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Sarcopenia among hospitalized patients - A cross-sectional

Agreement Between Actual Height and Estimated Height Using
Segmental Limb Lengths for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.
Acordo entre a altura real ea altura estimada utilizando Segmental Limb Lengths
para Pessoas com Paralisia Cerebral.

Reference values for body composition and anthropometric

measurements in athletes.

Assessing nutritional status in the elderly evaluation of Chumlea

equations for weight. Avaliao do estado nutricional na avaliao de idosos
Chumlea equaes para o peso .

Estimated height from knee-height in Caucasian elderly: implications on

nutritional status by mini nutritional assessment.

Height prediction formula for middle-aged (30-55 y)

Upper-arm anthropometry: an alternative indicator of nutritional health to
body mass index in unilateral lower-extremity amputees?

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