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1. Once in a blue moon : not very often. Ex: My sister lives in Alaska, so I
only see her once in a blue moon.
2. Time after time: again and again; repeatedly. Ex: We're hearing the same
news story time after time.
3. Make up for lost time: to enjoy an experience as much as
possible because you did not have the opportunity to do it earlier in life. Ex: I
didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly making up for lost time now.
4. Drag your heles/feet: to do something slowly because you do not want to
do it. Ex: I suspect the management is dragging its heels on this issue.
5. Be pressed for time: to be in a hurry. Ex: I'd love to stop and talk, but I'm
pressed for time.
6. Cut sth short: to have to stop doing something before it is finished. Ex:
Their conversation was cut short by the arrival of more guests.We had to
cut short our holiday because Richard was ill.
7. Bide your time: to wait patiently for a good opportunity to do something. Ex:
Hes just biding his time until a permanent job opens up.
8. In the nick of time: at the last possible moment. Ex: We got there just in
the nick of time.


1. After a preposition (on, it, at, since, for, by, of, etc)
Ex: Im sad because

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