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My belief is that I think there is a fit that is between myself and the field of a childs

development. The values start at home and to continue to grow, develop, learning, typical and
atypical motor skills as well as children with exceptionalities. Children may differ in learning
skills, some might be active learners, while others or very active in the creators of knowledge.
The child will learn and grow with the skill at hand and the mind develops with knowledge.
According to Piagets research by theory he was convinced the field that children who are active
learner their mind consists of rich structures of knowledge (Berk, 2013). Piaget encouraged the
development of educational psychologists and the programs emphasize the childs discovery of
learning and the direct contact with the environment (Berk, 2013). Vygotsky states that children
are active as a creator of knowledge and how important interaction is with the social
environment, and there are also cultural differences and language influences (Berk, 2013). One
of the strengths of Piaget was he was among the first theorists way to stress how it is important
for the readiness to learn. I also liked Reggio Emilia Approach to an Early Childhood Education
because it views children as being their own individuals and who are curious about the very big
world (Scholastic Inc, 2016). As a teachers role we learn with the children and we also become
involved in a group and we all learn new experiences of learning together (Scholastic Inc, 2016).
We also need to observe our children and write down their progress and what they need to work
on as well. I would also organize my classroom in a way that it would help the children make
the right decision and the right choices to. Vygotsky actually started to study how the child
stages work and this can be better for teaching of the children because the teacher will
understand what and where the stage of learning is (PBWorks, 2010). The interaction with a
child from family to school a child can learn from others that are around them. Some children
may have typical skills to that develop. A childs generic picture of any progress compared to the

same age their peers. Atypical development appears when a child either lags behind others or
they jump ahead of others of typical peers. Progress develops in physical, cognitive, social, or in
adaptive life skills. In society today I believe the children are the future in the world. To help the
children learn their potential and becoming their own individual is very important in everyday
life. A classroom needs to have different learning styles so they will have a better academic and
success rate as they progress throughout their journey in life. I believe a curriculum should have
every childs strengths and weaknesses so they will grow and develop. As children grow and
develop their brains will develop with them and they will learn the skills to help them learn and
to be successful in their life. Play with Other Children in Different Age Groups. Parents and
Teachers Need to Practice Self-Regulation.

a child.


school and the teacher will affect the childs

socialization. A teacher represents its school and

the on a child.
e culture should always be taught when bringing
up children come from.

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