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Procedure for Anna Prasanam:

Take bath of the child.
Get clothes with kasavu border. (new dress)
Apply sandalwood paste on the forehead, with prayers to Goddess Annapoorneswari to bless the child for
In Gurvayoor they use the prasadam which was offered to god first and then to baby's waiting for
chorunnu..It will be payasam mainly, Avil, Banana, Tamarind, Honey and the like.
. (All items including cooked rice, payasam (sweet preparation of rice and jaggery; rice, sugar & milk)
plantain etc. are placed on a banana leaf and the children are fed each of these.)
Some scribblings from Google:
Medically speaking a child is not able to digest food for the first four to six months.. So breast- feeding is
essential initially. Feeding the child with solid food was the next important stage in the life of the child.
After six to seven months, the childs body was developed and required greater amount, different type of
food so for the benefit of the child it was important to wean away the child from breast feeding to solid
food. Endorsed by Susruta, who prescribes the weaning of a child in the sixth month and describes the
type of food given. It was only later that this system of feeding the child assumed a religious shape. Food,
the source of energy was to be infused into the child with the help of Gods.
According to the Grhyasutras the ceremony was performed in the sixth month after birth. Other Smritis
too are of the same opinion. Laugaksi says when the teeth come out so that a child can eat solid food.
Doctor mom says that childs teeth come around month six. The prayer was offered so that all the senses
of the child are gratified so that he may live a happy and content life. But it was kept in mind that search
for gratification should not violate the rules of health and morality because it would spoil the fame of
man. The ceremony should terminate with the feasting of the Brahmans.

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