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Apocalypse 2016 by Karissa Kaminski, Angel

Hanner & Ashlee Robinson

Mutated bats are found in Australia with special
genes designed to repair damaged cells and
increase lifespan. An outbreak of immortal
humans(Vampires)has occurred as a result of
humans being bitten by the bats. The numbers of
mortals are decreasing every day due to new
victims of the infectious bat disease.Once
infected, the victim becomes dangerously thirsty
for blood and will stop at nothing to satisfy
themselves.The question remains: what has
caused the infection and how can the vampires
be stopped for good?

Medical/ Technology- Karissa Kaminski

Historical Event- Scientists studied bats in
Australia (2015) and found mutated genes
that allow for the bats to live longer and
repair damaged cells.
Task- Research a way to treat and prevent
the infection and install a safe hospital.

Police/ Protection- Ashlee Robinson

Task- Make a police force and
fight off the vampires by teaching
self defense for protection to all
members of the community; as
well as building up a stable police
force to provide protection to

Government/ Law- Angel Hanner

Task- Take care of money and keep protesting under control. Provide legal
services to victims and keep the community calm.

Survival Guide Project

Our project will be a website where the people of australia can go on to learn how
to treat themselves, learn about the infection, self defense, where to go for
treatment, and other contact information.
We will create our website on weebly and include related facts to each teammates
chosen job.

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