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Journal of Gerontology: MEDICAL SCIENCES Copyright 1999 by The Gerontological Society ofAmerica

1999, Vol. 54A, No.9, M451-M455

The Inability of Hormone Replacement Therapy or Chronic

Running to Maintain Bone Mass in Master Athletes
StevenA. Hawkins, 1 RobertA. Wiswell,2 S. Victoria Jaque,' Nora Constantino, 1 Taylor1. Marcell, 1
Kyle M. Tarpenning, 1 E. Todd Schroeder," and Daniel M. Hyslop'

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Departments of 'Exercise Scienceand 2Biokinesiology and PhysicalTherapy, The University of SouthernCalifornia.

Background. Previous studies have demonstrated equivocal findings on the effect of chronic running on bone mass in post-
menopausal women. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of chronic running alone and in conjunction with
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women.

Methods. Forty-three women [15 premenopausal 48.1 ±.4 yrs (Pre); 13 postmenopausal 57.3 ± 2.3 yrs (Post); and 15 HRT-
treated postmenopausal 56.8 ± 1.5 yrs (PostE)] served as subjects. All were chronic runners (duration >5 yrs, >10 miles per
week). BMD was determined by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, VOzmax on a treadmill, body composition by hydrostatic
weighing, knee strength by KinCom dynamometer, and training and menstrual history by questionnaire. Analysis of covariance
with Tukey post hoc tests was utilized to compare the groups.

Results. The groups were similar in body weight, VOzmax, years training, and miles run per week. Pre and PostE did not
differ in total or spine BMD. However, Pre had greater hip BMD than PostE (.973 ± .03 vs .876 ± .03 g/crrr'; p < .05). As well,
Pre had greater BMD of the hip (.973 ± .03 vs .805 ± .03 g/cmz;p< .05), spine (1.047 ±.04 vs .870 ±.04 g/cmz;p < .05), and
total body (1.115 ± .02 vs .996 ± .03 g/cnr'; p < .05) than Post.

Conclusions. These results suggest that (a) chronic running + HRT is insufficient to protect hip BMD and (b) chronic run-
ning alone provides no protection for bone mass in postmenopausal women.

T HE early years after menopause are characterized by an ac-

celerated rate of bone turnover resulting in a significant loss
of bone. Heaney and colleagues (1) have suggested that 15-20%
comparisons of chronic exercisers and sedentary subjects can be
confounded by body weight, body composition, and hormonal
differences related to activity. We have proposed a model that
of the skeleton may be lost by 10 years following menopause. would be useful in determining the effects of chronic running on
However, treatments exist that have been shown to oppose this bone following menopause, utilizing a cross-sectional compari-
accelerated bone loss. It is clear that hormone replacement ther- son of premenopausal and postmenopausal master athletes. Use
apy (HRT) begun at menopause either reduces or abolishes the of this sample group reduces the confound of differences in
accelerated bone turnover in most women, maintaining bone body weight and hormonal status related to chronic endurance
density for up to a decade (2). In addition, weight-bearing exer- training, as all have similar body mass and training background.
cise begun after menopause has been shown to reduce bone loss Utilizing this model, we hypothesized that postmenopausal
or even increase bone mass in estrogen-deficient women (3,4). It women runners on HRT would maintain bone mass at levels
has also been suggested that estrogen and weight-bearing exer- similar to those in the premenopausal group, but that post-
cise begun postmenopause have an additive effect in increasing menopausal women runners not on HRT would have signifi-
bone mass (5). Thus, it appears that weight-bearing exercise cantly lower BMD than either estrogen-replete group. Further,
begun following menopause is beneficial to the skeleton either we hypothesized that the rate of bone loss in the post-
alone or in conjunction with HRT. menopausal, nonestrogen-treated runners-predicted by the
However, it is presently unclear how chronic weight-bearing expected differences in bone mass between pre- and post-
exercise (specifically running) begun prior to menopause affects menopausal groups-would differ from those expected in un-
bone mineral density (BMD), as studies utilizing this population treated sedentary women, suggesting a protective effect of run-
group have been equivocal. Lane' and coworkers (6) demon- ning exercise despite the absence of estrogen.
strated 40% greater bone mineral in the lumbar vertebrae of Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the ef-
chronic runners compared to controls. However, these results fect of chronic running exercise alone, and in conjunction with
were based on only six subjects per group. In contrast, Kirk and HRT, on BMD in postmenopausal women.
associates (7) found no difference in bone mass between runners
and closely matched controls, whereas Nelson and coworkers METHODS
(8) found that bone mass was lower in runners compared to
slightly heavier sedentary subjects. The latter results suggest that Subjects.-Forty-three women [15 premenopausal (Pre); 13
chronic endurance exercise might not be beneficial to bone, and untreated postmenopausal (Post); 15 HRT-treated post-
there is evidence that this type of exercise can create an environ- menopausal (PostE)] were studied after giving their informed
ment that could be harmful to the skeleton (9). Unfortunately, consent in accordance with the guidelines established by the


Institutional Review Board of the University of Southern vided by the software manufacturer. These scores are ± standard
California. Subjects were free from diseases known to affect deviations from predicted values,representing a value of zero.
bone, and were similar in caloric and calcium consumption as
determined by 3-day dietary records. The Post and PostE Muscle strength.-Isokinetic knee extension strength and
women were at least one year postmenopausal, as evidenced by isometric knee extension strength of the right knee were as-
the absence of menstruation in the previous 12 months. All par- sessed using a KinCom dynamometer (Chattecx Corp., Hixson,
ticipants were chronically active endurance athletes, running a TN). Strength testing was preceded by the V02max test in all
minimum of 5 years and an average of 24 miles per week, and cases, serving as the warmup. Following adequate recovery,
competing in races at least once per year. General characteris- subjects received instruction, including practice efforts, on the
tics of the subject groups are given in Table 1. test procedures. Three maximal repetitions of each exercise

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were performed, with l-minute recovery between repetitions.
Hydrostatic weighing.-Body composition was estimated by Isokinetic extension strength was measured concentrically at
hydrodensitometry. Residual lung volume was determined by 60°'s- 1 between 15-80° of knee flexion (0° = full extension).
the oxygen dilution method of Wilmore at the time ofunderwa- Strength is reported as the peak torque achieved in Newton-me-
ter weighing. Underwater weight was measured with a mini- ters (N ·m). Isometric extension strength was measured at 60,
mum of 3 trials, and the highest value attained was used in the 45, and 30° (0° = full extension). The peak torque (in N -rn)
calculations. Body fat was calculated from total body density achieved among the three angles is reported.
using the equation of Siri.
Training history.-Subjects' training history was self-
Maximal aerobiccapacity.-A modified Balke protocol was reported by questionnaire. Subjects were asked for years of
performed on a treadmill to determine each subject's maximal training, miles run per week, training pace': personal best and
aerobic capacity (V02max). After an initial 2 minutes at 2.5 mph most recent times for competitions, and a sample training week.
and 0% grade, speed and grade were increased by 0.5 mph and Reported values were confirmed by oral interview.
2% at 2-minute stages until the subjects reached volitional fa-
tigue. Volume of expired ventilation was determined by a pneu- Menstrual history.-Subjects completed a menstrual history
motach, and expired volume of oxygen (V02) and carbon diox- questionnaire, including age at menarche, current menstrual
ide (VC02) was measured via open-circuit indirect calorimetry history, age at menopause (if relevant), and current and past
using a Parvomedics system (Consentius Technologies, Sandy, oral contraceptive (OC) and HRT use. Reported values were
Utah). The analyzers were calibrated prior to testing for volume confirmed by oral interview.
and concentration with known gases. Twelve-lead EKG
(Quinton Q750B, Bothell, WA) was monitored throughout exer- Statistics.-Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package
cise, and a board-certified physician of internal medicine was for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 8.0. Comparisons
present during the testing. among the three groups were done by analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA), with body weight as the covariate. Follow-up tests
Bone densitometry.-The BMD of the lumbar spine (L]-L4) were conducted to evaluate pairwise differences among the ad-
(SBD) and nondominant proximal femur (H BD), and BMD and justed means, with Holm's sequential Bonferroni procedure
bone mineral content (BMC) of the total body (T BD and TBd were used to control for Type I error. Independent sample t tests were
measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) using a used to compare the Post and PostE groups on variables unique
Hologic QDR-1500 system, software version 7.10 (Hologic, to those two groups. Pearson correlations were utilized to ex-
Waltham, MA). Quality control was ensured daily by use of a amine relationships between variables for all groups combined.
phantom, and the measurements were maintained within the Significance was predetermined at p < .05.
manufacturer's precision standards of ~1.0% for the spine and
~ 1.5% for the total hip. Reproducibility, assessed in 10 healthy RESULTS
volunteers,ranged from 0.8-2.0%. Subjects' t scores (comparison General characteristics of subjects are shown in Table 1.Age
to predicted peak bone mass) and z scores (comparison to age- did not differ between Post and PostE, whereas Pre was signifi-
predicted bone mass) were obtained using normative values pro- cantly younger than both postmenopausal groups (F = 11.27;p <
.05). The groups did not differ in body weight, although Pre was
significantly taller (F = 3.13; p < .05), had significantly lower
body fat (F = 3.55, p < .05), and significantly greater total lean
Table 1. Subject Characteristics (Mean ± SEM) mass (F = 8.29, p < .05) than Post. Although body weight did not
differ statistically, we utilized ANCOVA to control for body
Premenopausal Postmenopausal + HRT Postmenopausal weight in comparing the three groups, due to the slightly higher
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 13) body weight in the Pre group, and the finding of significantcorre-
Age (yrs) 48.1 ±.44 56.8 ± 1.5* 57.3 ± 2.3* lations between bone mass and body weight (described below).
Weight (kg) 58.5 ± 1.2 55.1 ± 1.1 55.5 ± 2.1 Yearsof training,miles run per week, and maximal aerobic capac-
Height (em) 165.9 ± 1.5 163.3 ± 1.1 161.1 ± 1.4* ity were not differentfor the three groups, as shown in Table 2.
% Body fat 21.3±1.2 22.3 ± 1.1 26.0± 1.6* Menstrual history data are shown in Table 3. The groups were
Total lean mass (kg) 46.0 ± 0.9 42.9 ±0.8 40.5 ± 1.2* not different for age at menarche. Ten Pre, 8 PostE, and 6 Post
*p < .05, significantly different from Pre. subjects reported previous OC use; years of OC use and years
since OC use were not different between the three groups. Years

past menopause did not differ between Post and PastE. However, age-predicted . None of these values differed signi ficantly from
statistical power for this co mparis on was inadequ ate given the the popul ation norms as determined by one-sample t tests.
wide variance and small number of subjec ts. For Po stE , years Strength data are presented in Table 2 and Figure 2. Isokinetic
past menopause and years on HRT were not significantly differ- knee exten sion streng th was significantly gre ater in Pre co m-
ent, and only two of the PastE group did not begin HRT immedi- pared to Post, a difference of 23%. Althou gh not reachin g statis-
ately at menopause. Two forms of estrogen replacement were tical significance, Pre also had 16% greater mean isometric knee
used by the subjects in the PostE group. Twelve women took exten sion strength than Post. In contrast, Pre did not differ from
co nj ugated estro gen , 10 at a do sage of 0.62 5 mg and 2 at a PastE in muscle strength, nor did PastE differ from Post
dosage of 0 .3 mg. Th e rem ain ing 3 wome n in the Pa stE gro up Pearson co rre latio ns revealed signi fica nt inver se relation-
used estradiol at a dosage of 0.05 mg. The HRT utilized by 7 of ships with age for HBMD (r = -0.30 , P < .05 ), iso metric knee

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the PostE group included dosages of progesterone (2.5- 5.0 mg). extension strength (r = -0.32, P < .05), total lean mass (r = -.34,
Data on BMD and BMC are presented in Table 4 and Figure P < .05) and maximal aero bic capaci ty (Absolute: r =-0.49, P
I . The hip measure reported is the Hol ogic total hip value. Pre < .05; Rel ative: r = -0.38, P < .05). Th e relat ion ships between
and Po stE did not di ffer sig ni ficantly for T BD' TBC' and SBD' age and BMD are plotted in Figure 3. Ag e was not related to
Ho we ver, Pre had significantly greater H SD than Po stE (F = body weight, and none of the BMD values were related to mus-
3.91;p < .05), a differenc e that equaled 10%. In comparing Pre cle strength, aerobic fitne ss, or training history. However, H sn
to Post, Pre had significantl y greater valu es for all BMD and and Tso were significantly related to body weight and total lean
BMC measures (F = 13.31 , 8.16,8.39 , and 5 .23 respectivel y mass. The se relationships are plotted in Figure 4.
for H sD' SBD' TBD' and TBe>" P < .05). Th ese difference s equaled
17%, 17%, II %, and 16%, respectively. PastE had significantly DISCUSSION
greater TBD than Po st (F =6.79 , P < .05), and approached sig- The co mparison of BMD in pre-, post-, and postmenop ausal
nificance for H BD(p = .06). estrogen-replete women runners is an important source of informa-
In comparison to age-predicted norm s (2 scores), Pre was 0.5
to 0.75 standard deviations greater than predicted forTBD, HBD>
and SSD' Th e BMD va lues fo r PostE ran ged from 0 .1 to 0 .5
standard deviations greater than age-predicted , whereas for Post
the ran ge was from -0.2 to - 0 .5 standard de viations less than Table4. Bone Characteristics of the Subject Groups (Mean ± SEM)

Premenopausal Postmen opausal + HRT Postmenopausal

(n= 15) (n = 15) (n = 13)
Hip BMD (g/c rrr') 0.973 ± 0.03 0.876 ± 0.03* 0.805 ± 0.03*
Spine BMD (g/cnr') 1.047 ± 0.04 0.94 1 ± 0.03 0.870 ± 0.04*
Table2. Training and Strength Characteristics of the Subject Groups
Total BMD (g/cm' ) 1.115 ± 0.02 1.082 ± 0.02 0.996 ± O.03*t
(Mean ± SEM)
Total BMC (g) 2281.1 ± 75.9 2 148.2 ± 70.8 1909.8 ± 9804
Preme nopausal Postmenopausal + HRT Postmenopausal
*p < .05, significantly different from Pre.
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 13) tp < .05, significantly different from PostE.
MileslWeek 22.8 ± 3.0 27.3 ± 3.2 21.5 ± 2.8 Note: BMO =bone minera l density; BMC =bone mineral content
Training intensity
(min/mile) 10.3 ± 1.0 '9 .3 ± 0.3 10.3 ± 0.7
Years training 16.4± 2.1 15.4 ± 1.2 15.9 ± 1.7
Vo z(Umin) 2.58 ±0.11 2.47 ±0.12 2.20 ±0.13
_ Pre
VO, (ml -kgl -rnin") 44.2 ± 2.0 45.1 ± 2.4 40.2 ± 2.5
Isokinetic knee _ Pos t
extensio n (N' m)
Isometric knee
99.1 ± 5.3 87.8 ± 5.4 76.4 ± 7.5*
extension (N rrn) 129.0 ± 6.3 110.1 ± 5.5 109.2 ± 8.3 S
~ 1.0
*p < .05, significantly different from Pre. III
Table 3. Menstrual History of the Subject Groups (Mean ± SEM) Ee
~ 0.8
Premenopausal Postmenopausal + HRT Postmenopausal
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 13) c
Age at menarche (yrs) 13.7 ± 0.4 12.9 ± 0 .6 12.7 ± 0.5 m
Years past menopause 8.5 ± 1.6 12.3 ± 2.6
Yearson HRT 7.6 ± 1.7
Subjects reporting 0.6 - ' - - --'
previous ex: use 10 8 6 Spine BMD Total BMD
Years on ex: 7.0 ± 2.4 7.6± 1.7 6.2 ± 1.8
Ycars since OC 19.4 ± 2.6 25.0±5.5 23.1 ± 2.1 • = significantly different from Pre, P < 0.05
Note: HRT = hormone replaceme nt therapy; ex: = oral contraceptive. Figure I. Bone mineral density of the hip, spine, and total body by group.

140 1.6
N- • Ag. va. TBMD
E 1.4 . o
Age va. HBMD
Age va. SBMD
E 120
r::::::J PostE
_ Post s •
Z ~ 1.2

•.•. .
.. 0
Cl C 1.0

100 E
c: 0.8


. o p < 0.0&. HBMO- (Ag• • -0.005 )+1.172

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'iii c: 0.6
c:: 80 0
~ 0.4 +--"T""""-~--,---r---.....,....-.....,....--r-.....,
W 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
CIl Age (yrs )
e 60
Figure 3. Relationship betweenage and bone mineraldensityfor all subjects.

40 -'-- - - -
Isometric Isokinetic
• = significantly different from Pre, p < 0.05

Figure2. Isometricand isokineticknee extensionstrengthby group. 5 1.4

~ 1.2
.• ..• •
• • p < 0.05, HSMO-CW'tll..OO"t+ .34 3

tionregarding the interaction betweenchronicrunningand bone. C'" 1.0

• •
Both body mass (10,11) and aerobic capacity (12) have been i! • 'O

shownto predictbone mass in olderwomen. Giventhesimilarity ~

:!! 0.8
0 0
o 0 0
• Body Welg hlva. TBMD
o Bod y Weig ht ve. HBMD
betweenour groups in these variables, and the chronicnatureof ~ 0.6
• Body Weigh t vo. SBMD
thetraining undertaken by oursubjects, we wereabletocontrol for lD

theinfluence of bodyweight andtraining history on thedetermina- 0.4 -l--~-~-~-~-"===;:::::::==;-----'

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
tionof howchronic running affects BMDaftermenopause. Body Weight (kg )
The key finding of this study was that chronic running in the
presence of HRT appeared unable to maintain BMD of the hip Figure 4. Relationship between body weight and bone mineraldensity for all
in postmenopausal women.These data indicate that the levelof subjects.
physicalactivityundertakenby these subjects, even in the pres-
ence of HRT, is not an adequate stimulus to maintain hip bone
mass. In contrast, HRT and exercisemaintainedTBD and TBe at cisersexperience any skeletal gainsduringtheearlyyearsof train-
levels similarto those of premenopausal women runners. ing, after whichbonemass would be expectedto plateauwithno
The finding of differences in BMDbetween Pre and PostEwas further increase from thechronic exercise. Thus, although thecom-
unexpected Theliterature is clearthatestrogen replacement canal- bination of running and HRT might not be expectedto increase
mostcompletely abolishbonelossassociated with menopause in BMD in this group of women,it would be expectedto maintain
most women. The work of Lindsay and colleagues (2) demon- bone mass at nearlypremenopausal levels. The fact that that our
stratedlong-termconservation of bone with estrogen treatment, datasuggest a lossofbonemassdespite HRTis as yetunexplained.
begunat the onset of menopause, that lasted at least up untilthe It remains possiblethat the dosage of estrogenutilizedby the
age of 70 years.The estrogen-treated womenin our studybegan subjects in our study was insufficient to protect bone, Lindsay
treatment at menopause, yet theyhadsignificantly lowerBMDof (15) has stated that not all patients treated with the minimum
the hip, and a trend toward lower BMD of the spine, than pre- dose of estrogenconservebone. Whetherthis is due to estrogen
menopausal women of similar weight and training history. The resistance, interference from other factors, or lack of compliance
reasons forthesedifferences areunclear, as the interaction between with treatment has not beenreported. Certainly, delayedonset of
chronicexerciseand HRT has not been well studied. Some data HRT following menopause, and/or poor compliance with the
suggest that weight-bearing exercise enhances the effectof estro- medication, couldprovide an explanation forour findings if these
gento increase bonemass(5),buttheseresults wereestablished in data were incorrectly reportedby our subjects. Additionally, the
women who began HRT and exerciseseveralyears after meno- postmenopausal athletesmay have had a lowerpeak: bone mass,
pause. It has been suggested thattheremightbe more potential to or they may have experiencedgreater premenopausal bone loss
add bone mass once postmenopausalloss has already occurred due to premenopausal bouts of amenorrhea. However, only one
(13),making it likelythat the additive effectof estrogenand exer- athlete in the postmenopausal group reported an amenorrheic
cisewasin partdue to a moreresponsive skeleton. In contrast, our eventduring her lifetime. Thus, it is difficult at best to determine
subjects had been chronically training from several yearspriorto precisely the influence of thesefactors on our results.
menopause, suggesting they may be acclimated to the exercise Finally, it is possible thatsomeaspectcreated by thechronic na-
stimulus. Moreover, Mosekilde (14) suggested that chronicexer- ture of the exercise undertaken by thesesubjects created anenviron-

ment detrimental to bone evenin the presenceof HRT. Risk factors Presently, Nora Constantino is at the University of Nevada-Reno; Taylor
for osteoporosis that are known to be prominentin female athletes Marcell is at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; and
Kyle Tarpenning is at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
includelowbodyweight, low body fat,highcortisol levels, and low
estrogen levels (9).As well, Nelsonandcoworkers (8)demonstrated Address correspondence to Dr. Robert Wiswell, Associate Professor,
Department of Physical Therapy and Biokinesiology, University of Southem
lowerserumestrogen in non-HRTtreated, chronically trainedpost- California Medical Campus, 1540 East Alcazer Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033.
menopausal womenrunnerswhen comparedto sedentary controls, E-mail:
likelydue to lowerbody fatpercentage. An adverse effect of chronic
running on bone mass in men has also been suggested (16); this REFERENCES
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This research was supported by the RM. Wadt Memorial Research Fund,
Department of Biokinesiology, University of Southern California, and the Received June 22, 1998
Pickford Foundation, Beverly Hills, CA. Acrep~dNowmber1~1998

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