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TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1:NOUNS AND VERBS Pronunciation Lesson Present tense, Pronoun-prefixes, Six classes of nouns Negative form, Interrogations, Present continuous ... Prepositions, Connections, “to have"... Seperate pronouns. Adverbs. Concordial -prefixes Concordial prefixes : 7 “There is” Object pronouns infixes, Habit ma infix Subjunctive. Kutt Past and Future; -ma- and za infixes 10 “At what time?” Adverbs i. ee oe ou A Object-pronouns infixes, Relative -mene- 12 Numbers 13 Perfect tense 14. Extra clases: Diminutive kay Indintive kw, Pa ka ma PART Il: ADJETIVES AND PRONOUNS: 15 Possession, Possessives, “Home” Lae 16 Formation of Adjectives, The week 17 “to be” -Il and na 18 Special adjectives . 19 Verbal adjectives. Ordinals 20 Motion: -ka- and -dza- infixes 21 Demonstratives uya and uyo Contractions naye, nawe, mane. Reciprocity ma sufix ‘Demenstratives une and wa ete Locatives “Where? “Here” “There” Comparison Wina “another” Wenlwent “real Yense “each, all” 28 Yekha “only” 29 Amene relative. Ameneyu demonstrative. 30 Yemwe "the same”, Yemweyu demonstrative 31 Locatives (full list) : 32 Kutere and Kutero, Adverbs of manner ... BERBERS SBeReN eserezeresearesese PART III: VERBAL INFIXES AND SUFFIXES applied form on passive: Formation of nouns -ka suffix: potential: descriptive ... 41. Other Locatives: adverbs ne ne ae ae oe 42 Ndi and Si contractions First Edition printed and-published in 1969 bby Likunj Press and Publishing House P.O. Box 133, Lilongwe, Malawi. Reprinted with permission in 1978. by Teresianum Press P.O, Box 8067, Lusaka, Zambia, Second Edition 1987 Distributed by Likuni Press & Publishing House PO, Box 133, Lilongwe, Malai, soUNDs: cH PRONUNCIATION ter has its full value, with a vowel. And whenever we split in each syllable chould always be lable: 5 Mpha-mava iy8 pure end has no equivalent in English: aru ula ull kuti? voweis are joined together, each keeps its value. ion between words which are more or less similar. in English: Mbuzl yanga ila yattwa. nceds emphasis in diphttongs 8h, ph, th: Kukhoma; Fhala; Kuphika; Thebwa; Kutheka, rays very soft and has no equivalent in English (formerly the thography was often C): Chlagwe; Chobvala; Kuchedwa be late. intere with Ly iwira; Lere. ala! Tsogolat } Mivamana. ‘The bilabial fricative w has a were. Lowani! sand contants are t be prneunced dtc each ®] iy ive wns, comeponding t the Sve vowels; the jery consonant has to be pronounced clearly: to avoid & —Moni Hello! (common word in salutation) #2 Teikemet ——_‘Thankel Swan bwine. i Interrogation: usually starts with the word Kod. 7 unless another interrogs tive is employed in the sentence. Intonation, Kodi muli bwino? Kodi vona mtengo? Kodi mufuna kachotss mtenge? Bwanj? How? All bwanji? Uchotss hwanjt chingwe? (follows the verb) (Chiyani? What? ee eae ee eee a normally does not change, an ith the subject. none Ndlona bwine nyumba: I see the house well. ‘Afuna kuona nyumba, Ndifuna kutenga khasa, to see 'No prefix. Note the suffix -nl in the plural form, sce the people, How are they? string! Leave the bow here! 13. ‘They want to lene the tees over there 14. You want a string? (Have a) look in there!” 15. What do you find there? They are all-ight NEGATIVE FORM Greetings: When approaching a person er the entrance of « house: iz PLAC wna catch, bold, grip _-zikomo! or Odi! May I come near, or pass? Excuse-me! z Tose, throw aw Tee (Cometimes Odin!) .- Mon! Bambo! ‘ ee geen —Zikome! Paving a viet to somebody, it him to start —— cat —Mull bwanii? the salutations. Wait! But receiveing a visitor, it is Bs steele Chose, shut wan bwine, you to greet him first: Monit segula open ge ERUEA Mito work (verb) pwine! Albright! Exclamation, Musas hth — Chaba ; Mr. thita do Pepanl! Sorry! Exclamation. Sinai bwino, —Pepant! é moran iaow the cas of eter new nom PRESENT CONTINUOUS: When an action is taking place right now st this: ough the initial letter: ‘moment, we use the verb -Il followed by Infinitive; or simply the infixs ‘ -keu- (contracted form): ‘Muy knehita chiyant? What are you doing? Nail kntseka chiteck.. Matt kufona chiyant? What do you want? Mukufuna chivas? Alt kugwira ntchite, He is working. ‘Akagwira ntehite, ‘The ordinary Present tense is less precise and often expresses an im mediate Future. Note the difference between these sentences: 3 |. Naitseka ebitseko. I will close. ? Sakugwira ntchito, He is not working. Sagwira ntchite, He does not work, Stmureza ntchito pano. You won't find any job here. Sindkupeza mpent. us make a clear distinction between the two tenses, Sittfana kugwira, ntehito Simugwira wit : 1. Do not cut the string! Leave the knife here! Samay Dene aaa \ aera soem the dor! Loven to put the besket in there ane 3. Look! You do not hold the basket well. 40 int to work over there. Lam not well, T don't find the children. Are they in there? 8. 6. Excuse-me! How do you open, the 7. Hold the string well! Don't dro, a Look! What do yoa call this in Chichesia? : 9. Do yoa want a job? All-right, take a hoe! 10. She is not well, She wants to leave the job. to leave anything here, ‘Sorry, you don't work well. Leave the hoe here! What are you doing fe does not want to do anythnig. T want to see (your) is eaze, do something! — (GeiTl) cut the trees. 0 LESSON 5 Mull bwanll? Nat bwine, Sindlastes taut Ine sindilt bwino, —Pepant! Mokupita kuti? —Natkupita ken Lilongwe, Chabwino, pitant! = ikomat TO HAVE: There is no verb corresponding to “have”; we must use a special construction with the verb -UI followed by the preposition nd: “to be with.” Kodi muli ndi ana?—Inde, _Bambo all ndj nkhokwe ‘Al nai khaso, koma sadziivs kulima, ‘TIN nai manda ko, tive form “have not", instead of the prefix si. the verb takes the 1 ibe, ta pakhome! —‘Tsekani pakthomot Akupita kuti? Ukuchokera kali? PREPOSITIONS: Corresponding to the three Adverbs pano, uko, umo, here are three prepositions ‘madengu pakhomo! sathe kudula miengo ndj mpeni. Alt ' LESSON 4 Mwamuna, dani? Who? Chifokwa chtyant Chitakwa becanss SEPARATE PRONOUNS orula -ulltsa “panga THE VERE ‘wana all msnyumba. ‘Mpeni ult pathebalo, Chingwe chill mudengu. Nyumba ii katt? Khasn Ul) kumunda, Uta ult pankhokwe, Whenever the subject is a noun, the verb still takes & prefix: Bambo att Sul!? Ama all bwans!? Since we have six classes of nouns, the pronounprefis, correspond to the class of the noun subject: Pang‘onopang’ono nai matolo, Katunda ali misitore, LESSON 5 CONCORDIAL PREFIXES journey, trip vvenda walk, travel traveller, visitor a stop, road cchoka ——_go-a Ulendo Mendy Msewa, Madr village Nyanja °, hist hill, mountain cdikira wait, wait for Dambo marsh, swamp, river wa fall, collapse Mat woman, wile oneka be visible CONCORDIAL PREFIXES: To become familiar with the Concordial prefixes, let us make some more sentences: 1A A Mlendo sil munyumbs umo, Mikaz! ayenera kuchoka, 2h 48 Msewa alt bwino, ‘Mudzi ult paphiri, Ch Zi. Nyanga Ill kati? Kaya! Chintha chill kugwa, 4 1 Zk Chovala chit pachingwe, -Ndalama il pampando, su Phirt lknoneka, Dambo It uke, eu ow ‘Ufa ull mudengu, Uts alt pakhomo, Now put the sentences in the negative form, remembering the general rule: front of a consonant; Katali far ‘Nod! mukupits kntal!? Nyanja iit kutall pang’ono, far from... ndt: Kodi sitoro fil kutall ndi msewa? atu near: Ana ine, bwerual yatup! han! dengue patup! close to... mdi: Suku 1M pafupi ndi msewu, oul about ie Mlougy all rae! Kaper fot cugwa) Gwrirani dengu msanga! Likufuna kngwa (il pafepl kogwa) RELATIVE PRONOUN “who” or “which”: -MENE. It takes the concordial Drefix corresponding to the class of the noun: Seon ae ca tig Wo aa wp <4 pita eulend> go on a Journey Til pautend be ona ourme: SPE mean te tS 15, Why does the child not go t» school? — He cannot walk. — Really? Proverb: Mlendo nal mame, . -L1P0 isthe most common form; can have diferent meanings an ‘there Caakudya chilipo koma sichikwanira, ok te ‘Melanpa ali? Doer God erst? Inde, slip Kodi bambo alipo? —Iyayl, paltbe. be absent. good health”: Mull bwanji? — Nailipo, Tt does not matter! hungry: Pepant, ife tilt nai nfala, be enough, suf amount to syllabie verbs take the prefix 1- in the Imperative ‘Ana inu musasedere, idyan! meanga! ywanl! Zikomo bambo, imwani madzi pang’on®, mova ayit ‘Kodi pati anthu pakhomo? Pampando pall chiyanl? Pamudst pano pall njala, Pafupl ndi nyumbs pali nkhokwe. PAUL Whenever Msika ulipe, koma uli kutall, Musitoro umo mali chtyant? = Pepani alendo, mukuchoka ndi njala—Iyayi, palibe kanthu! Nana xi, home sl ell Eeazil ‘mall alendo, koma all pafupt kochoka, ' prepositions ku or mu are found in the sentence or ULI suggested by the context, we must use the similar forms MUL kuti or mull: | There's nobody In tha village, Mon and women are i gardens Kodi pall sitoro pamudzi pano? — Inde, illpo, to eat, but I have nothing to put on. Kodi Lull midzj umapiry wko? — Inte, itiko, Ya ? Come along, there is beer over there. Kodi mult anthu munyamba umo? ——-— Inde, allmo, We ‘to a beer (party). Walt! We (will) come back quickly. The father and mother are at beer; ut the chive are Banry. Nyumba flipo, koma iibe chitseko. ‘Madzi allmo koma ali pafupl kutha, Dengu litipo, koma mult ufa, ‘Mota ulipo, koma sukwantra, Nihokwe ilipo koma malibe chimanga, Nadalame lipo, kota zichepa, ie Took in tat bartet! Perhaps thre isa ite Cour (in 10) |: Proverb: Madzi saifala khwawa. | Greetings: The plural of majesty is quite common, particularly in greetings” prefix ar Mont abambo!—Zikome amay!! — Kodi aphunzitsl alipo? the teacher Moni a Phi! a Banda, a Mbede, a Mwale... clan names for men. ‘Zikomo a Naphisit » Nabanda, a Nambetee,.. clan names for women. NSO Suffix has various meanings according to the context: “again” Chitaninso! Natkupitanso kualendo, “lo”; Inunso bweranl! Nélimalima chimangs ndinso fodya, “no more”: Safwnanso kundithandlsa, Sangathenso kuyenda. Mkazi amapita ku tohalitch, koma mwamons sapita, er very much; but she does not want me. 2 ou a family? — Yes, but (my) wife is at home (at the village). a fare you doing on the road here? —I am waiting for the chief. 4 Ip you, because I have no money. Sorry! 5 ‘are coming; we must receive them well. 6 fe likes beer very much, Don’t give him money any more. 7. Is there a-chief in this village? — Yes, there is. & Love father and mother, because they take care of me, 8. Why does she not go to school any more?— Because she likes to play. 10, The chief wants (to see) you. Why don't you obey him? 3 ig 1. We tke to pay, Because God loves us and takes care of ot i 12, ‘The chiefs want to hold -panga a meeting in this village. i 13. The boys who go to school are plenty, but the girls are few. 14. Does the chief invite you to the meeting very often? 18. You (wil) nob receive anything, because you don't obey us, Proverb: ‘Kupatsa ndi kuika SUBJUNCTIVE 2a iit -nena -fona cold drake reiyendo —-khtala ania -samba maso i ‘Mwana ali kugwa, Mumgwire msanga! nsomba Joh{ neblyant? Mndiure! ‘ndalama Pang’ono! Mumthandizs kukonza chakwdya! ‘ive veually expresses elther an order, or a wish, an invitation bwine! UNL Tere ae var eh at ra,gumb, am. which may expled The St US 2 lta ut slowed by te Seblunclve Safzma kuti ndichoke, He docs nét want tie to go away. toad Neizupemphani kut] muWathandize, Mumuute kat! abwere msanga. ~ q totter meaning of Kat withthe Subluntve: “eat in order BA" eee a en e testa mira at ty may ot. selanl pee ee aa ntioinge abet ep ’ see seston ll ape blame gona :,Usagone pakhomo pane, pita kenyumba! < Sing ta fs neuen send leop ona tulo ‘M mtulo Salt kumya kanthu; all m’telo, be asleep cM maso' :Kedi mwana ali m’tulo? —Iyayi, all maso. be awake Imani! Listen! Sakumva He does not hear; he is deaf, ‘Mumakhala kuti? Where do vou live? stay. Khalanl pampando! Sit... ‘Khalam{ pansi!: Sit-down! -yenda pansi go on foot, walk. Pansi ca the ground, on the floor: Tkanl dengu pansit underneath, below: Pansi pathebulo pall dengu. 1. Ask him for some money and he will give you some. im? (subj.) Ik because she feels (pain in her) legs. ‘co0k fish but meat! Because I don't eat fish, But we don’t see him, because He has no body. 5. God ex 6. geing, Good-bye! Khalanl bwino! May God help yout Jin) chiyant, in the head or in the'chest? help him any more. Let him go home (village)! ‘on the chair! I will sit on the floor. ‘Are you listening? The visitors shall sleep in that house. (subj.) Is the teacher present? Tell him that I want (to see) iim! ite him to the meeting? —No, because he likes beer. ‘to wash m’ (your) hands! Are you hungry. T give them, beer or water? —They don't drink beer. Proverb: Kanthu ndi khama, LESSON 9 PAST and FUTURE. Neera wisdom, intelligence -phuntira learn, study. Mawa Pi word:, speech sphunaitsa teach Bukba book, -Werenga read, count Kalata 4 letter 5 slemba write Nihant story, news -fansa ask, question Miandu case, dispute -ankha, answer cmavetsa understand lankhuls speak verb: Unaphonzira chlyan! kusakolu? Ndanj anasiya katundu pakbomo? ‘turn back) : more common, ‘Miunampemphs chiyani? Kodi unaWathandiza pang’ono? -—-‘Ndinamfunsa ndipo anandlyankha, ‘Kod! amakuphanzitsan) bwino? ‘Tilandira alendo ndipo tikudadtktra. In the negative form, the last vowel changes into -E: t the ordinary Present tense often expresses a Future: kumsonkbano, Adapita kumuds! dzolo; abwera mata, a atsegula UL? Musataye mttma! Ine ndikuthandizant, “-KMALA The verb -ll has no Future, it never takes the infix -lsa-; it has no Subjenetive either. So we must use another verb -Ehala, j Kutsogel> ike ndidzabhals mphencits! ndipo ndidzakuphunaiteant, re Tidratcha's nal ana niipo tidzatasamata bwino, Mscnithan> tdzakhala UfI? Kapena katsogolo tidzakhals mal njala. ‘Mulunga akhale manu! (ndi inu) God be with you! “Ana acakhale ndi n‘alat Mutrapatso chakudyat Sukuls bathale pafupl adi msewa! Nainamva keti padzathala mscnkhano pamnday pans, Mfuma amatona kuti patadai pano pakhale suki ‘Toe verb -Khala sometimes means “stay away, not to go": tunabhala kusuktln dzalo chifakwa chiyant? (smsapife kusakaln) @ vice, -patsa mzera give advice, a suggestion Kwa F is used instead of Ku when it is followed by « noun a person or a village: Kalafa tchokera kwa mfema. you for money, but don’t givé him anything! She did not go to church, because she had a cold. ‘The girls are laziy; they don't put (their) heart in the work. In Chimuta village, the boys who did not go to school are few. ‘The books Which are on the table come frum the teacher.” T canznt read letters any more because I have sore eyes. Does he speak Chichetta well? Who teaches him? 1en did you start learning Chichewa? Do you often read books? the truth! Who wrote the leter which you received yesterday? ‘money which you gave me yesterday. 3 8 6 1 6 8 jeacher; but now he does not teach any more, 1%. The chiefs said that there will be a meeting here tomorrow. Proverb: Safunsa ansdya phula. LESSON 10 Greetings:—Mont anyamata! —tikomet A Moninso_atstkana! mathe! (koma) women, only at panlendo? Bet Takupita emstea, Tiedt Malt Bwanjt nangat it bwino nlite, Kaya init? Tnenso nailt bwino, “Nanga": Well, by the way | ‘Adverbs: Here are some adverbs expressing the postion of ax object: they take fas prefix one of the preposition pa, i Or mm, Pamwamba (pa) on the top (of): Pamavamba paphirl pall mtengo. Pans! (pa) at the bottom (of) Panst patebulo pall katmnda under.) Panja (pa) outside Nainastya Katuada panfa (cia Homo} Pata pe) in the middle (of): Pakal! pa usta mfuma ananditana. atsogolo in front, further on: Sitoro Il patsogole, Pambuyo (pa) behind, after ; Mwamuna all patsogolo, mkaxi pambuya, ‘Mumayamba ntchito nthavi yanjl? Timstuluka sukulu nthay ys madzalo, Kunalibe mvuls mwezi watha, Kumnds! kwa Chimuta kunall chaks éxalo, ‘Tivent, tikhale pansi pa mtzngo! Anthufe timadys néhatti ya masana, Sanagone tul i. Mreee saeco man tow mi outside. Open the door, et, them come in! ‘books at the bottom, the clothes on top. 1B. Let the boy bein front, andthe girs behind! Proverb: Mlanda suola ‘Folk Hmeno when mafums anapanga msonkhano, ine kunalibe. Nihawi imen> when tnaweraka ntehito, mvula Inayamba karwa, Pamene when; Pamene ndicakuphuntitsanl, simuyenera kalankhals, Pamene ndinapita kumudz!, mvuls inayambs kugwa, Neat whether ; Sindidzifva ngati ali bwino masiica ano. it; Mwana asapito kusukutn nati all kumva chifuwa, ‘Mungathe Kuplta komudzi ngati malibe mawa, ‘Mesalvale knccnsa ara ngatl slmuldsitea; ndipo sfmudzasochers, tbe imene ngoct isoneks happen, mfumu kunalibe; anal! Kumowa, 5) Nainamava kuti traplts kuolend, Munyamuka nthate yanit? Ps Sanayendetse bwino ninga: inalotta kxtchire ndipo tnagunds mteng®. ‘Anazwa pan'tnga ndlpo anathyoks miyendo, Sathanso Kuyends, : Pamone mult kuyendetsa galtmote, simayenera kumwa motra, Fwo amakon’a kayenda pansi, koma ife timayenda panting2. Ngati simutsata bwine malamblo mudrapera ngest panjirs. Kale anali n@i gallmoto, koma Unafa ndipo Ultbenso ntehito, Bweranl, ndikunyamulea! pan{inga, kuti mufike msanga kumndst, LL She told me to take the basket; but I left it at the entrance. 2. The car which the chief bought last month does not run properly. 3. There was an accident here Yesterday; the chief fell from a tree. snd died in the evening. accident on the road, you must stop. beer yesterday; and he slept in the bush, irive a car must know regulations well. |. Where were you when the accident happened? —I was sleeping. ‘you went to the lake, did you travel by car or by plane? 13. He asked me: Do you know (how) to drive a car? I answered: Yest: 44 ‘The car which bimped into the tree was damaged; but he repaired it: 15, T don’t know how to drive a car; bat I want to learn, Proverb: Kugona pakati nkuyambirira, LESSON 12 ‘Tambala ‘Matonda Kwacha Thumba Ngongole Mphatso NUMBERS cent sipira pay, reward sale, trade cbwereka burrow, lend kwacha sbwera give back, send back Dag, pocket cba steal debt -ononga damage, wast> itt spereka offer mil vonjeza add a lie sala remain, be left NUMBERS Though more and more people use the English numerals, however 1 ™ 7 0 3 Chr. 4 rE 5 ok 6 ou 1 -moazt 2 wii 3 tatu 4 5 peso ngatl? How many? This adi ‘Anakupatsani ndalam: wwe shzsld know the Chichewa words, at least from one to ten, Mphunzitst mmodal. Msewu umodzl, Chinthin chimodzi. Aphunitsi aWiel, Misewa iihirl, Zinthu ail. Dengo agula meds Kwacha lmodzl. each Amalandira maKwacha aWiri pa tsilu, a day ‘M'galimoto munal{ antha atatu ndipo awiri anata, yun of the fifth class: and then they say “0 and 1”, Mthumbba wieo mel) matambala khum) nai moda. Unandibwereka matawbala angatl? Muli mdi zaka xingatl? Kangati? Ew often? Note tho’ pfefix"ksis Mamadya kangati patslku?, Kamodzi Kawi. twice Katatu "3 times. Kasana ndi Katie 7 times Kakhunt 10 times Pamedzi together Musake nyama nd] nsombs pamodit Limoast tegether Tiyent, Upite Mmedsl kuchigayo! CChluoazimedal like, the same as, Duilo kunall mruia, Leroaso’chtmodiimod, Ywareks lend Muadibrerske ndilama alsaust Naldzabweza mata, borrow Ndimabweres nYinga kwa mphansiish ~ Niinga agula ndalama Zngatt ‘Avene ali mij banja skwanira asaa3; amene alibo akwantra atato, ‘Anthg amene anafika kumsonkhano anakwanira ouaam! atatu, Lic anyaimata tiniagona munyumba imodul, in the sazhe room, ‘YanMthani mmodzimmodzi one after the other. ‘Tiayenda aWiriawirl two by two. indeed. Kodi nai zoena? Is it true? * akunena bodza: hita bodza: nama "Pereka moni kwa apbonaitl, Patani monk. table here-there are 2 books, one basket and 3 knives t houre there were. 3 chairs, one table and one bag. ths are there in one year? — ‘There are twelve. re me 6t and mother added 2t, Now I have 8. pay the deht which he left here last month. s cost K1.00-each, How many do you take? sere are 7 children wo did not go to school. yesterday. you borrow a bicycle take care of it and bring it back quickly. ww many fish did he steal? I don't know; I did not count them. Proverb: Khas lobwereka silithala kuthyoka, D LESSON 13, 2 Wa. in the pronoun 3. We Waononga ndalama zingati? have you spent, or, has he spent? 1 Ta Me tabwera néi mavtu, Talfala kulatira mfuma. Kodi mwapwetcka? Mwagona bwanii? Ndagona bwine, Denga Hehepa will be too small, ..aehepa is too small (post factum) Ndalama zikwanira will be enough ..rakwantra is enough. Ndalama zinalipo AGO: Kwapit ; ndachotea risanu; satsala sisanu, junatika ke Malawi kwapita zaka zingati? Papita..: Ndinayamba kuphunzifsa papita miyer! ttata. ‘Matenda anamuyamba kwaplta milunga inayl, AFTER; Patapita... : Anatupa mute ndipo patapita masiku atatu anamwalira, ‘Naldrakoyankhant pataplta milungu {Wir s Mwagena bwan'l: Mwadzoka bwan't?—Ndsdzuka, ‘Mwayenda bwan’ Mwatandals bwan'I?; Mwaswera bwanil? ! {in good health -Ut (mdi) moyo Manta uiensipwetsta, Kalina kemapwetstn msama et eT aay Slatazrn kepeatous? . Note the similar expressions. uza: Naatspa mwends My leg is sw: Ja ndani? akudwala chivani? : Akumva chiyani? : AM kedwala materda, Matenda anamuyamba bwanti? dead person: Mlir> all emo, Mafia mali nthadt Yani? 7 day : Amaplta ku mois masika onse. ‘Ntha@i ronse always: Kodi demia Umafala nthawt! zonse? Nthawti ina sometimes: Nehaw xina ndimamva malungo, ‘Don’t stay in pa the sun! but three died last year, ‘weeks ago and came back home after 5 days. Proverb: Mwana wa kaya sachira, Greetings To show more respect, they sometimes use the third personiepliaral ‘pronoun instead of the second: —Zikomo amfumu, akhale pa mpando! (:Mukhale pa mpando!) ESSSON 14 EXTRA CLASSES Moto Mphika 2 ‘Yani? Whom? This object pronoun always follows the verb: ‘Akufuna Yani? ‘Munali keyenda mai yani pamseu®! Kod! mwaichuta? (:mwalwana) Heve you had enough? ‘Mfuma wakhuts mows, is drunk -psya be cooked, ready Natwo zapsya, Ulendo wapsya!” (also -psa) be ripe Zipatso sizinapsye the fruits are not ripe. burn Nkhokwe it kupsya is in flame, Katundu anapsya. Anagwa pamoto ndipo anapsya mwendo burned his leg. -otcha roast ‘Tikuotcha nyama. cha nyumba, teblre, udsa burn, put fire to -psya mtima be angry; -taya mtima lose heart, be discouraged. Kachironda ka msana, Keal mukumva kupweteka? ipatsa nzeru, Kuphuntira sikukwanira, ‘additional, classes. ¥, Locetives Pa Ku Mu Pa Kwa Mwa Proverb: Pepani sapoletsa chironda, One child burned (his) leg; and after three days he died. The preroutions Pa Ka etn ake the place ofthe Guaitng sets in Posecssives and other Adjectives: Ya: Pamutu pake pall chironds (a muta wake...) * pakhomo panea palibe nkhokwe in front of my house. Fadziko pathu pano pall njala chaka chine, Kwa: Kunyumbs kwathn kwabwera alendo, Kodziko kwana anthu amalima chivant? Kumuds! kwao kudagwa maliro, ‘Mwa:M’'thomba mwanga mulibe kantho, ‘MPealimoto mwanu maloga anthe angst? HOME : Speaking al stout thes home, thelr village, the people slays ute 1 form, “our” village, and not “my” village: the chiet ia the ratha:Ndinapita kwathn kwapits masika khoml, (:kumodsl kwatha) iu :Mungathe kupita kwann ngati mulibe maws. (:kumnds kwann) ‘Mkazi wake anaplia kwao dzulo, (:kumudtl kwa0) ‘The chiet will say; Musi wanga ull pafupl nal mews. ‘soa :lack, need: Neat musowa kantha mundiuset ‘be missing, lost (perfect): Bukkhu limedz! Iasowa, -chita ndewa make a quarrel Proverb: Chapltachaplta dasi lilibe mankhwals, LESSON 18 bite ‘chase away pangs ndalama zambiel, Murdibwereke bukhu lakale! Mwagula nyama yanii, yang’ombe kapena yankhumha? {” ‘The particle refers to the noun Zinthu: Me tikufons kudaita za msonkhano want: Kedi unayenda bwine? ‘Mfaou anafunss za ngozi imene idsoneka kwa Chimutu dzalo, ‘Tatku nai telkn amatiphunsitss x Mulunga, Chie Prefix : sometimes indicates the characteristics of a tribe or community ‘manners, customs or language): Chichesia language of the Achewa; Chingoa! etc. Chizungu language or manners of Europeans Chingeres! English. (Chikhristu Christian way of life. Chinasals Islam, If we aidd the Qualifying prefix, it becomes an adjective: Mankhwalg achlmwenye, Mantha wachllendo ‘Neeru sachikhrista, Zobvala sachikasi, —-Mawn achikumja, Gala wachismngs. We find the same construction waehl- in the Ordinals, ‘Miungu wachimodi first ‘Mwana wachlftirl second ‘THE WEEK: Lolemba Monday (this is the first day of the week) Lachisana Friday Lowernka Saturday Lamulungu Sunday time the soldiers walk with guns. One gun is missing. vt send their children to school; do you know why? ‘but the second one died 2 years ago. ‘ast will take place next week on Saturday. ‘card that you have bought a new car. How much did it cost? 13, There days, at the market, there are many things for sale. 14 We work every day; but on Sunday we have a rest, We go to church, 15. What is the price of the eggs? —St. each. — Are they good? Proverb: ‘Tsobola’ wakale satrata, LESSON 17 kewatt Bwenci 5 Mbate 1 Mlongo Meal Mng’ono Daina wing ano ndine! Nadine amene ndakultanani. rndiwe unaba buku langa?—Ial, sj ine. wa mfumy ‘Za muvinl things beloning to others: Waononga sintha ea mwinl. ‘Avatenga inkazi wa mvinl, Musatenge Kantha ngati mwint wake palibe. pronoun «mene: Note the special construction: jaitana antha atwene ana a0 sapita kusukalu, Mnyamata amen njinga yake ili pakhomo ndi mng’ono wanga. ‘Antha amene munkhokwe mwao malibe chimanga adzamva miata, Whose? Interrogetive Pronoun yani follows the Qualifying particle: Aikeia Wanu anukwatira mwana wa yani? Mwabworska niings ya yan!? Munakwera gatimoto Ia Yani? Khasa Umene liri pano néj ts yani? (Komeda) kwana ndi kwa yanl? What is the name of your village? ‘Anakiratira parade! pa yani? Pamudzi pano nd! pa Yani? :Musataye nthad pachabe, 4 will be on Saturday; I have invited many people. two ran away last night, I don’t know why. burial in my village on Tuesday, but I was absent. cer did you travel when you went to the lake last week? rover: Pano-ndi path anagona ndi nals, LESSON 18 SPECIAL ADJECTIVES Chifundo rey, pity -seka laugh, Iaugh at Chipongwe tira ry; weep...misoal tears Ulemu, ckondwa 28 happy Chisont skwiya be angry Manyazi dandaala complain ‘Mbale yaingono; Dzira laling’ono, Kamwana Kakang’ono; Tinsomba tating’ono ‘Ndinakwatira mwana wa mfumu, ymkazi mmodzl, (; aamuna anayl) ‘kapena wamwamuna (: wamphongo)? manyatl be shy, ashamed tulemu be polite, show respect Anadwala kwakukulu; Nélaammenya kwakukala, Gntil Maka: Nainacheza ndi mfuma mpaks usin, ‘Nainafike kotali mpaka kunyanja. Kufikira: Naikuthandizan! kuftkira tslku lacbisann. Tidmakhala modal kafikira kufa, Kuchokera...mpaka from... till (distance); Kuchokera... Icuflkirs... ‘Yendetsan! galimoto kuchokera pano mpaka ukot Kuyambira... mpaka from... till (period): Kuyambira... kuftkira... ‘Timagwira ntchito kuyambira lolemba mpaks loweruks, Amatiphunaltss knyambira m’'mawa kufikira madzalo, Time Pa thaw ya nkhondo munali kuti? During the war. Anadwais nthawi yaikula (:yaltall) bwanji? How long...? Sabata week: Sabata yatha; sabata ino; sabata yamavra, Kwapita sabata ingati? Anamwalira patapita sabata xittrl, ‘Tslku lasabata Sunday; ‘Tstku lachiwera Saturday. Dawa UM bwanjl?: Dzutta Ul pati? : Neha it bwanfi? Dzana day before yesterday. Mkucha day after to-morrow, ‘Mtondo day after mkucha, --MT'maW¥a mwake the next day. and is a short boy; but his father was tall. Proverb: Chaons mnrako chapita, mata chiona iwe. LESSON 19 VERBAL ADJECTIVES Nierwa samba mould, make Dothi feta ‘Thope ama Mwala -sweka Mehenga ponds Dzenje samba Chul Jamb:la Minisiet ‘siriza VERSAL ADJECTIVES are formed by adding the Infinitive, if the verb is mon¢ ‘Muntha wakuba a thie! Gaca wakufa a deed dog Ndalama rakubs stolen money Ndiwo zakupsa ikumwa; Mpent wakuthwa sharp: Zobvala zakuthaithe worn out. ‘cre than one syllable, the contracted form with © sound Kanyama koloma Kuphunsira chinyania ndi kovuta, Kewala kwache ndi Kockepa, Pakhome nd potseka. ‘Tidzasofes, polima, Kedambn ndi Korizira cold. _Akusowa kepita. ‘Munvorcba umo ndi mozizira, Mu moobika umo nd! mosatsuka, agemnen Foprda witlout (adverb): Popanda moto simungathe kuphika nsima. ‘Popands ife kuicuthandizanl, simungathe kuchits kanthu, ORDINALS are formed by inserting the infix -ehl- between the Qualifying prefix and the number. p. 37 imodsi or woyambs: Mkazi wake woyamba anamwalira, Girl: Nyumba yachiirlel nai ya mng’ono wanga. wachitatu: Adalemba makalata atatn koma yachitatu inasochera, wachisana ndi ehimodsi: Lamalo lachisamu nd chimods! Ikutanl? oth wakhuml; 11th waklumt ndi chimedzi...cte. Kachitirl second time. ete. Poyamba anal munthu wabwino, en: Pambayo pake anayambs ulesl. ‘Potsiriza anaslya ntchito. 1 2 ® 6 Kachiresdai the fi Poyamba at Pasnbuya pake after: Potsiriza at the end, “TANI? As a Verb, it means “do what?” or “say what?": Anakwatir , 2 ‘Memakenda nyama yotanl, yophiks, yocteha kapens yokssings? 1. My companion is angry because I did not give him any money. 2, Her brother is a boy good-for-n Dut she is a good girl. 3. T threw away your old plate be bedi 4 your teacher will be very happy. a difficult ob; without your help T cannot finish it today. 6 The soil is soft because it rained last night. 7. You must pour some water into the hole, because the soil ig hard, 8. Follow God's commandments and you will have everlasting life. 5. You have not written your name well. Write ‘a second time! 10. Our first child is a boy; but the second one is a 11, The path going t» the marsh has not been repaired (cleaned). 12. Count the kwachas first, and then the tambalas! Write down, first your Christian name, then your father’s name. And finally the name of your village. What are (they) doing outside? 5. What sort of relish do you prefer -konda, with or without salt? Proverb: Ndadziia Kale adamanga nyumba yopanda khomo, = LESSON 20 MOTION : Infixes-ka- and -dza VERBAL adjectives are sometimes used as nouns. They aloo take the place of the Relative pronouns. Wophunaira student, disciple ‘Wodwala sick person Chovats difficulty (: vate) Chovala dress, clothes Chakudya food Choona truth ‘Nailibe chonena (:Néillbe mawn) Azasowa choyankha Zochita zako tinalt zotanl? Palibe chochita Mulibe chofansa? ( :funs0) APayamba umo mol zolmma, all! Basi, zatha! Bast, lekanlt wn oat the light. Go and close the door! Musaime pakhome, dzalofent! Kodj ndikabwerenso maa? Proverb: Nkhon! imodsi simanga mtolo. LESSON 21 DEMONSTRATIVES Pus 1 cat, monkey sak hunt Kalulu1 rabbit Jase hit, wound Khoswe rat -ponya throw Mbew, mouse cbisala hide onself Mbalame bird suluka fly snake vehenjera be careful; clever wing psa bbe foolish sankha choose; -sankhula formed by prefixing to the it is often joined to the 2 Uya Awa Mng'eno wanga n@i uyu, —Katanduyu ndi wa yani? 2 Uwa Iyf Uwu ndi mtolo wako, Nwalawa ndi waukut, 3 Iehl Ini Ichi ndi chiyani? Zinthutt nal zanu, 4 Tvl Eat Nyalo yathu nal iyt, ‘Niokayi situma, 5 Tl Awa Galimoto tao nd ii, Dothitt nai louma kwambiri, 6 Uwu Aga Uta wako ndl uwu, ‘Uxwatiwa nd wachikthrista, D Aka Tl Kamwana kathu ndi aka, Tsatani kanjiraka! 1 Uke Kusckaku mukuseka yanl? -Kudandarla kwanga nai uku, ‘Apa on this spot near Vku in this direction Umu in this room, near : ‘Apa pall chiyanl? Khalani pampandopa! Usaponye mala uko, koma aku, He timagona umo. MPdegumo mulibe kantho, at kul wanga, Kapirikitsent garayo! 2 Uwo Tyo Munda wa mfumu ndi uwo, Mlanduwo sindludzita, & Icha Ta Chovala chake ndj tcho, —Chitsvlochy chimatha,ntebito, 4 Jyo zo Nkhumba yatluln ndi tye, ‘Minlamevo dzina lake nchiyanl? 5 To Awo Dothi labwino nd! ilo, Ndani anakemba dzenjelo? 6 Uwo Awo Ufa watha ndi uwo, Ulendowo tinafika kunyania, D Ako Ito Kambale kangy ndi ako, Tinbalameto timadyanil? I Uko Kaudwalako munadwala masiku angati? Lekani kukwiyako! ‘Apo on that here: Tehalitehi liri apo. Khalani pamwalapo! Uko in that sn: Nyumba zikconeka uko. Kursd2i'0 nai kwa yanl? ‘Umo in that room, there: M’ayumba umo simugons antha. Musalowe umo! EE ICH? This Interrogative takes the Concordial prefix Ike uy, uye, "We vai inquire al the order or the identity of an ‘object ‘out of many? ‘Which, the first or the second, this oF that?” 1 UH? Au? Mag'ono wanu ndi cti, uyu kapena wyo? 2° Ul? Tu? -Mphika wao ndi uti, uwo kapena uwu? 3 Chit? Ziti? Mcashadwa chata chili? Mwasankhs sinthm siti? 4 Ta? zie 5 ity At? 6 Ut? Ad? — Muaasochera pa ulendo uti, woyamba kapena.waehifiri? D Kati? Tit? Kankhaku kako ndi kati, aka kapena ako? ‘Naikhale pati? Nailke pati mbalez!? Kwann ndi kuti? akuplta kuti? Hau mumagena m=tl, rmu kapena ume? ct”; Mlongo wanga ndi uyu osati nyo. ‘Dzina langa nai fll osati ilo, Imwa phals osaty mowa, noan has many adjectives, the Demonstrative always comes last. mabukn attire, Ked{ nkhamba razikatuzo ndi sanu? a wana Wamkaziyo dzina lake lachikhrista ndlye yan? What is the name of this sake? ‘There is no oil in that lamp, Don't throw anything in this hole, ‘Come and see thin small boy! Kill that dog, and not this one! the name of that village? Can you lift that big stone? ‘My companion here has caught a hare, put this luggage, on this table or on the floor there? Do you remember the name of that big bird? — Yes, itis a.. Proverb; Tehl mchiyani nkukhala afirt, 3 Nacho Nazo 4 Nayo Nazo 5 Nalo Nawo 6 Nawo Nawo D Nake Nato ypatsa vfa pang'ono ndipo anapita nawo kwao, nagwira kankhaku ndipo anathafira nako kutchire, ndipo anasesters nayo nthaWi yaitall, vangaYu amalutra, Musasewere maye! ‘musalisiye kunsumba, koma mubwere nalo! contraction with the Personal pronoun, Reciprocity is expressed by the suffix -NA joined to the verb: Na -kondan! love one another. _-dzityana know each other -thandizang lankhulana = -gundans——-phama

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