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the message that works!


Personality is a set of emotional qualities, ways of behavior, attitudes and mood that makes a person.
Enhancing your personality is to improve on yourself, making the best use of who you are; maximize your best
side, deal with your weaknesses and where possible work on it for the good.
Temperamental traits that distinguish people from others are basically divided into four:
SANGUINE: (Strength) Outgoing, responsive, warm, friendly, enthusiastic, compassionate, outspoken, etc.
(Weaknesses) fearful, exaggerates, unproductive, undisciplined, unstable, etc.
(Likely Professions) Actors, speakers, salesman, etc.
CHOLERIC: (Strength) Determined, visionary, productive, decisive, optimistic, leaders, etc.
(Weaknesses) cold, crafty, unemotional, domineering, cruel, proud, etc.
(Likely Professions) Producers, builders, leaders, etc.
MELANCHOLY: (Strength) loyal, idealistic, perfectionist, industrious, analytical, self-discipline, etc.
(Weaknesses) critical, negative, moody, self-centered, revengeful, etc.
(Likely Professions) inventors, professors, musicians, etc.
PHLEGMATIC: (Strength) calm, quiet, easy-going, dependable, diplomatic, organized, efficient, etc.
(Weaknesses) selfish, fearful, procrastinates, indecisive, worriers, unmotivated, etc.
(Likely Professions) teachers, accountants, diplomats, etc.
Every man has a combination of strengths and weaknesses from these temperaments.
Steps to improve yourself; enhancing your personality and giftings
Know yourself your gifts/talents/potentials 1 Cor 12:28ff, Mt. 25:15-22, Rm. 12:3
Be the best in whatever you do, be an authority. Learn more, improve (be like the postage stamp which stays
glued to the letter until destination; or the snail that enters the ark through persistence)
Belief in yourself - I can be better, I am unique, I am Gods masterpiece.
Relate with God more; the source of all good things Acts 4:13; Ps 84:11.
No matter how blessed you are, there is higher blessedness in God. There is room for improvement not matter the
level of your present attainment.
Sharpen your strength the more for better use.
Deal with your weaknesses
Identify opportunities for development
Neutralize/overcome your threats.
NB: Your background is not an obstacle to your higher ground.
The behaviours/bad tendencies/weaknesses from the temperaments gives us a scapegoat to blame instead of
making us feel responsible for our behaviours, however, no man would escape the consequences of his
responsibilities or irresponsibilities.
Good news: If you are in born again, you are a new brand of person with good culture, traits and tendencies - 2
Cor. 5:17; Gal 5:22-24, and you are able to do all good things - Philippians 4:13.
Let the word of God be your constitution/guiding principle Joshua 1:8
Faith is taking God at His word and acting upon His promises -. 1 Thes. 5:21-24.
Confession: I am who the Word says I am, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I conduct my affairs with
discretion. I walk in love and faith. I am disciplined; I pattern my life after Gods word. I am filled with the Spirit
of love, sound mind, self-control and humility. I am the helped and the advantaged one. I am a good example to
all. I have the ability of God in me. I enjoy the peace of God and all things work for my good.

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