concede? Could you concede anything? Lulu No. Brian So what you're saying is you're asking me to concede, Lulu Yes. Brian You think I should concede? Long pause. Seven days. To make the money. Laka Thank you. Brian You understand? Son? Robbie Yes. Seven Days. Yes Paws, Brian produces econ iden 50 Shopping and Fucking Brian I'd like you to have a look at this. Camera's abit shaky. Some people will tll you it's about ‘production values’. But really... ‘production values’? They're nothing. Without a good subject. ‘This one was recorded a couple of months ago. 11.58am, Ona Wednesday. He insars the vide, preses play: « Black and Decker being switched You can’t see the face, of course, but the hand belongs to fone of my group. eu ast of man wit inslaton ape cer his mouth ‘The man withthe tape over his mouth is someone who failed his test. ‘The dil is masing towards the man’ fae ‘There is so much fear, so much wanting. But we're all searching, Searching aren't we? EsitBrian. Lala and Robbie watch a the sido continu. Scene Ten Fat, Robbie ion he plone Robbie Come on. Takei. This is... isa golden opportunity. We could change the course of history A mobile phone stars tng. Lab ees ‘That's what I say. Standing inthe Garden and it All of humanity the course of history. / Look, T'm offering ito you. Because we are the ist, we are the only ones. Aid I want yout take i Scene Ten 51 Lalu (on mobil) / Hello. Hello, Terry No. You call as often as you like, ‘Oh good. Yes, that's a good idea. A cord that reaches the bed. Now, if'you give me the number again. Yes. ‘And the expiry date, (A secnd mobile rings) Yes. ‘Now I'm taking you into another. Yes. I'm taking you into the bedroom. Fst Lal. Robbie Here in my hand. Skin. Core. Red. Red skin. And there's juice. ‘And you see the juice and you want to bite Be, Yes Your tongue. The apple. God. The foidden ui (Ansoers second mobile) Yes? For the ...? Ifyou can ...? She's just. Yes. Coming. On her way. Yes. (To phone) And it's lke you've never seen before, you've never looked at my body. (To second mobile) If you can wait, if you ean hang on. Because we're really very... sure, sure. A couple of mites, (To phone) My, my cock. It's hard. And whats there between your ... yes... because oh look you've got one too... that ‘you've never noticed... yes. Your own big cock, (To second mobile) Stil there? iil holding? So, you're done, Another time. Of course. (To phone) And you want me and I want you and i’s man on man and I'm Adam and you're Adam. ‘The second mali starts tring again. ‘And you want to take itrightup the... yes. oh yes 7p aganat the Tree of Knowledge. Enter Lat, sill on fst mobile 52. Shopping and Fucking Lala / Smack Smack. Smack. ‘Good. Good. Yes. Yes. Sie puts down the fist mobile and ans the send mobile Hello? ‘The name? ‘And the number. ‘Ah. Gallop. Yes Gallop apace you fery-ooted steeds towards Phoebus! lodging! Such a waggoner as Phaeton would whip . Yes. Spread thy Good, that’s ight Come, civil night. Come, gentle night. Come, loving black- browed night. Come, Romeo, Yes, nearly oh yes. ‘Ob Thave bought the mansion ofa love but have not possessed it, and though T am sold not yet enjoyed. Dirty facking cunting fucker. Yes. Yes. Good. Good. Bye then, Bye. Robbie (on png) ‘This is, I tell you this is Paradise. This is Heaven on the Earth. And the spheres are sphering and the fim... Good good ‘And now we're in the ...? Tower of ...1see the “Tower of Babel. All the tongues in the world. Splashinsky. ‘Mossambarish, Bam bam bam. Pashka pashka pashka. Alright then. You're done? Good good. Thats good. You take care now. Yeah. (ToLuta.) Nine hundred pounds and seventy-cight pence. Lala Why are there so many sad people in this world? Robbie We're making money. Lalu Yeah. Making money. Robbie We're gonna be al ight, Scene Eleven 58 Scene Eleven Changing room at Heresy Nichols, Mei ying on on expense” designer suit. Gary (if) How’sit going? Mark Yeah, Good. Gary Do you want the other size? Mark No, This is great. Gary Alright then. Mark Have alook ifyou like. Enler Gary. Heit transformed: top fo toe designer gear and caring bundles ofexpensic shopping bags Gary Ohyes. Mark Like it? Gary Oh yeah. It’s you. Suits you. Do you want it? Mark I don't know. Gary Ifyou like it, you have it. Mark I mean, is not lke I'm ever gonna wear it Gary You don't know that. You're starting over. Mark I dolike it Gary Could be anything. New lie, new gear. It makes sense. Go on. ‘Mark You sure you can / afford Gary Hey. None of that. Mark Alright then. Yes, Gary Good and now we'll... He holds out a handful of credit cards aif they were playing cards 54 Shopping and Fucking ick a card, any card, [Mack picks «card Reads the name omit Mark P, Harmeden. Gary You remember? Last night, Popper: Kept on hitting himself, eee Mark Ah. P. Harmsden, Gary Right then, Getit off and then we're eating out. My sweat Mark Why don't you... . wait outside? Gary I'm not bothered. Mark Have alook round. I'l only be afew minutes. Gary Too late now. I've seen it Mark Seen the...? Gary. Scen the hard-on, Mark Ab yes. The hardhon, rr erate ea rz dimterteg Yo Orist coset he Mark Yes. Thats right. I's because of you Gary. Right Ws gogo in your hea? "ean [can ee whats fing on in your pants bt whats im there? nen Decco Teme Mark Nothing, Look. It’s just physi thing, you know? Gary | So why don't you sy what you want, Do you want Mark Yer. Scene Eleven 55 Gary Goon then. Mark Listen, if we do... anything, it’s got to mean nothing, you understand? Gary Course Mark If 1 feel lke i's starting to mean something then T'l stop. Gary You can kiss me like a gente kiss. Me mum, she’s gota nice kiss. Mark kiss Gary. Gary How was that? Mark Yes. That was alright Gary How old do you think I am? Mark I don’t know. Gary When you met me— what did you think? ‘Mark don't... sort of sixteen, seventeen. Gary Right. Bit more? Mark Bit more, He ses Gary again. This time it becomes more seal. Eventually, Marke pul cv. No. I don't want tis. Gary [knew it, You've fallen for me. ‘Mark Fuck, I really thought I'd broken this, you know? Gary Do you love me? Is that what itis? Love? ‘Mark I don't know. How would you define that word? ‘There's a physical thing, yes. A sort of wanting which isn’t love isi? No, Thats wel, desir. But then, yes, there's an attachment I suppose. There's also that. Which means I ‘want tobe with you, Now, here, when you're with me I fel 56 Shopping and Fucking like a person and if you're not with me I feel les ike a person, Gary Soisthat love then? Say what you mean, Mark Yes, Tlove you. Gary See. Mark But what I'd like to do ~ now that I've said that which was probably very foolish ~ what Id like to do is ‘move forward from thie point and try to develop a relationship that is mutual, in which there's respect, a recognition of the other's needs Gary. Ididn’t feel anything Mark No? Gary When you kissed me. Nothing. Mark [see, Gary Which means... gives me the power, doesn't it? S Ee you. You're not what imal. don't want ike ‘Mark But over a period of ime . Gary No. Mark You see, ifyou've never actually been loved ~ Gary I'm not after love. I want to be owned. I want someone to look after me. And I want him to fuck me. Really fuck me. Not like that, not like him. And, yeah, i ‘hurt. Buta good hurt Mark But ifyou had a choice. Gary _Then I would’ choose you. I want tobe taken away. Someone who understands me. Mark ‘There's no one out there Scene Eleven 57 Gary Think just because you don’t fel that way no one else does? There's lots of people who understand. And someone's gonna do it. Tm going now. Mark Stay please. lease I. Mark hisses Gary, eho pushes hin ey. Gary That's not tue about me mum. I don’t let her kiss sme. She's slag. ‘You go home now. You go back where you belong. ‘Mark Iwantto stay with you. Give me a day, OK? Another day. Gary Don’t waste your time with me. Mark You can... ook yes. Come home with me. Gary What for? I'm nothing ‘Mark Show you where lve, who I live with. Gary You're pathetic you Mark Just one more day. Give ita day. Gary You gonna take me home and fick me? ‘Ninght then, One day Take me home Mark Suck my cock Gary You taking me home? Mark Suck my cock now. Take you home later. Gary There's security camera. Mark Doesn't matter. Gary All this for me? Fourteen ‘You got it wrong. I'm fourteen, 58 Shopping and Fucking Scene Twelve Robbie and Lalu loking a th phone Robbie Come on. Ring. Ring. ‘This shouldn't be happening, Why is this happening? mean, we're close really. Nearly two thousand. Over two thousand ~ that’s good, isn’t it? We're very, very close. We've been working. We're making money. We're good at it, aren't we? Ten that right? You'd say that's right, wouldn’t you? Lala That's right, Robbie So, itcan’t stop now. They've got to keep on Ring you bastard ring Shit. Fean't stand it, Lala [e's just quiet. A quiet time. That happens. Robbie Hasn't happened before. Lalu Sit down. Relax. Robbie I can't Lada [el start again, Robbie There isn’t time. We can’t afford this. Lalu Just a moment's peace. Make the most fit. Robbie Iwant to live. [want to survive, don't you? Lalu Idon’t know. Robbie You want to die? Lalu No. I want to be free. I don't want olive lke this, Robbie That's right, Another day yeah? Lulu Yes. Robbie One more day and we'll be free. Scene Twelve 59 Lala Yes. Robbie [fit keeps on ringing. Ping ofa micrree. Lalu Food!’s ready. Robbie Yeah. Lalu Eat something? Robbie Yes. Exit Lalu, Robbie Come on. Come on, Pease He picks up the phone and speaks int it Why aren't you ringing you... He realises that the lve is dead. (Checks th lead — nds i's ben pulled out of the al. (Check the mobiles. Thyve ben suilched of Sis. Enter Laka with micrncove meals, offs me to Robbie. Robbie No thanks. Lulu Bat something. Robbie No thanks. Lalu Come on, Robbie I'm not hungry. Lalu Alright then, Pee Have abit Robbie Don’t want any. Lulu Might as well have a meal while its quiet. 60 Shopping and Fucking Robbie You reckon? Yala el all start again in a minute, Robbie They'll all be ringing? Lulu Ofcourse. Robbie Don't think s0. Do you? Lalu Course they will Robbie No. reckon theyre not gonna rng. reckon that tomorrow were gonna de, nnn M6 Tes Lula Course not, Robbie Because I reckon that one of us wants to die Lalu No. Robbie No? Lalu No. Robbie Then el me why one of us diconnected the hones. Lalu For a few moments [just wanted / a few minutes peace, Robbie And I want clive. That's what I want to do. Lulu _Ijust wanted to eat a meal without... all that. Robbie There'll be time later. Lulu I can’t stand it. In my head. Robbie And what about me? ‘We've got to do this together. Robbie moves io comet th phone Lulu No. Pease, Not yet Robbie We have to carry on, Lalu After we've eaten this. Ten, five minutes, Scene Twelve 61 Robbie Come on. Lalu There was this phone cal. had this call. Twenty ‘minutes, half hour ago. Youngisb. Quite well spoken really ‘And T did the ... you know . «where are you sting? In the living-room. Right. And you're ...? Yes, yes, playing with his dick. Good. Fine. So far, auto-plot. And then he say, Tm watching ths video. Well, that’s good. And then he starts fo... he describes... Because he got this video from his mate sho copied it from his mate who copied it from. dabdahdah. And I mean, he's wanking to this video of a ‘woman, a student girl who's in the Seven-Eleven, working behind the counter. And there's a wino and... yeah Robbie Fuck. Lulu Yeah, He was wanking tothe video. So if we can jut. Afew more minutes. Robbie No, We're gonna cary on. Lala Eat something frst Robbie There's no time. Llu Eat Eat, Eat frst. Few minutes Robbie I'm not cating Lalu What's wrong with the /... Look, i'm eating. lean... Robbie [don't want the fod, / it doesn't taste of anything... Lala And why? / What i 0 wrong that you can’t eat i? Robbie I'm not cating / There isn't time Lalu Come on, you've got the world here. You've got all the tastes in the world. You've got an empire under cellophane. Look, China. India: Indonesia. Inthe past you'd Ihave to invade, you'd have to occupy just to get one ofthese things and now, when they're siting here in font of you, you're telling me you can’t taste anything. 62. Shopping and Fucking Lalu folds Robbie back to prevent him connecting the phone Robbie Well, yes. Yes Lam. / There's no taste. Thi tastes of nothing. Waku Bat it. Bat it. Bat it. Robbie This stull? Lala Now. Eat it now. Robbie No. This? Thisis shit. / This? I wouldn't feed a fuckng paraplegic with cancer this shit alu Eat it Batt, Ba it. Bat, Lalu pushes Robbie's face int th fond. Ender Mark and Gary. ‘Mark Hello, Robbie Where have you been? ‘You went out to get chocolate. A week ago. Chocolate ora cheeseburger from the shop, ‘So why have you brought him back? ‘Mark Show him where [live Robbie Been shopping? How did you pay for all that? Mark He paid, Gary Yeah. Paid for everything. Mark Who [lived with Robbie And here we are. 'm Barney, this is Bety Pebbles is playing outside somewhere, And you must be Wayne. Gary Wayne? I'm not Wayne. Who's Wayne? Lulu We're just eating. Siting down for a meal. I's actually very dificult to share them actually because they're :pecifcaly designed as individual portions but I can get an ‘xtra plate. Plate. Knife. Whatever seul Scene Twelve 63, Mark No no no, Idon't think we're that hungry. Robbie We? We? Listen to that: we. Mark Wel, I don’t think we are. Gary Didn't come round to eat, did we? Mark No, no, we didn’t, no Robbie You on special offer? Gary You what? Robbie Cheaper than a Twix? Gary He don't need to pay me. Robbie Really? He will do. He's got this thing, Has to ‘make ita transaction, Gary Not with me. Lalu tall gota bit messy. Robbie Paid Wayne, didn't you? ‘Mark Gary, this is Lalu, Lulu Things got out of hand. Gary Some people you just give Lalu Let'ssit down, shall we? Let's all just sit. They sit. Wal, look at this mess. you don’t watch yourself, you just revert, don't you? To the playground or canteen and Siideniyitsall food fights andes sate Nor snuch bot ink Tcan away, don’t you? 64 Shopping and Fucking Robbie He said that? He told you that? Mark Come on now. Leave him alone, Gary Yes, He said th Robbie Tellme. Mark (op Robbie) Leave him alone. Robbie I want to know. Lala Pudding is going to be quite a surprise I can tell you. Vm really looking forward to pudding. Robbie Tellme what he said t you. Gary He sid: Love you. Mark Ieseasn’t those words Gary Yeah, yeah, Iove you. 'd be lost without you. Mark I never ssid those words Robbie o Gary) You're lying. Pucking ying. Robbie laps on Gary and stars o strangle hin Gary No, It'strue. Pleate.’S true, He loves me. Mark Leave him alone. Get off Of. Mark atacls Robbie, why ir atacing Gary. Taal est protect he eady ml, ul mos ar crashed in Be eee Lula Stop it. Stop. Nov. Mark sued in pulling Robbie off Gary. Theft subsides Gary Loony. You're a fucking headcase, you are. Lula Come on eave it now leave it Gary. Fucking going for me Lala Sash... quiet... quiet. Long pase Scene Twelve 65 Robbie ‘love you.” Laka Forget it. Robbie That's what he said you said. Mark I never said ~ because ~ look ~I don't. ‘Exit Mark, Lala Mess. Look at this. Why is everything such a mess? Las serapes up as muck as she canon othe tay and exis. Robbie and Gary regard each othr in silence. Gary He duslove me. He did say that Robbie Did he do this thing ~ ask you to lick his balls while he came? Gary Yeah. Have you...? Robbie Too many times. I'm his boyfriend. Gary He doesn’t do nothing for me, alright? Robbie No? Not your type? Gary He's 00 sot Paws Do you love him? Robbie Yes. Pause. na qa hs Ta vot oat eet ar sR ee eg ee Robbie Someone who's not gentle? Gary Yeah, something strong. Firm, you know. Robbie Yes. 66 Shopping and Fucking Gary You think he's cruel but really he’s looking out for you, I'm going to be somewhere. I'l be dancing. Shopping. ‘Whatever. And he'll fetch me. Take me away. Robbie If he exis. Gary You what? Robbie If he really exists Gary You saying 'm lying? Robbie I didn't say that. think. .. [think we al need stories, we make up stories so that we can get by. ‘And I think along time ago there were big stories. Stories so big you could liv your whole le in them, The Powefe Hands ofthe Gods and Fate, The, Englightenment, The March of Sezai, Bot they all ied ‘or the world grew up or grew senile or forgot them, so now we're all making up our own stories Little stores. It comes ‘out indifferent ways. But we've each got one. Gary Yes. Robbie It’s lonely. [ understand, But you're not alone. I ‘could help. I'm offering to help. Where you gonna start? “Maybe I know what you're looking for. Gary Ahelping hand. What do you wanna do that for? Robbie Fora fee. Gary Yeah? Robbie Yeah. Pay me and you'll get what you want. I've ‘got instincts. know about this other bloke. Gary If get what I want Robbie Cash. It's got to be cash Gary Coune. Robbie You've got the money? Scene Thirteen 67 Gary Yeah. Ive got the money. . So. What you gonna do? To help me. Robbie We're gonna play a game Scone Thirteen Theft Mark, Gary, Lulu and Robbie, Marke Why are we playing tht? Robbie Because he wants 0 Mark [esa stupid game. Robbie Your friend. n't tha right? Gary Right Marke Why do you want o play this? Gary nny head, Lee this picture alright? Lala Yes. Gary Well ike a picture but ike story, you now? Robbie Yer? Gary Asort of tory of pictures. Lala Asin? Gay Yeah, story ikea film Robbie With you? Gary Yeu. ata You're inthe fl? Gary Yeu Robbie You're the hero? Gary Well 68 Shopping and Fucking Lala You're the protag ~ you are the central character of the film? Gary Sort of. Yeah, Robbie Right. Gary So there’ this story, film and I~ there's these stairs, Prous Robbie What? Gary No. Look, I don't want 0 Lalu You don't want to— Gary [thought I could but I can't alright? Ws just saying it. Sorry Robbie So- just wasting out time? Gary T'msonry. Robbie We should have got the money first. Lulu You're not going through with this? Gary Idon'tknow. Robbie He should have paid up front Mark Paying for...? Robbie Paying to play the game. ‘Lala So do you want to do this? Pou Robbie Pointless. Wasting our time, I mean, how old are ‘you? What are you? Some kid wasting our time. Gary 'mnot aki. Robbie You don’t know what you want. Gary [know what I want. Lalu So...? Scene Thirteen 69 Gary It's just... the words. It's describing it Mark Alright. Come back to him, Robbie Now, as 'm the judge Mark Dome, Ask me~ truth or dare? Robbie That's not fair. That's not inthe rules, isi? Mark But he's not ready. Robbie Right, A forfeit, Something I'd like you to. something by way of punishment. Mark Just eave it, OK? Gary Shit, I don't want 1. Robbie (Lulu) What do you think would be a suitable punishment? ‘Mark (io Gary) Wsalright. It’ alright. Gary Shit (Gary's ars ae closet hysteria Mark Fl doit. We can come back to you. Now ~ ask me a question Robbie No. Mark Come on ask me a question. Lulu Alright Robbie Irs cheating. Lalu T know. My question is... My question i who is the most famous person you've ever fucked? ‘Mark The most famous person? Lalu ‘The most famous person, ‘Mark Well OK then OK. Robbie Ifyou're gonna... it's got tobe the truth, 70° Shopping and Fucking Mark Yeah, yeah, Robbie Orit doem’t count. Mark [know. Lalu Come on. The most famous person. Robbie No because last time — Lalu Come on. Robbie No because before. Laka Let him say it Robbie You made it up last time. ‘Mark know, Tknow. Robbie So what I'm saying is— Mark [know what you're saying, Robbie I'm saying it’s got wo be true. Mark Right. Beat Robbie Right Beat Lala Well chen - Marke Well then. ' in Tramps, OK? Tramps of Annabel’s, OK? re is Robbie Which? Mark I can't remember. Robbie Look, you've got to Lalu Goon, Mark ‘Tramps or Annabel’s or somewhere, OK? Robbie Ifyou don't know where. Scene Thirteen 71 ‘Mark It doesn’t matter where, OK? Robbie Ifit's true then Mark The place, the name doesn’t matter. Lalu No, Ttdoesn't matter. Robbie I think you should know — Mark What the fuck does it matter where? Lulu Alright. Mark When what you said was who. Lula Come on. Who? Who? Who? Mark Tramps or Annabels or someplace. Someplace because the place is not of importance, OK? Because the place doesn't matter, So I'm a this somewhere place Robbie When? Mark Jesus. Lulu It doesn’t matter. Robbie I want to know when, Lulu Come on, you're there and ~ Robbie I want to know when? ‘Mark Sometime. Inthe past. Robbie The last week past? The last year past? Your childhood past? Laka The past pas. Mark Well don’t Robbie Come on Lala Why? Robbie Veracity. For the / Mark _/ alright then alright / 72 Shopping and Fucking Robbie / veracity fit. Mark "24.85, About then, OK? Robbie OK. ‘Mark So I'm in this place — which is maybe Tramps maybe not ~ and i's possible 1985 Robbie Thar’ all I wanted to know. Mark I'm having a good time. Robbie Meaning? Mark Meaning a good time. Meaning a time that is good. Robbie Meaning you've taken — ‘Mark Meaning I'm having a time that is good. Robbie Because you've taken — Mark Not necessarily Robbie But you had? Marke I don’t know, Robbie Come on. 84. 85. You must have been on something. Mark Well yes. Robbie Yer. Mark Probably yes. Robbie Because realy when can you say you're not — Mark What? Go on, what? Robbie When can you say you're not on something? Mark Now. Robbie Yeah? Lala Come on. Come on, Scene Thirteen 73 Robbie You're sure? Sure that you're not ~ Mark Yes Lulu Let's~ the story Mark I'm fucking clean, alright? Lulu Come on. 84. 85. Tramps. Annabels Robbie Yeah. Right. ‘Mark I mean, what the fuck do [have to -?T'm clean, OK? Lulu Please. I want to know who. Mark Alright. Just don’t ~ alright. Tramps. '84. I'm hhaving a good time, Robbie You're tripping? Mark No, And I need a pis, yes? Lala In the toile? Mark Yes, a pissin the toilet. Lulu This sa toilet story Mark So, I'm taking my way tothe toilet, right? And there's this woman, OK? This woman i ike watching me, Lulu Who? Who? Who? Mark Of course, I should have known the hhave known who she was, Lulu Who? Mark But I mean Tam s0~ Robbie You're tripping Mark No, Robbie You should have known who she was but you're ‘wipping. should 74 Shopping and Fucking Mark Look, Iwas not tripping. Robbie You didn't recognise this famous person because ‘you were completely out of it ‘Mark OK, OK, I was completely out oft. Lala And you're on your way to the toilet. Make Out oft, All] know is that chs woman's eyes are like: give me your veiny bang stick, OK? Lala Way with words Mark _So I'm pissing. Urinals, I'm pissing inthe urinals and inthe mirror I can see the door, OK? Well, OK. Pissing and the door opens. Door opens and it’ her Lula So you're what—in the ladies? Robbie Urinals in the ladies? Mark Nope. Robbie So this is the ~ Mark Urinals in the gents, Robbie So she's— Mark She's there inthe gents, OK? Standing in the gents watching me piss, OK? And now, we're in like bright we're in fluorescent light I see Lalu Who? Who? Who? Mark Not yet. Robbie Why not? Marke Because 'm out oft, OK. As you say, Tm on something. Ishould know who, but I don't recognise her, OK? Lalu So then bright ight and you se. .? Mark See what she's wearing. A uniform. She is wearing a police uniform, aoe . Scene Thirteen 75 Lulu Fuck. Who? Who? Who? Robbie A man’s uniform or—? Mark WPC. The Docs, the stockings, the jacket. The ‘works, The hat. And she looks me in the eyes ~ Gary Awoman? Robbie You're pissing? Mark Looks me in the eyes by way of the mirror, OK? Robbie OK, OK. Gary You did it with a woman? Marke She loos, she, she, she crises me and then goes Mo one ofthe eubices but looking at me all the ime, you how! Goes intone ofthe abies and eves he dot See gant to race right in there, you know? Get down i Tae atyou dos reount wo ten, Goon to ten and then ike eS walk past And as Uva past lake a cool glance t0 stylet ool look into the eabile, cubicle withthe door ajar and wow. Lalu Wow? Mark Wow? The skirt up around the waist, ‘The sii Mem uc knicken are olf r maybe she never bad kickers Pua Knows? butte kr i up and ske ike displaying due beaut, come ad gett natch o die for, OK? Gary Said you didn't go for women Robbie Facing / you? Lalu Whois i? Mark So'min ere. Tm inane pay worth Mp gas worthipping tat psy Bk i’ God. And {les whensbe speaks, Speaks snd [know who she i Lala Who? Mark She says ‘Oh yah. Chocks away.” 76 Shopping and Fucking Lala No. Robbie What? Gary Isthisa woman? Lulu No~it can't be Robbie [told you. Lula ‘That is fucking unbelievable Robbie Yes, yes iis. Lulu What? Fergie? Mark Yup. Fergie. Lulu Fucking hell Mark _[ recognise the voice. Geta look at the face. It's her. Robbie Come on — Mark Fergie is like ‘chocks away’, Fengie is right down to it, Fergie is ready to swallow anything, you know? I mean, any chocks there might have been have been chocked away. So'a couple of minutes later, P'm there and Fergie is fellating. I's gobbledeygobble up against the cistern, Robbie Nobody believes this. How can you believe this? Mark Gobbledeygobble and the door, door tothe cubicle starts to open. Robbie Thisis ridiculous, Mark I haven't locked the door, you see. Robbie We said the truth, It had to be the truth ‘Mark Rule number one. Always lock the door. Robbie No one believes thi. Scene Thirteen 77 ‘Mark Door opens and there's another woman. Yes. There's second woman, Another policewoman like squeezes her way in. Robbie Shut up ‘Mark With blonde hair. Robbie SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Pause ‘Mark What? What I thought you wanted to know Robbie The truth. Mark Which is what. Robbie No. (ToLaaku) Do you believe him? (To Gary.) Do you? Pause Fo ram me en unk ok yo in EGE Malays Love you" that’s when you know he ona fl you fall oft Paws Gary Why die’ you tell me you'd one it witha woman? Robbie (eGary)_ Back 0 you Gary Alright Robbie l’syour um nov. Mark You don'thavet Gary Ivant'o Lala Wellhelp you. Gary Yeal? Lata Help you find the words 78 Shopping and Fucking Robbie Alright then. Alright. Your story. Your flm, vyeah? Gary Yeah. Robbie think] know what iis. see. I understand Gary Yeah. Robbie Yes. These pictures in your head. So if |help ~ yes? If can help you to deseribe the pictures then - Gary Yes, Robbie Alright. Alright. There's you yes and you're, sce you .. there's music yes? Gary Music. Yes. Robbie Loud music, Dum dum dum. Like / techno. Gary Techno music. Yes. Robbie Techno music and you're moving like ~ you're dancing yes? Gary Dancing. Robbie Dancing on a dance floor. Dancefloor in a dub Gary Yes, Yes. Ach. Robbie And you're dancing with this bloke. Gary No. No ike that. He's just there. Robbie Dancing by yourself. But now... Gary Watching Robbie Bloke who's watching you. Gary T'mdancing Lal He's watching. Gary Yeah. Watching me La And you smile Scene Thirteen 79 Gary No. No smile Robbie But you know, you think: you don’t have a choice. Lala No control Gary No contra. Robbie Because he’s Lulu Because he's Gary Because he’s gonna / take me away. Robbie Have you. I'm going to have you. Lalu He's going to have you. ‘Mark Come on, leave ~ Robbie No. Mark This is— its getting heavy. Gary No. Robbie We're getting tothe truth. Gary Iwant to doit, Lalu Now there's another ~ a fat bloke. Gary Yes? A fat bioke? Lalu Fat bloke who owns you. Gary I did't know about him. Lalu Owns you but doesn’t want you. And the fat blokes says: See that one dancing? Robbie Yeah. Yeah. I see him. ‘Laka Well, he’s mine. Lown him Mark Fuck’ ske. Laka [own him but I don’t want him. 80 Shopping and Fucking Gary Dunt want me, Lula You know something. He's trash and I hate him, Robbie Hate him. Gary Right. Hates me. Robbie And the fat bloke says — Lalu Well, you wanna buy him? Gary Yes Robbie And / I say. Gary Yousay. Robbie How much? Lalu Piece of trash like that. Well, let's say twenty. He's Yours for twenty Robbie So you see the money. Gary I see money. See you pay him. Robbie You've seen the .. Gary Transaction. I've seen the transaction. Robbie Transaction, Gary Yes and you've come to fetch me. You don’t say anything, Just take me away. Robbie Good. Take you away. Gary ig car. Through the security gates and we're inthe ‘And now dark, I can’t see because... 'm wearing a, there's like a Lulu A blindfold? Gary Blindfold. Yes... ike a blindfold. Taal produces Bingfld. Scene Thirteen 81 ‘Mar pushes Luba any ond put his arm around Gary. Mark Alright, Stop now. See? You can choose this instead. You mus like that. Just tobe loved. Gary What are you doing? Mark Just holding you. Gary You've not even fucked me. He pushes Maske ex. ‘You're taking the piss, aren't you? Mark I'm jus trying to show you. Because, I don’t think that you have ever actually been loved and ifthe world has offered us no practical Gary Whatare you? Mark I can take care of you, i Gary You're nobody. You're not what I want. Mark Ifyou can just get out ofthis trap. Gary I don't want you. Understand? You're nothing. Mark Wait. Ijust need to get this, ‘Mark tales coke fom Gay’ pocket and reas Lulu Do you understand what we're going to do to you? Gary Yes. Lah You understand and do you want us to do this? Gary Yes [Lalu puts the Bind on Gary. Robbie Blindfold you and ~ Gary Take me up the stairs. Robbie Inmy house? 82 Shopping and Fucking Gary In your hour. Lalu and Robbie spin Gary arand. Robbie And you feel... you know this house. Know you've been here before. Gary Yeah. When have I been here before? Lula And now. Now a bare room. ‘So — you're the new slave? Robbie Yes. Yes, old woman, This is the new slave Lalu Beware. Beware. Do you now what the last slave ‘of? Gary No. There's no woman, Robbie Now. Lala Sossh. He's coming, ‘The master is coming. ‘Sssssshhh. Gary _Thnow this house, [know who he i Robbie Knob. Knob on the door turning, Silence. Gary stands cry stil Robbie soy approaches hin fom ‘ohn. Log pause ~ Robbie inches ey fom Gary. Gary Goon, Robbie Yes? Gary Dot. Robbie It’s what you want. Gary Yes Robbie starts to undb Gary's tours Robbie Yes? Gary Yes. Robbie pulls dau Gary's trousers Scene Thirteen 83 He spits om his hand, Sol be works the spit wp Gasry's one Robbie Now? Gary Do itnow Robbie Now. Robbie ancips hf. Works sion his pens. He entrates Gary. Hers fuck im. Since, Robbie continues t fick Gary. Luka Is that good? Do you ike that? Mere silent fucking Robbie (Mark) Do you want him? Mark 1. Robbie Do you know what he is? Trash, Trash and hhate him. Want him, you ean have him. Mark Yes. Robbie alls aay. Maik goes though the same routine ~ siting and penetrating Gary. He fucks him vicious. Mark Fuck you. Fuck you. Lala Does it hurt? Is it hurting you? Gary Are you him? Are you my dad? Mark No, Gary Yes. You're my dad. Mark Itold you~no. He hits Gary. The, he pals za fom Gary. Gary See. See. [know who you are. So finish it Mark No. He its Gary repeated, 84 Shopping and Fucking Tm, Not. Your, Dad. Lalu Leave him. Leave him now. Finished. I's over. Gary No, Don't stop now. Robbie No? Robbie gts ino poston continu fucking Gary, Gary Because ~ look ~ this bit. It doesn’t end like this. He's always got something. He gets mein the oom, Diindfolds me. But he doesn't fuck me. Well not him not his dick lesthe nf, He fucks me yeah — bu with ae, Passe Lulu No. Mark Gotta have something. Gary In the kitchen, Or, ora screwdriver. Or something Lala No. Gary Got io be fucking something. That's how it ends. Robbie pull off Gary's Wingold. Robbie No. [can't do that. Gary You're not gonna finish like this? Robbie Tm not gonna do that. Lalu You'l bieed. Gary Yeah, Lalu You could die. Gary No. 'llbe OK. Promise. Robbie Wl kil you. Gary fe what Ewant Lala Go home now. Scene Fourteen 85 Gary Js dit Juicing do. ares” yate finger you know tha? Robbie Yeah. Gary _Listen, right, When someone's paying, someone wants something and they're paying, ten you'do it Nothing right. Nothing wrong. I's a deal. So then you doit thought you were for real Pretending, isn't i Justa story. Robbie Yes. It'sjusta sory Mark (Robbie ond Lulu) Please leave us now. Lula We needed his money. Mark know, I'you leave us alone, I'l ake care of this. Yes? Lulu Come on, come on. EsiRobbie end Lalu. Gary _Are you gonna doit? I want you todo it. Come on. You can doit Because he's not out there. He T've got this unhappiness. This big sadness swelling like i's gonna burst. Tm sick and I'm never going to be wel, Mark Tknow. Gary Iwantitover. And there’ only one ending. ‘Mark understand. Gary He's got no face inthe story. But I want to put a face to him. Your face. Mark Yes Gary Doit, Do it and I'lsay ‘love you’ ‘Mark Alright, You're dancing and I take you away. 86 Shopping and Fucking Scene Fourteen, Theft. Brian ha he ald of mong. Brian You know, life is hard. On this planet. Intractable. Tan tell you this because [feel it. Yes, like you I have felt this. We work, we struggle, And we find ourselves asking: hat is thie for? Is chere meaning? I know you've -. Tan sce this question in your eyes. You ask yourself these questions. Right now ~ yes? Robbie Yes. Brian And you~ what is there to guide me on my lonely Journey? Yes? Lala Yes. Brian We need something. A guide. A talisman. A set of rules. A compass to steer us through this everlasting night. Our youth is spent searching for this guide until we . some give up. Some say there is nothing. There is chaos. We are born into chaos. Buc this... no, This is too painful ‘This is too awful to contemplate, This we deny. Am I right? Robbie Yes Brian Yes. have a rung bell Good, god. Bells are Cos or... order. Meaning. Something that gives us meaning. Paws. ‘My dad once said to me. My dad said it co me and now I'm. {going to say it to you. One day my dad says to me: Son, ‘what are the fist few words in the Bible? Robbie In the beginning, Brian No. Scene Fourteen 87 Robbie Yes. Inthe beginning, Brian I'm telling youno. Robbie That's what it says. In the beginning. Beian No, son, I'm telling you no. And you listen to me when I'm telling you no, alright? Robbie Alright. Brian Tell me, son, says my dad, what are the frst few ‘words in the Bible? T don't know, Dad, I say, what are the Fist few words in the Bible? And he looks as me, he looks ime in the eye and he says: Son, the first few words in the Bible are ..- get the money first. Get. The Money. Firs. Pause It’s not perfect, I don’t deny it. We haven't reached Perfection. Bui the closest we've come fo meaning ‘Givilisation is money. Money is civilisation. And civilisation ~ ‘how did we get here? By war, by strugele, kill or be killed. Andmoney Ws the same hing, you understand ‘The getting is cruel, is hard, but the having is ci - ‘Then we are civilised, Say i, Say it with me. Money is Powe. SAY IT, Money is Lalu an Robbie Civilisation, Brian Yes. Yes. I'm teaching. You're learning. Money is ccilsation, And civilisation is... SAY IT. Don't get fFightened now. And civilisation is Lalu and Robbie Money. Brian ofr them the hldal Brian Here. Take it Lalu You... Brian I want you to take it. 88 Shopping and Fucking Lulu Iesall there Brian Yes Lulu Look ~ifyou want to count it. Three thousand. Brian Takeit fom me when [tell you to tae it Ta es th ba. Brian Good. Good. You see? Do you understand? Iam returning the money. You see? Lalu T... yes Brian And now —you have a question. Ask me the denon, Pease, Ask the quan? Tala Why? Brian Ifyou formulae the question Lalu Why didn't you take the money? Why did ‘us back the money? foe Brian And now Ican answer you. I answer. Because have learnt, The leson has bee learnt yousee. You ‘understand this Uae the mony) and you are chlised ‘And so ~T return it Igive to you. [Lalu Thank you Brim gel wp, moe de player He geste ide of ison eon ha ete Ka Luka (7V) One day we'll know what allthis was forall thisslering, dher'l be no more mysteries, but unt then ‘we have to cary on living... we most wort, / that's all we ‘an do. im leaving by mise tomorzow, I'l each in a school, and devote my whole life to people who need it. I's autumn now, ill soon be winter, and there'll be snow ‘verywhere but FI be working yes working Brian We must work What we've got to do is make the money. For them. My Scene Fourteen 89 boy. Generations to come. We won't se if of course ~ that purity, But they wil, Just as long as we keep on making the ‘one Bor chemical. Not pare. Supplies are’ the best. So.» ilies And then headlines and press conferences. And Scenic tne dd, you watch grown man cry and you Rin time to move out of chemial He pauses the tae ‘That’ the future, in't i? Shopping, Television ‘And now you've proved yourselves, ' like you to join us. Allof you. Think about it. He moves othe ei ‘Our second favourite bit was the end. Because by then he's fot married. And he's got a kid of his own. Right atthe end fre stands alone, He's on a rock and he looks up at the night, Ihe looks up atthe stars and he says: ‘Father. Everything is alright, Father. [emembered. The Cycle of Being.” Or ‘words to that effect You ought to see it. You'd lke it Exit Brian, Mack comes forward Mark _It'sthree thousand AD. Or something. It’s the future, The Earth has died. Died or we killed it. The ozone, the bombs, a meteorite, It doesn't matter. But humanity has survived. A few of us... jumped ship. And on we go. So it's three thousand and blahdeblah and I'm standing in the market, some sort of bazaar. A litle satelite circling Uranus, Market day, And I'm looking at this mutant. Some of them, the radiation i's made them so ugly, twisted. But this one. Wow. It’s made him .. he's tanned and blond and there's pecs and his dick... T mean, his dik is three-foot long. “This fat sort of ape-thing comes up to me and says... See the mute with the three foot dick? Yeah. I see him. Wall, he’s mine and I own him. I own him but I ate him. fhe don't sell him today I'm gonna kill him. 90 Shopping and Fucking So... deal is struck, a transaction, I take my mutant hhome and I gt him home and I say Tm freeing you I'm sting you fee. You can go now. Ande hne tarts to ery. I think is gratitude. I mean, he shoud be srateful but its Fresays~ wel i elepathies into my mind he dosnt ‘our Ianguage ~ he tells me: Benes I die Teout know how to. can't fed mysele Tyebeenaslave all my Me. I've never had a thought of my ‘own. Pil be dead ina week. ‘And say. That's arse I'm prepared to take. Robbie Thirtysix inches and no shag? Mark That's right. Lala Tlike that ending. Robbie Irs not bad. Mark Itsthe best can do. Robbie Hungry now? I want you to try some. (Ofte ready ‘meal He feds Mase wih a fork. Nice? Mark) Mmmmm. Robbie Now give him some of yours, Lalu Do you want some? ‘She feeds Mack, Isthat good? Mark Delicious Robbie You've got a bit of blood, Laka Bit more? Mark Why not? Scene Fourteen 91 Lae feds him. Robbie My tum. 7 Robbie fied: Mark. Mark, Robbie and Lula tate it in tus a fed each ther asthe igs fade to lack

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