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A team is an interdependent

collection of individuals who

work together toward a common
goal and who share
responsibility for specific
outcomes for their organizations.

Many different kinds of teams are

used in the workplace, including
quality circles, project teams,
production teams, and virtual

Quality circles typically involve 6 to

12 employees who meet regularly
to identify work-related problems
and to generate ideas that can increase productivity or product

Project teams are created to solve

a particular problem or set of
problems; they differ from other
teams because they are disbanded
after the project is completed or the
problem is solved.

Quality Circles
Project Teams

Groups and Teams: Definitions

Types of Teams

Types of Teams
Production Teams

Production teams consist of

frontline employees who produce
tangible output.
> An autonomous work group is a
specific kind of production team that
has control over a variety of its

Virtual Teams

Organizations that use virtual teams

benefit in a variety of ways,
including saving time and travel
expenses and providing increased
access to experts. However, virtual
teams, particularly those that rarely
meet in person, face a variety of

Autonomous work groups are

intended to improve the integration of
social and technical systems by
allowing groups of employees to
manage themselves.

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