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Instructions to authors

International Journal for Light and Electron Optics

Authors can send their manuscript to the Editor either by post or by

e-mail: Professor Theo Tschudi, Institute of Applied Physics, Darmstadt
University of Technology, Hochschulstrasse 6, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany,
All manuscripts should contain: Manuscripts should be submitted in
English, and the presentation should be as succinct as comprehension
will permit. Manuscripts are reviewed and refereed. Those accepted for
publication are edited for conformance to the journals style. Metric units
should be used unless to do so is not feasible or would result in a serious
loss of clarity.
The following file formats are accepted:
Text: Microsoft Word, LaTeX/REVTeX
(Note: author toolkits for Microsoft Word and LaTeX/REVTeX are
available in internet)
Figures: TIFF, PostScript, EPS (minimum 300 dpi resolution).
See additional requirements below.
Please add also a PDF version to speed up reviewing process.
Manuscripts must contain the following:
Title page listing the paper title; the name(s) of the author(s); and
the affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number,
and Email address.
List sponsorship information in an acknowledgment section at the end
of the paper.
Abstract (200 words maximum) should be a summary of the paper and
not an introduction. Because the abstract may be used in abstracting
journals, it should be self-contained (i.e., no numerical references)
and substantive in nature, presenting concisely the objectives,
methodology used, results obtained, and their significance.
Subject terms or keywords are required, maximum of eight. Key words
referring to the special contents of the publication, and not to its
methods. The editor retains the right to change the Key words.
Text should be typed double-spaced, in a single column using
12-point type.
Equations should be created using MathType or Microsoft Equation
Editor, if possible.
References to published literature must be typed double-spaced and
numbered consecutively in the order of their citation in the text.
Private communications or unpublished reports should be treated
as references.
It is important that the following instructions be followed precisely for
the graphics files to be utilized in the journal production process:
Size your illustrations according to the journals specifications for
column widths. Figures are generally reduced to either one-column
width (8.8 cm) or two-column width (18.2 cm) or smaller. Submit
each illustration at the final size in which you would like it to
appear in the journal. Each illustration should be prepared for
100% reproduction.
Avoid submitting illustrations containing small axes with oversized
Ensure that line weights will be 0.5 points or greater in the
final published size. Line weights below 0.5 points will
reproduce poorly.
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Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 264 dpi for
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Save line art as black/white bitmap; not greyscale.
Save halftones and combinations as greyscale, not black/white bitmap.
Set the bounding box to image to avoid excess white space around
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Submit ALL illustrations for each article, including line art.
Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For example,
if Figure 1 contains three parts (a, b, c), then all of the labelled
parts should be combined in a single file for Figure 1. 8 pt labels are
preferable. Arrange the three parts vertically.

Check files for extraneous information. Edit out any figure captions or
e-mail headers. The only data in the file should be the figure itself.
Colour figures can be printed only if the costs are covered by the
author (250.00 for first colour figure, 200.00 for every following
colour figure).
Submit color files at 300 dpi TIFF, PS, or EPS format. If selecting a
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Every illustration should have a caption, listed on a separate sheet.
Tables should be prepared so that they can be printed in one column or
full page width (see above). Tables should bear consecutive numbers.
Please add headings immediately above the tables.
Literature references should appear in the text as consecutive numbers
between angular brackets, e.g. [3], they should be listed in full at the
end of the article.
Formats for citations
[1] C.S. Lin, Y.L. Lay, C.C. Huan, H.C. Chang, T.S. Hwang, An imagebased LCD positioning system utilizing the modified FHT method,
Optik 114 (2003) 151160.
[2] M. Gu, Advanced optical imaging theory, Springer, Heidelberg, 2000.
[3] G.R. Meredit, Prospect of New Nonlinear Organic Materials, in
C. Flytzanis, J.L. Oudar (Eds.), Material and Devices, Springer Verlag,
Berlin, 1986, pp. 116127.
In order to facilitate speedy and correct publication, please send us the
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Only printers errors may be corrected in the proofs.
Later alterations would have to be published at the end of the article
under the heading Postscript at proof stage. Please take special care
with the writing of formulae. There should be clear distinctions between
0 (zero) and o, O (letter o); between 1 (figure one), I (absolute value
stroke), and l (letter l); also between n and u, and small k and capital K.
Please indicate clearly the positional height of all symbols so that powers
and indices can be recognized correctly.
All formula symbols will be set in sloping type (italics), except for those
denoting functions (sin, exp. etc), or units (cm, J. etc.), and abbreviations
(max., etc). Any further exceptions should be marked in the text. Vectors
will always be set in half bold type instead of arrows above them.
The corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file
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