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My Days in Other Country

The January of the last year I had traveled with my friends Alejandro, Santiago,
Brayan, in to the Montaita, Ecuador. This place is a beach that is a west of the
Ecuador to the side of Pacific Ocean, we had prepared this travel 6 month
before, but this trip was very long because we had been two days in different
bus routes, first we had bought the ticket towards Cali, Colombia, later in the
terminal of Cali bought the tickets for arrived to the border (Pasto, Colombia).
Hear we had legalized own documents for to can to cross the frontier.
Later to cross the frontier, we had headed in to Tulcan, Ecuador. In these
moment we had very enthused, because jets had been in Ecuador and quickly
we arrived in montaita, after passed other day on bus and been in Quito,
Guayaquil, Santa Helena and the last, the place that we had waited once upon
a time. A beach so beautiful, a summer breeze and very very people from other
countries. My friends and me had can to practice surf, to eat very food from the
other countries as barbecue Argentinian or food Peruvian.
These experience I will advise to the people that to want to trip an to know a
good place near from Colombia.

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