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~'~ '7 ~~'~ ~ ~~ (J ~l l

Master 'Of Heaven And Earth


iown To
. Us As H.E.
. . . Kobina York-El
110m 'J'uestfay, June 26, 1945"


The Revelations to the Nuwaupians

Paa taraq- The Way

Black Magic, White Magic


1. Li Kuum ! My beloved children, if only you had

EGi39 Aashuq "Divine Love" for each other as I
love you,
2. And if only you can treat each with E?i!3 9 A.ash uq
"Love" and respect as well as the cA"Gi*?i!cA" Kawak
"Planet" and your own tJil\l?;J\l9 Khatat-u
3. Our work here on this planet would be so much easier
than it is with the inner family wars passed on to you
by the DNA of Homo-Simian, Homo-canine, or the
Human Beast Man's kind.
4. If only you will help us to help you ~m?i!m LJF1YF1Y
~9 Afaf R ayay Kaa-u, Nagar-u "African
Negroids" , the unique ones the first and will be the
5. For you see, there is a 6,000 year 0Id-e5?'iiC::?'ii9 Hajay
"Sp ell " upon Afaf Rayay Kaa-u , Nagar "Af rican
Negroid" wooly-haired people the world over.
6. And it is a -e5?;JC::Gi9 3 ?E1i"]1 C1?'ii*?'ii3kl Haj ay Shalal
Nawa m "Sp ell of Sleep ", spiritual ignorance, and
racial blindness cast upon Negroids 6,000 years ago,
7. By what became religion of aliens who carne into
Africa and spread the religious disease and cast paa
-5i"]C::i"]9 3 ?E1i"]1 E?'iii"]b Paa Hajay Sh alal A.aqad
" The Spell of Faith " taking away our ancestors'
8. Teaching them to walk by faith not by sight (2
Corinthians 5: 7), to believe in the unseen; the first


ritual of the Hajay "Spell " of ignorance that blinded

our race.
:$39tZJf5:lT9 Mukhraj-u "Outsiders " Aliens,
foreigners enter Africa with their spellbinding
rl'f5:lE?;]":S?iif5:l\X" Zaaarn-aat "Religions, opinions"
1O. By 1f5:l*ep-\l?;]C1?';]~ Lawi-Tanan "Leviathan ",
Lucifer from the ~9jZ]jLJf5:lL, Cacas "Caucasoid" the
cursed and those sub races who obey Paa Cacas-u and
their overlords -li"lC1f5:lC19 Tanan-u "Dragonians "
and their stone tablets, scrolls, which became the
Bible and Quraan for their LJ?";]1f5:l1 Salal "Race ,) as
their God's chosen people outside of Africa, so this
was not for us, Africans ,
11. And by accepting these, that is why no one teaching
for them has been able to really unite our race
wherever, not in any considerable number.
12. They come and go stand and fall back down awake
and back to sleep, Paa Hajay Shalal Nawam "The
spell ofdeep sleep ",
13. And this is also why the race of African Negroids as
a people, no matter where on this cJ?,;]*f5:lcJ Kawak
"Planet ", no matter who they mix or marry, have not
been able to make real progress toward freedom and
inner equality or a quantity life.
14. Once you are no longer thinking , you are no longer
creating and thus arc not progressing.
15. With the help of' <lP~~~ (-1I ~f-T?":lLJ9 Paa Cacas-u
"Caucasoids" and Leviathan, the God or Bible and
Quraan, Nagar-u "Ncgrolrls " arc hypnotized with a
form of amnesia and can't remember how you built
the pyramids; or how to read your own ;;??'~-l fl f5:l ?";] \X"
Safaf-aat "Hieroglyphics ".


16. A hypnotic spell to ignore what is your own and

accept what is not your own; that keeps you mentally
surprised and enslaved.
17. With their white magic powers and devil worship
as God, Lord they sealed the hypnosis with spiritual j
ignorance called Aaqad "Faith" to reject your own
18. And reject your own Salal "Ra ce" and learn to love
19. And the only way this Hajay "Sp ell " can be broken
and Africans, Negroids be free of it again and free
indeed, is that the spiritual ignorance of6 ether, 6 mind
and 6 body be destroyed by spiritual confirmations in
nature of 9 ether, 9 mind and 9 body.
20, The racial blindness will be destroyed by actual facts

about who and what you are and was what you did

-Irr;]4h''fi1 Tapal "World" over long before other sub

races were grafted from animals to have rhf5:lZJrr;]Zl

Farar "Fur which replaced =t=Gi'&f5:lZJ Wabar

"Hair ".
21. Know yourself Afaf Rayay Kaa-u "Afr icans"
22. Know yourself C1f5:l0?';]Zl9 Nagar-u "Negroids".
23. Because it is futile trying to free hypnotized people .,
without the Black Magic formula that will reverse
this hypnotic spell which is keeping our 3fS;ltGiLl9
Shakhas-u "People " in mental and physical captivity
to others' religions and beliefs.
24. And the Black Magic or tr-f5:l"""-:i3=\I-rf5:l"L"":"""'G1;--'\j Khamtaat of
the t>f5:l~GiC19 Khaman-u " Ogdoads":

Nuntat - Nun
Huhtat - Huh
Kuktat - Kuk
Amuntat -Amun

..,;> :ct: :Z= i~~)


. _ ..... .. ....;.::

25. Our Black magic formula that reverses and destroys

the evil White magic of ~ 3 f5]rl'f5]389 Shazam-u,
"Blood Lusters " or Lawi-Tanan and the "Hyp notic
Sp ell " cast on our race 6,000 years ago.
26. Wu-Nuwaup can and will break this evil wicked
Hajay "Spell", if you read and let it work; it's
Black magic to remove the White magic.
2 7. So it is futile trying to unite so-called N egroes ,
or A fro -European or Americans or Caribbeans .,
physically or spiritually without first uniting our
~ Baa-u "Souls " and Etheric b eings, that is
uniting mentally.
28. Those under Laben Sahar "White Mag ic" called
sorceries in Revelation 18:23, "And the light of a

candle sha ll shine no more at all in thee; and the

voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be
heard no more at all in thee:f or thy merchan ts were
the great men ofthe earth; f or by thy sorceries were
all nations deceived.
29. That is Wacan-u "Wiccans with their monks or
Druid priests and nuns or witches their six ether
family spirits (Leviticus 20:5-6) familiar spirits of
Molech, Evil Angel.
Leviticus 20: 5-6
"5 Then I will set my fa ce against that man , and against
ihisfamily, and will cut him off, and all that g o a whoring
:after him, to commit whoredom with Molech,f rOl17 among
i; their p eople. 6 And the soul that turneth afte r such as have
kamiliar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after
lithem, 1 will even se t my face aga inst that soul, and will
icut him offfrom among his p eople. "
30. Wiccanism became monotheism and their books

Bible and Quraan are all about their God, Allah,

overlooking their Af5]*i"1*i"1Gi\l Dawaw-aat "Evils "
if only they will kill and offer flesh to them, Elohim
as offerings and sacrifices, flesh and blood meals that
smell good to them, (Genesis 8:20-21).
31. Did their Lord, God eat flesh? Read Genesis 18:1-8,
"And they did Eat " what did they eat, the flesh of a
32. N ow reread in the Bible Leviticus, Chapters 1
thr ough 18, where you find eating of flesh offerings
to devils.

Leviticus 17:7
they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto
devils, after whom they have gonea whoring. This shall be a
statute fo r ever unto them through out th eir ge nerations. "
. 33. So their offspring, the Muccas "Caucasoid " love to
eat flesh, to this day and have their religious rituals of
sacrifices as you also read in their Quraan now 108,
originally 15, verse 3. Allah asks in Quraan 108:2,
"So p ray er is for your Rabb "Lord " over lord and
sacrifice "kill, slaughter, offer ing of blood ".
- '1
Li Rabbika
Kill, slaughter And
For yo ur
So salutsacrifice
ati ons are
" 7 And

34 . And just as in the Torah and Bible, the Quraan

repeat s this ritual of killings anim als and humans,
wars, killing, de struction , famine, floods, and fire
from heaven , that is their religion, and their Gods'
flesh eating; this is the spell called white magic, the
white light.
35. It's wickedness (Genesis 6:1-5). The same God or

Elohim , as one EL, Yahweh, and Jah asks Cain and

Abel for blood offerings Genesis 4:2-3.
36. And were mad at Q?f]Cl?f]C, Qanan "Cain" bec ause
he did not offer flesh and A?;]38?f]38 Damam "Blood"
(Genesis 4:5), yet Abel 's offering of his flock, that
is flesh and blood, was accepted (Genesis 4:4 "And
Abel, he also brought ofthefirstlings ofhisflock and
of the fat thereof And the LORD had respect unto
Abel and to his offering ") .
3 7. This white light is from Nan-Nar whose name means
"The Bright One " who is their god who requir es
sacrifice also called Sin/Singhe in the Bible, father of
Cain who was warned by the Lord (Enqi) to do what
was right or Sin (N annar) would rule over him.
Genesis 4: 7
" 7Jf thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if
thou doest not well, sin lieth at the d001~ And unto thee
Ilshall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. "
38. Qanan "Cain " did not listen and the anger of
jealousy consumed him and he rose up against his
brother Abel and struck him down dead .
39. Once the covenant of Abraham was made with
his "God", a Covenant of Flesh, ;,~~ rij~ Berith
Millah "The Covenant 0.1 Circumcision" all of those
under Abraham and born into his house, and brought
into his house were to keep this covenant to offer
blood meat.
40. The cut or circumcision was a physical reminder of
this agreement to continue to sacrifice and supply
their God, Gods, overlords with flesh and blood to
consume or they would be consumed.
41. This continues today and all those under the religions
of Abraham, be it Judaism, Christianity or Islam , you

are bound by this covenant because you worship these

beings that are not what you think they are and their
rapture already occurred in the year 2,000 A.D. in
Nome, Alaska.
42. Many were taken up and will not be returned by these
beings who are Tanan-u "Rep tilians ".
'43. My tA'GjZ1?;]b9 Kharad-u "Children" reread all this
now that you can see and you will recognize who the
Gods of the Bible and Quraan really are.
44. Yet, how can I break the spell if C1GjOfi Z19 Nagar-u
"Negroids" have not learned to love other than self
and kin and kind?
45. If we can achieve mental unity by rejecting alien
beliefs and cultures, return their reli gions , and unite as
a race first, we will automatically break the spell and
be physically united, becaus e once the mind is united,
of course the body follows.
46. People talk and act the way that they think, hence the
results of ignorant words and ignorant works, bring
about an ignorant people which the other races call
47. If the mind of those of a kind, kindred are enslaved,
then whole race is enslaved no matter what they think,
by accepting other's spirit forces or deities and no
matter how they dress or pray or accept as religions
of aliens no matter where on Earth they may chose to
.48. Nag ar-u "Negroids ", Africans must come to accept
that other races have accepted the Muccas-u Salal
"Caucasoid Race" as superiors; they always change
the colors of their own deities to look like Caucasoid
or convert to Caucasoid religions,
49. Or try to dress and talk as they do, live their culture,

fight their wars, lust after their race , seek to mix their
seed, eat their foods, seek to depart to their homelands
to live with Muccas "Caucasoid" not knowing who
or what Caucasoids really are by nature, and all are
taught do not love or like Nagar-u "Negroids ".
5O. So they will hate you without reason.
51. The EfSiiOfSii1 Aaqal "Mind" is the controller of the
actions of a Shakhas-u "People " so what they are
made to accept or believe they will follow. If the
image of God is Muccas-u "Cau casoid", then they
see you as Dawew "Evil ", with the A.aqal "Mind "
controlled by the media.
52. This -5fSii9 Rajay "Spell" is being reinforced
everyday by the T.v., cinemas, music through their
tones and frequencies.
53. These tones and frequ encies can alter your DNA
thus affecting your vibration and if you accept
these foreign tones or sounds into your ~9J=t=fSii::a
Mukwam "Being", you will be changed mentally
and physically.
54. You will no longer be in tune with the voices of your
L1fSii1fSiiri-9 Salaf-u "Ancestors " who are right there
waiting to guide you, all you have to do is "turn the
station" on to their tone and filter past the "white
noise" just as you do when you are looking for your
favorite station on the dial of a radio.
55. You can actually help tune yourself by reaching out
to them by chanting on your tones, as the F key, and
learn the tones of your language, N uwaupuyee,
56. If the E?hO?h1 Aaqal "Mind" of a people is free to
think for self and kind and are able to love self and
kindred, that people or race will be free because the
mind is the controller of all emotions; and thereby

'""f:_ Q::J!H;4;) :.

. 1 ;;




determines the course that the people or race will

take in life.
5 7. Alien religions ask you to forget your ancestors,
calling them gone, passed, deceased or dead.
58. While they have you calling on their dead persons
in each prayer be it Abraham, Moses, Jesus,
Muhammad, and even saints, and Mary, who all
are dead people linked to their JfSiiE Kaa "Sp irit "
59. Yet teach you it's wrong for you to do the same with
your own.
60. Call it Juju , Vo odoo, communicating with the ~
-xfSii<$fSii1 Kaa Tapal "Sp irit World ".
61. Yet, they speak of receiving their Holy Ghost, Holy
Spirit, speaking to unknown spirits, in an unknown
tongue, called familiar spirits;
62. They light candles, burning incense, talk to prayer
beads, visiting tombs , give offerings, and speak to
their own dead in their religions in their prayers and
63. Yet, if you do it it's evil or bad; yet, when they do it,
it is religiously good.
64. They have a mantel with pictures of a deceased
relatives and it is nothing more than an altar.
65. We are Animists which means we respect the spirit
forces in all thin gs, nature, acknowledged as Mother
Nature by some, and are connected to have and have
respect for our relati ves who are still very much alive
in a different place in time;
66. They will greet and protect you when your time
comes, to help you crossover to the other side ; they
who we sometimes refer to as our etheric parents.
67. They are that and more as your blood relatives, linked .

to your DNA so you are already linked to them and just

need to be on your own station to reconnect with them.
68. Again they use deception, White Magic, to keep
you from linking up with your loved ones who await
you in the spirit realm because they them selves are
trapped here, as unclean spirits in a cage.
R evelation 18:2:
"2And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
Baby lon the great is fallen , is fallen, and is beco me the
habitation ofdevils, and the hold ofevery f oul sp irit, and
a cage ofevery unclean and hatefu l bird. "
69. There is no hereafter for them and that is why they
have to create a paradi se here on ::bJl5 f5#:> Tahah
"Earth for themselves.
70. Their ancient Lord asks them for bloo d sacrifices to
kill things , sprinkle blood, eat flesh offerings and this
see ms to be okay to you.
71. They will say their God, Allah is not asking them to
kill for blood or flesh.
72. Yet, if you read their Holy Books with an opened
mind you will see that is exactly what their deities
are asking.
73. The sweet sme lling savour offered most to the Lord
consisted of meat, blood or fat.
Exodus 29:18
" 18 And thou sha lt burn the whole ram up on the altar:
it is a burnt offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour,
Itan offering made byfire unto the LORD.
Leviticus 3:16
"16 And the priest shall burn them up on the altar : it
is the f ood ofthe offering made byfirefor a sweet savour:
all the fat is the L ORD '5.
74. Yet, see in L eviticus 10:1-20 that the incense was






rejected and Aaron 's sons were killed because they .

did not offer flesh and blood.
75. Nadab and Abihu their Lord "Yahweh" killed them
for thi s strange incense offering.
L eviticus 10:-1-2
" l And Nadab and A bihu, the sons 0.[ Aa ron, took either
'!of them his cens er and put fire therein, and p ut incense
thereon, and offered stra ngefire befo re the LORD, whi ch
"he comma nded them not. 2And there went out fire fro m
the LORD, and devoured them, and they died befo re the
76. So again sweet smell or savour to the Lord is cooking

flesh to be eaten.

77. They lie to you because you don't ask them, " Why
are we praying to dead ancestors, prophets, saints,
or unseen spirits of their race and homeland?"
78. We Nagar-u "N egroids " need to break the spell of
ignorance and stop feeding their forces and link to
. our own.

Your Link

Alive - You- Body

Alive- Parents- Bodies

Living - Grands - Bodies - Spirits

Spiritual living - Great Grands - Spirits

Over Souls - Great Great Grand - Spirits

Etheric Beings - Ancestors - Souls

Divine- Deities - Etheric Beings


79. Your own Bloodline, DNA, genes, cells, spirits,

souls, Etheric Beings who live on and on.
80. They want you to b elieve in :bJ~(?~m~~\i tayafII



aat "Ghos ts" .

8 J. They want you to believe in ~9 K aa-u
. . ".
82. They wa nt you to believe in life after dea th.
83. They wan t yo u to beli eve in un seen deities or deity.
84. They want you to believe the dead can and will retum
soo n or at the end of this ph ysical world , will all raise
from the dea d to be j udged, Day of Jud gm ent, Day
of Standing, Day of Atonemen t and or Resurr ection,
life afte r death .
85. Yet, when it comes to your own deceased,
86. You are to forget them as passed on, gone, do not set
up altars to honour or rememb er th em , which the call
87. Nor, light candles, burn incense, put up a pho to,
flowers and speak with the m.
88. wn, Not?
89. You keep photos in your hom e on your person and
at crime scenes .
90. Peopl e put flowers, pictures, candl es, dolls, yo u
name it on acc ident scenes , yet, when we N ag ar-u
"Negroids " put up an altar it's bad.
91. If we have a statue of our Sa laf- u "Ancestors ", it 's
idol worsh ip.
92. This is to trick you, to cut off your link to the spirit
wo rld of your own, who will help and guide you.
93. Even talk to you, appear to you and will come to m eet
you when it's time to cross over.
94. In our culture W u-Nuwaup, we open that link,
set up altars to our love ones , ha ve sta tutes of our
ancestors, bum incense, light can dles , put up photos
and flowers .
95. vVe do not offe r blood , alco hol, or cigar smo ke, or


. :t 'N "~~


food we respect each to do what th ey fee l works for

96. It's just not our way.
9 7. As I sai d we, Nuw a up-u "Nuwaupians " respect
each to do thei r own, to worship who or what they
98. We as Afar Rayay Kaa-u "Afr icans" respect
others ' religions for their ~9 C1 I>l r]Zl9 M unzhar-u .
" Warners ", ~9C1trr]99 M unbay-u "Prophets",
M ums ah-u "Messiahs", ~9 T AfSh99 Mu hd ay-u
"Mahdi 's ", sent to them giving them books, tablets .
or scrolls; it's their Zaaam-aat "Religions " sent to
them by whom or wh atever.
99. Yet, we are N agar-u "Negroids " and Africa is the
spo t on the K aw ak "Planet" whe re we are p laced
an d our LjfSh1fShi'19 Salaf-u "Ancestors " are linked to
the J r](., K ahan "Divine ".
Your9fSh LjfShZl Yasar "Family" link to the spirit
rea lm is up to yo u.
J 0 J.
They are there when nee ded and wi ll help
and guide you.
There are no hard fee lings fo r things done
wh ile in this v<'r]Cff)il1 Tapal "Wo rld ", all is forg iven,
yet you, yourse lf must raise to a certa in level to reach
them because they can only come down so far.
J 03.
Yet, when the mind is out of order or contact,
the person 's life is out of order.
J 04.
Wh en the minds of Africa ns are divided by
alien religions and accepting and livin g their cultures ,
the physical people are divided, w ill eve n hate and
kill each other for the spirit, specter of othe rs; spirits
who rul e their emo tions and decisions, choices and
sometimes through your very DNA;


You must come to kn ow your inner voice ,

separate your inner voice fro m those of yo ur ancestors
or shared or acquired fro m a spo use.
Your eye mu st becom e one, M atthew 6:22.
"The light of the body is the eye.- t( theref ore thine

eye be single, thy whole body shal l befull of light. "

One can even be affected by who they wi ll
love and many and mix their M itochondrial DNA
wit h or get another 's ev il forces in their bloodline
that wi ll enslave their minds .
Commo n knowledge, meaning knowledge
that all or the mass majority of Na gar -u "Negroids "
wi ll overstand and accept, w ill un ite our minds, link
to our Baa-u "Souls" an d activate our emotions.
There can be no me nta l unity as long as the
spell of spiritual y(?fiC: T ?fil Taj hal "Ignoran ce " is
upo n us and there can be no p hysical unity as long
as the -t!5?fiC:?fi9 Haj ay "Spell " of racial rej ection is
ru ling your em otions.
11 0.
When destruction of the Hajay "Spell " is
complete the African wi ll have a free and united
Wu -N uwaup b y the help of the nine nat ure
forc es will destroy the ev il spell of confusion
ignorance , apathy and dis unity amo ng us .
Wu-N uwaup is designe d to free, discip line,
an d unites the minds of our race and others who
marry into our race from other races of people.
Then the rest of our heritage wi ll come, as
sufficient effort is made to live Wu-Nuwaup,
Speak N uwaup uy -ee and practice our own
cu lture from times past to now.
The Right Knowledge, The Right Wis dom ,
and The Right Overstanding, Sound R ight Reason ing



are the Kham em Sa ha r "Black Magic";

The true chemistry, power to transform
genes alc he my is Paa Khamam, Kh emet, Kerner,
the Blac k Light the formula, necessary to cou nteract
and destroy the Laben Sa ha r " White Magic" the
tru e ~~Zj?fiz. Mar adz "disease " of degeneration,
recess ive genes.
You have the inner power to reverse the spell
an d the physical disease p laced in your DNA by
Ars;]*'?'=!= ~9 J*fSfi:g:j9 Dawew Mukwam -u "Evil
Beings " over the 6,000 years.
You can des troy the evil hy pnotic Spell of
Amnes ia cast on you; because Wu-Nuwaup causes
the Nagar-u "Negroid " to think right and take
the righ t steps toward liberty, j ustice an d equality,
amongst each other by the help of the forces of natur e
Paa N a dj ar -u , our Ancesto rs, Divine.
When a re ligio n does not allow you to th ink
you are no longer capable of thought and thus you
are out of yo ur mind and under the control of another
and w ill not progress.
Wu-Nuwa up provides all of the question s and
answers necessary to break the evil Rajay "Sp ell ".
121 .
W hen P aa Nawam "The Sp ell of Sleep is
broken and its evil results of disunity, ha te for each
other, disorder, apathy, and oppression wi ll pass away
in thi s hereafter the 6,000 years ended and the 24,000
years to renew our story wi ll remove the amnesia,
A ll Negro ids,A frican s who accept the answers
and the explanation given in W u-Nuwaup and the
-t!5fSfifSfiQ\l?;]1 -e5Gi~Q fSfi fSfi\l Haqaqtal H aq aq-aat
"Actual Facts " and ~ l:fSfiZl?fiC> P aa T ar aq "The
Way", will soon be liberated from oppression and
cap tivity and be equal.


The Negroid lost their spiritual powers long
ago 6,000 years ago all except for a few High Priest
-e5?;jCl9\19 Hanut-u;
Yet, Wu-Nuwaup will restore and they will
regain their powers.
By destroying '.X'ilC: T il1 Tajhal "Ignorance "
because without the restoration of our own spiritual
powers of Nine Mind, Nine Ether,
We can never be free and equal amongst
ourselves again.
Our own spiritual powers are in Wu-Nuwaup,
12 7.
As you see three digits Nine or 9 9 9; 9 the
highest digit in numbers before it repeats. The word
digit is Latin digitus and means "afinger ". Supreme
Mathematics, The Matrix, Latin for Mater "Mother ",
The power to overpower 6 6 6.
9 9 9 or Nine Mind, Nine Ether, Nine Nature
Wu-Nuwaup is our spiritual powers, our spiritual
science of Nagar-u "Negroids ", the woolly-haired
children of the heat of ~ LJrs;]9il9 Paa Rayay
"The Sun ".
When you put fire close to a strain of =i=?;j'&?;jZJ
Wabar "Hair " it will curl into the digit nine 9.
The stronger the genes the nappier the
Wabar "Hair".
The weaker the genes the thinner the Farar
"Fur" .
Most animals on 1:?f5i"9 Tahuli "Earth"
have fur, this includes all other races .
Only the Negroid African race of people or
those who mixed with us can have hair, nappy, kinky,
wooly, nines.


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