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Riya Munot

5th hour

Conflict Analysis
Nothing But the Truth by AVI
Nothing But the Truth is about Philip Malloy, a typical teenager who is looking
forward to freshman year at Harrison High. He is excited to join the track team and life
was good till the start of second semester. Now Ms.Narwin is his homeroom teacher
who is also currently his English teacher.

Ms.Narwin is disturbed that the current

generation has no interest towards English and is also very frustrated with Philips
peculiar questions. As Philip hums along with the National Anthem just to annoy
Ms.Narwin, he is given repeated warnings, that gets him sent to the assistant principals
office. The next day, he is sent again to the assistant principals office where he is given
two choices. Either he apologizes to Ms.Narwin or he gets suspended. Philip is in that
mindset that he claims that he didnt do anything wrong for humming along with the
National Anthem. Once the media hears about the suspension of Philip, they are in
Philips favor. One of the journalists interviews the superintendent of Philips school
district and he claimed that there was no such rule of silence during the National
Anthem. As the public hears about the incident they also support Philip. The conflict in
Nothing But the Truth was that Philip Malloy is suspended for causing a disruption in
class. The characters and setting complicate and contribute to the conflict.

The characters in the book, Nothing But the Truth complicate the conflict. One of
the characters that convoluted the conflict was Ms. Narwin.

Ms. Narwin was the

language arts teacher who is very old-fashioned and strict. She creates the conflict by
thinking Philip Malloy was causing a distraction while singing the National Anthem and
thus played a part in part in Philips suspension. Another character that contributed to
the conflict was the assistant principal, Dr. Joseph Palleni. He complicated the conflict
because he thinks Ms. Narwin reserved the right to kick Philp out of class. He believes
that Philip should apologize to Ms. Narwin and all will be forgiven. As Philip refuses the
offer, Mr. Palleni has no choice but to put Philip on a two-day suspension. He claims
that if such actions are repeated he will expel Philip.

The third character that

contributed to the conflict was Philips classmate and Ms. Narwins cherished student;
Allison Doresett. She complicates the conflict by thinking Philip is really rude to Ms.
Narwin. Allison explained to Philip, I just want you to know that I think what you did was
really mean (Page 148). Due to Allisons attitude she was turning the whole school


The setting of Harrison High School complicates the conflict. During morning
announcements the school requests silence during the national anthem. Please all rise
and stand at respectful, silent attention for the playing of our National Anthem ( Page
6). But he doesnt only get told to stop but he is sent to the assistant principals office
for causing a disruption. The room of Ms. Narwin complicates the conflict because it is
where Philips suspension occurred. As Philip comes back from his suspension into the
classroom, it brings back memories of his suspension. Ted Griffens house also
complicates the conflict because that is where Philip and a local reporter were









The characters and setting complicate the conflict. They complicate the conflict
because Philip gets in more trouble as the conflict goes on and escalates. Without the
characters and setting, the conflict wouldnt have occurred. The conflict has a big role
in the book which interests the readers to read more as it goes on.

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