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Essay: Innovations in our life

Nowadays technological innovations have affected our society in many ways.

While some innovations have made our lives better, others have provoked
many people to debate whether technology is essentially good.
Technology has made lives easier and more comfortable. Thanks to advanced
transport facilities we can now travel to any part of the world. This was not
possible some hundred years ago. Inventions like telephone and computers
have significantly improved our lives. Thanks to internet and mobile phones we
can now communicate with people from all over the world.
Of course, every coin has two sides. It is wrong to even assume that every
scientific breakthrough and technological invention is good for us. Some of them
have affected our lives negatively. Take, for instance, the case of environmental
pollution. Pollution is very much a by-product of technology. It has led to the
extinction of many species. It causes many diseases in human beings. A large
number of us now lead a sedentary life style because there is a gadget for just
about every job and situation. Pollution and lack of physical activity have now
become quite a health issue in many developed countries. While social
networking sites allow you to connect with people from all over the world, they
do not necessarily build relationships. In fact, studies have proved that people
now spend less time interacting with friends and family on a one-on-one basis.
Worse still, the misuse of internet and camera phones have become an
alarming issue in modern society.
After analyzing the situation, it is not hard to see that technology does have
some negative effects. However, it doesnt mean that all technological
innovations are bad for society. In fact, many inventions have done a great deal
of good to mankind. Technology is essentially a multi-purpose tool. It is our duty
to use it for the betterment of our lives. If we misuse it, the problem is with us.

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