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Call to Confession

Throughout this Advent, we yearn for the coming of our Redeemer not just during this season, but we
wait all the time! We are always waiting for something greater, something more magnificent than we can
ever create to come into our lives. We wait for our Sustainer, the One that comes to us through Jesus, like
a mother that grows and develops us - the one that reforms and restores us just as a mother would.
But sometimes, throughout our life or work and struggle and persistence, we sometimes forget whos
actually in charge. Let us go to the One who gives us this joy in understanding:
We admit, Oh God that we cannot make in this world alone.
We try again and again to better understand you and the world around us
Through the problems that face us each day, we try to emulate your teachings of love and
compassion in this world.
Sometimes it seems, no matter how much we do, no matter how much we try, that our work seems
Sometimes we lose that passion and yearning to do your will that brings us hope of a better world.
Prepare our hearts, O God. And remove the sadness that hinders us from doing the impossible.
Let us remember your presence by saying, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you goods news
which will be for all people. You are this good news. You are our joy. You are our God.
Pardon of Assurance
Leader: Friends remember one thing: that we are of God and we are forgiven by God. Let no person
ever take away this joy this beautiful and wondrous joy that gives us new life.
All: We are thankful for the joy we have in our life, and the joy we give to others, through the Light
of Christ. Thanks be to God.

Prayer of Illumination
As we wait for your presence, O God, through your miraculous wonder through impossible feats
Let this word today be a word that gives us hope and peace in your coming.
Let your word, be a living word that gives us peace beyond all understanding. Let it be so, that your word
shape and mold us into what you want us to be. Amen.

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