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Essential features of partnerships.

1. There must be a valid contract;

2. The parties must have legal capacity to enter into the contract;
3. There must be a mutual contribution of money, property, or
industry to a common fund;
4. The object must be lawful; and
5. The purpose or primary purpose must be to obtain profits and
to divide the same among the parties
Article 1818
of agency.
Article 1775

A partnership contract, in its essence, is a contract

It is also required that the articles of partnership must not

be kept secret
among the members; otherwise, the association shall
have no legal personality and shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil
Code relating to co-ownership.

Existence of a valid contract

1. A form of voluntary and personal association
No one can become a member of the partnership association
without the
consent of all the other associates.
2. Creation and proof of existence
- Terms of the association is embody in a written document known
as Articles of Partnership; a person cannot enter into a contract of
partnership solely with himself; there must be at least two
competent parties.
3. Other forms of association excluded
- Partnerships excludes all other associations which do not have
their origin in a contract, express or implied
- No partnership is created by law or by operation or
implication of law.
Ex: Religious societies, conjugal or community partnership
Limited partnership cannot be created by mere voluntary agreement
alone as

Legal capacity of parties to enter into the contract

1. General rule: any person may be a partner who is capable under
the law of
entering into contractual relations. Consequently,
any person who cannot
legally give consent to a contract
cannot be a partner.
The following cannot give their consent to a contract of partnership:
a) Unemancipated minors

b) Insane or demented persons

c) Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
d) Persons who are suffering from civil interdiction
e) Incompetents who are under guardianship
2. Exceptions: Article 1782, persons who are prohibited from giving
each other
any donation or advantage cannot
enter into a universal partnership.
Ex: A married woman may enter into a contract of
partnership even
without her husbands consent,
but the latter may object under certain
3. Capacity of partnership/corporation to be a partner
Corporation-without capacity or power to enter into a contract of
Partnership-a corporation would be bound by the acts of persons
who are not
its duly appointed and authorized officers and

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