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Youre mine now script

Running titles
The title roles as the message 'You're Mine Now' followed by 'Based on a true story with added fiction' looks
like it is being typed on a laptop.
INT. Lola's Bedroom
Music plays peacefully and quietly in the background - Ella Eyre we don't have to take our clothes off
As the narrator is talking the camera slowly pans out from Lola's face showing her looking distracted and
painfully hurt with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Looking back, I have no idea what I thought would happen...innocently talk to a few people a day, make my
life more exciting? But that day out of 365 other meaningless days changed my life forever but not in the way I
would have liked. You see it was just meant to be a bit of fun, no harm intended right? Once one thing happened
it just snowballed. Another thing after another. I needed to tell someone but I was embarrassed and who would
believe me? I would never get away from this.....ever.....People don't seem to realize that once pushed to the
edge its hard to claw yourself back feel as if your drowning, the harder you try to swim the stronger
the current gets...and at the end you just give up and drown...Its no longer something I can just brush off and
pretend didn't happen but the scars that were raw and slowly starting to heal I still think about it, nothing will
ever change the misery that was inflicted on my life by my own careless actions throughout...But Im her to tell
my warn others...My 'friends' turned their backs on me and then I was alone...I was alone with me.
INT. Alex's Bedroom
Alex is typing something on his computer to someone.
ZOOM IN: The camera zooms in from the bedroom door to show Alex sat at his laptop.
OVER THE SHOULDER: looking at Alex typing you're mine now to Lola.
MEDIUM CLOSE UP: The camera goes from over the shoulder to look at Alexs sinister face
INT. Sophia's lounge
establishing shot Lola and Sophia are sat on the couch with a bottle of wine in front of them talking about their love life.
Sophia was my best friend, we could tell each other anything. We regally met up on a Wednesday night after
work and discussed boys, work and anything interesting that happened in each others life.
shot reverse shot LOLA

Haha!! I wish I was that lucky! Recently the only look that I have had glancing my way is the old sweaty guy
that works in the fish and chip shop

Who Lloyd?
Yup...he waved at me with a packet of what looked like someones digested chips...I suppose I should count
myself lucky in some ways!
Sophia pulls a funny face towards Lola whilst laughing. They both take a swig of their drink.
Why don't you go online? Chat to people on there?
Do you seriously know what my mother would do if i even glanced at one of those websites? She would most
likely hit me over the head with the biggest cushion she could find!
They both laugh.
No but seriously, what harm could it do? I've met Liam on there!
Yeah but you're different to me. You get all sorts of guys knocking at your door! Whilst Im just sat in my
bedroom under my blanket with a big pot of Ben and Jerry's watching Bridget Jones. Most likely wearing her
big knickers too.
They laugh again.
Please just give it a go? You deserve someone, even if it is to watch Bridget Jones with you?
Fine I will think about it!!
Lola and Sophia talk about something else as the sounds start to drain from their voices so the audience can't
hear anything.
INT. Lola's Bedroom
establishing shot -

Lola picks up her phone and goes onto the App store, she finds the app that her friend was raving about and goes
to download it but she has second thoughts.


I should have trusted my gut instinct. I knew that downloading that app was a stupid mistake. But who could
blame me? I just wanted to see what all of the 'fuss' was about!...
zoom out: The camera shows Lola's face up close so the audience can see the action that Lola is taking.
The app downloaded on Lola's phone, with a puzzled look on her face she then decided to explore the app
Well now what the bloody hell do I do?
Lola looks annoyed as nobody appears to be messaging her. Just as she is about to give up messages start to
appear on her phone.
It was at that point that alarm bells should have been ringing in my head. I wasn't just receiving one or two
messages...I was receiving doubled figures of men that wanted to talk to me. That was when I saw him...
Lola looks at Alex's Profile and decides to talk to him. The conversation between Alex and Lola go on for a long
time and time elapses.
CLOSE UP: The camera shows Lola going through her messages between her and Alex.
I would be lying if I said it wasn't one of the nicest feelings I have ever had. I was dying to talk to him and he
appeared to be the same....
time elapses through the week as Lola does different things during the week but constantly now texting Alex
rather than using the app on her phone.
(As Lola is doing different things in the week the days appear on the screen and fades)
I loved talking to Alex but I was busy, I couldnt talk to him all of the time. I had other things in my life that
needed my attention also. My relationship with my mother had gone downhill and I needed to fix that. But Alex
didnt seem to understand this.
EXT. Lola's car
establishing shot:
Lola is driving her car with her mum to an unknown location
INT. Lola's bedroom

establishing shot:
Lola is sat on her computer doing her college work.
INT. Lola's Grandmothers house
Establishing shot:
Lola and her Grandmother are chatting in her lounge.
EXT. shopping center
Establishing shot:
Lola is shopping in her local shopping centre
EXT. Park
Establishing shot:
Lola and her friends are sat having a picnic together, laughing and enjoying themselves.
Lola is sat on her bed looking at her phone, she decides to go on her social networking sites.
Lola decided to look at Twitter first. Messages appear from Alex. Lola then decides to look on Facebook. More
messages from Alex appear. Lola then goes on Instagram, Skype and her messages and finds hundreds of
messages from Alex, some nice and some threatening. Lola gets up alarmed from her bed and throws her phone
on her bed. She collapses on her floor clutching her head in her hands.
Thats when I knew it was getting serious. It just snowballed. I tried to calm him down, telling him there was
nobody else only him. My phone was ringing constantly. I had enough, I blocked him. Cut the strings, I mean
there is no way he would be able to contact me again right?!...
Lola blocks Alex from all social networking sites making sure that he cannot message her again.
EXT. round lily's house
Establishing shot:
Lola and Lily are sat in Lily's kitchen chatting about their life with a cup of tea.
Shot Reverse shot:
To be honest, it turns out that blocking him was the best thing I could have done. At least now he cant message
me again.

You were lucky! You know these things can turn sinister. People get killed.

Stop being paranoid, Im here arent I?
MEDIUM shot:
Lola phone rings, she picks it up.
Grandma? Calm down! Whats happened? What do you mean someone has phoned you asking for me? Well
that doesnt make any sense, how could he have got your number? Ok, ok calm down! I'm coming round!
Whats happened?
I dont know, somehow Alex has got a hold of my grandmothers phone number and has phoned her.
I told you..
Look I have got to go, I will phone you later okay?
Over the shoulder:
Lola runs out the door and jumps in the car and drives to her grandmothers.
INT. Lola's Grandmothers house
Lola knocks on her grandmothers door and goes into the house.
I probably should have gone to the police. I mean does this count as harassment? I didnt know but as I tried to
comfort my grandmother a feeling of dread was starting to build in me.
Right what has actually happened?
Someone rang me before I rang you. He said his name was Alex, that he knew you and if you didnt start
talking to him again he would come for me. Lola I dont want you talking to him but I want to be safe too. Lets
go to the police.

NO! Police is not the answer. I will deal with this, but you dont answer the phone anymore if it is an unknown
number. Promise me?
You're like the mother here! But okay I promise. I love you.
I love you too.
INT. Lolas car
Lola is sat in her car with her hands on the wheel of her car staring into space.
I wanted to make sure that my grandmother was alright. All I wanted to do was run into her arms and cry but I
wanted to be strong. But I felt so weak, so numb. What the hell was I going to do now?
EXT. Outside Lola's house
Establishing shot:
Lola walks to her door where a parcel is waiting outside on the doormat. She leans down picks up the parcel and
lets herself into the house.
INT. Lola's Lounge
Lola puts down her bags and looks at the parcel.
To me huh? It's not my birthday for months!
Lola opens the presents and picks up the romantic card thats inside. She reads it and then runs to the kitchen to
be sick. She slowly walks back into the kitchen to once again look at the parcel, rubbing her arm across her
Lola then looks through the rest of the parcel to see what else there is. She picks up nail stuff, 80, a t-shirt,
chocolates and a single rose from the parcel. She throws it across the room screaming. Lola collapses on the
floor with her head in her hands crying.


I never reported him to the police, I still do not know how he got my address. I never gave it to him and I sure
as hell didnt give him the county I lived in. The internet has the power to provide pretty much anything if you
look hard enough and that put my life at risk. But I tried to move on...
Lola is sat on her computer doing college work when she notices that she is no longer the controller of her
Someone was on my computer apart from myself. I tried to regain control but then a message appeared...
A message appears on her computer screen. The message "So you thought you had escaped me did you? Lola
you never will...I will make your life a living hell before I let that happen. Don't be a dumb bitch Lola!! Never
forget this...You're Mine now...'. Lola gets very upset by this message and slams her laptop lid down shut.
EXT. Lolas work
Lola walks from her car in the carpark to work.
I was sure someone was following me. It was dark so I couldnt be sure. I kept looking behind me slowly
picking up my pace. He wouldn't know where I worked right?
Lola arrives at work and as she stubs out her cigarette she notices a black figure lurking by some shops on the
opposite side of the road. She freaks out and walks into her work place.
(Two weeks later)
EXT. Burley Forest
establishing shot:
Lola is walking through the forest to clear her head. She needed some time alone. She walks with headphones in
her ears.
Things I thought had calmed down. I had not heard from Alex for a while now and I supposed that he had just
moved on. But I still couldn't get out of my head the figure that was lurking by the shops as I went into work. I
woke up in sweats because of it, but i tried to brush it aside and forget about was my imagination right?
Lola starts to panic as she once again thinks someone is following her. She takes an earphone out of her ear and
looks around her.

Hello? .Hello?...Is someone there?. Please...

Out of the darkness steps Alex in a black outfit. Lola can just about see him straining to do so under the thick
now black forest.
Shot reverse shot:
Alex just stands there.
Alex, look Im really sorry for not replying but
Alex laughs which cuts Lola off mid-sentence.
Sorry? Oh you're sorry?
Alex laughs
LOLA (trembling)
Please Alex what do you want.
Just to see you. All this is just to see you. I want to talk.
Please just leave me alone. I do not want to talk to you. You're scaring me. Please just leave me alone.
Lola starts to slowly back away from Alex.
But Lola this is all because I love you. All of this, the parcel the messages, the calls are all because I love you.
Im sorry but I do not feel the same. If you love me, you will go.
Alex laughs again.
Leave? Oh my darling Im never leaving. Youre Mine now...
Lola starts running down the thick forest, she doesnt know where she is running too but Alex starts to peruse

EXT. Throop River

Establishing shot:
Lola is still running away from Alex and comes across a light which leads on to a bridge.
I couldn't see anyway out. I was literally running for my life. Alex was so messed up that he could have done
anything to me. I couldnt see a way out but then suddenly I saw a light. I ran towards it.
Establishing shot:
Lola stands on the bridge.
Shot reverse shot:
Please Alex, leave me alone...
I will never leave you alone Lola, do you not realise that you are mine now. You will never escape me!
I couldnt see another way. I mean I could swim to safety. Alex would leave thinking that I had died in the
river. I would be free.
Establishing shot:
Lola takes a step towards the railings of the bridge overlooking the river.
Shot reverse shot:
Please Alex I will jump.
You seriously expect me to believe that?
Lola tries to plead with Alex
Alex please!!
Alex just stands there looking at Lola unwilling to move a muscle.
If I just jump now. It will all be okay in the end.

The camera pans from Lola as you see her walking towards the railings.
Close up of ALEX:
Alex just stands at the end of the bridge looking at Lola.
Establishing shot:
Lola is no longer stood by the bridge in fact she is nowhere to be seen. Alex laughs and walks off.
I thought I could have swam, I was swimming trying to get to safety but the rapids kept dragging me under the
water. In the end I decided to just give up. What was the point of living anymore? I just let the water drag me
under until I was no longer gasping for a breath and hit the bottom of the river floor.
End title
The camera shows a laptop now sat on its own and the words 'You're mine now' is being typed, as well as 'Think
before you talk to strangers online, be safe and if anyone tries to meet up with you always tell people where you
are going and go to some place public'.

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