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John England
Ms. Griffin
SLCC English 1010
16 December 2015

Annotated Bibliography
Gun Control Is No Answer To Crime. n.d. Web. 6 January 2016.
< >
This article is about stopping gun control and allowing people to have the right to
bear arms. It talks about gun control and the real effect that come from gun control. It
mentions that Liberals believe in using gun control as a method to lower gun deaths,
and that Conservatives believe in requiring people to take self-defense classes. It
mentions that gun control doesnt work and we should come up with a new solution. In
the end of the article there are a couple paragraphs that talk about making some kind of
self defense policy that will help people to fight for themselves.
This article was pulled from a magazine and published online. This magazine is
called Proletarian Revolution No. 46 (Spring 1994). This article uses facts to help
argue its point, that gun control isnt working. It references the magazine the article is
from a couple of times and it comes up with a better solution to prevent deaths. This
solution is to provide and teach self defense.
I agree with this article. I think we should require people to take classes that
teach them self-defense. People need guns for their own protection, and it would make
the law followers without a gun. With these classes people can save themselves more

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often and maybe even other lives as well. This articles position and argument ties
together on my article that talks about Obama fake crying, and I would use this source
in a research paper because of the new plan to stop gun deaths.

Krauthammer, Charles. What Gun Control Advocates Mean But Dare Not Say. 8 October 2015. Web. 6 January 2016.
< >
This article is about the things Gun Control advocates believe in, but dont dare
say. It starts out by giving a cycle of how gun control works. An incident happens, there
is an argument to see whether gun control is really working or if it should have stricter
laws, than it eventually dies off until the next incident. It talks about the Roseburg
massacre in Oregon, and the speech Obama gave after the incident. It then gets into
the idea of how hard gun control actually is. Everyone is different, there are some cases
that are because of the reason and loss of a person's mental ability. This is called
involuntary massacre.
The author is credible for this article because of facts he uses to back up his
information. This website is a known website for current events and is used by many
people. This source talks about something that I really never thought of. Good people
can get guns, and from the influences around them, like violent videogames and loss of
mental stability and perform an involuntary massacre. This is very convincing because
everyone and every case is different, which makes the topic hard to come up with a
This source has helped me to think of more reasons and considerations when
talking about gun control, rather than one side or the other. This article is on the

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opposite side of one of my previous articles that favors gun control, and I would
probably including this article in any research paper for this topic. Its hard to prevent
people to get guns. If they cant get one legally, they will get one some other way. With
the insecure world of gun violence, we need to think about the mind behind the killing.
Of course everyone is different, but all killing massacres have something similar to each
other, that could probably be more investigated.

Lightblau, Eric and Shear, Michael. Tearful Obama Steps to Curb Gun Deaths. 5 January 2016. Web. 6 January 2016.
< >
This article was recently published and talks about a couple of the past gun
deaths, that couldve been stopped with more strict gun control laws. It contains a
diagram that shows how much the sales of guns have gone up since Obamas election.
This article contains several quotes of Obama and his ideas on gun control. It even
mentions a new plan that Obama wants to put in play to make it harder for people to
buy guns. Some of his reasons for more strict gun control is because there are people
who get past background checks when they shouldnt have.
This source is a very recent updated article about current issues on gun control
today. New York Times is very good at posting current issues as articles for people to
look at. This article is a very good source for the facts that it mentions, and each time
Obama is quoted on his opinion on gun control. Each fact is cited from another website,
and each fact are from current time periods. Most of all, this article is very accurate on
the information it contains for each shooting.

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This article helped me to really think about the other side of the argument on gun
control. It talks about Obama and even shows a picture of him crying while giving a
speech. This is really emotional and got me thinking, are background checks even
working. This article is different than my other articles by how current it is. It mostly is
about Obama and his feeling to making gun control more strict.

M., Morris. 10 Arguments for gun control. 21 April 2013. Web. 6
January 2016. < >
This article gives ten different reasons why gun control should be used. More
guns equal more homicides and suicides, both a very big problem today. Suicide is
planned and with guns allowed, suicide rates are higher. Banning guns will save some
lives to an extent, and mass killing rate will be lowered, and besides assault weapons
arent part of sport anyways. We can use any other gun for hunting or sport and we
would be just fine.
This article has each reason backed up with evidence for their reasoning. Some
mention court cases that tie in with gun control. There are some specific incidents of
mass killings with ways on how they could've been stopped. This source is convincing
on preventing its argument by how much reason it contains and the amount of facts and
evidence for each one.
This article relates to every article that contains both sides of this argument, and
even has some of the same points. These point seem to be good points, but I dont
think gun control will help us in the long run. It may bring down the mass killing rate for a
while, but later on criminals will obtain a gun no matter what, which makes all citizens
and law followers unprotected. This could mean that gun control doesnt save lives as

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much as we thought it did. This source seems to be vague, and I seem to have enough
sources, so I wouldnt use this source in a research paper.

Perez-Pena, Richard. Gun Control Explained. 7 October 2015. Web. 6

January 2016. < http://www.nytimes.coml >
This article gives a brief description of what gun control is and what is going on
with gun control today. It then mentions arguments in favor of gun control and against
gun control, and why nothing gets done. In the past few years, more and more people
have been against gun control even with the rise in mass killings. Law enforcement
agents have the same ideas on gun control as citizens. They want gun control in big
cities, but are against it in smaller rural cities.
This source is very credible by the amount of articles is creates daily. New York
Times articles has been very successful in creating new current event articles. This
article in particular, is very convincing when it gives all information needed when talking
about gun control. It even mentions what law enforcement think about gun control, and
gives arguments on both sides. With all of this, it even includes facts that have been
cited to other sources.
This source made me wonder how law enforcement agents view gun control, and
when reading it, I wasnt surprised. I actually thought that law enforcement agents would
think gun control is good because that means they would face less people with guns.
This source relates to most of my other sources, because it mentions everything you
need to know about gun control. It gives both sides and tons of information that usually
is spoken of. With the new information about law enforcement agents viewpoint on gun
control, I would use this source for a research paper.

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Roff, Peter. On Guns, Obama Shoots Blanks. 6 January 2016. Web. 6
January 2016. < >
This article is a Republican responding to Obamas speech about gun control on
January 5th. This author believes that Obama was fake crying to make the situation
look more dramatic. He begins mentioning how Obamas plans and ideas wont work
and wouldnt have worked if they were set in place before the terrible shootings. This
article then goes on saying Obama shouldnt be trusted when talking about gun control.
He seems to know what he wants to do, but his plan wont work any better than the
current one.
The author of this article, Peter Roff, is a U.S. news and world report contributing
editor and longtime observer of the Washington scene. This is mentioned at the bottom
of the article. This article is convincing by the detail he goes in the topic. I mean were
talking about Obama crying/fake crying. He talks about past experiences and plans like
Obamas that didnt work, and mentions why they didnt.
This article made me think of the terrible shootings and the poor lives that were
lost. It also helps me to think of our president and what he is trying to accomplish in this
speech. I dont believe everything this article says, but I do know that people will do
things to make people on there side. When needing specific examples for a research
paper, I would use this article to help on the side that favors gun control. The position
and main argument of this article is the same as the other article about Obama crying
for the many gun deaths, except this one is on the other side. Both posted close to the
same time, and are about our current issues.

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Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted. 12 July 2004. Web. 20
December 2015. < >.
This source is from, which contains the pros and cons of many
controversial topics. It first contains a short background and history of gun control in the
past. Under that background story, it contains fifteen points and ideas for both pro and
con of, should more gun control laws be enacted. The main argument for both sides
starts out as mentioning the second amendment and how its a right, the pro side then
says its not an unlimited right to own guns. Both sides later go on saying whether it is
effective or not, with some studies to help find out the effectiveness of gun control.
This website,, is a good website because of the great articles they
have for many topics. They have tons of topics with both sides of the argument
mentioned and in detail, every point on each side. This website is very helpful when
needing to find both sides of an argument, and find which side youre on. It is very
convincing because of the facts of past studies, that work well for both sides of the
argument. Overall this website is very helpful for many topics, and has been around for
about ten years, with new topics added on every year.
This website source helped me to see some background behind gun control in
the past, and it also made me think of the argument on the pro side and some of the
points made. Some, I never even thought of, but are very good points. One point was
that gun control has been studied in many surveys, and found that it reduces gun
deaths and mass killings. This article is really good for this assignment, and it relates in
some way to basically all of my other sources so far. This article mentions a short
description between many points on both sides, and some other articles I have, go more

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in detail on those same argumentative points. I would definitely use this article for a
research paper.

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