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Hawkley Davis
Mrs. Griffin
English 1010
Oct. 13, 2015

Alone In My Own World

The leaves continue to fall, alone, and without company. Sitting in the shade
under the tree, is where I want to be. The sweet smell of the flowers and the soft touch
of the freshly trimmed grass. I am in my happy place. I came across a stick in the
ground, next to me. I presumed to draw pictures and dig holes in the dirt. Listening to
the calm leaves rustle while sitting on the happy earth, I couldn't feel more at peace,
with all of the soothing sights, sounds, and thoughts. Then came along a curious wasp,
the trial that has always been a phobia of mine. Immediately I needed to run, dashing
towards the dark castle. Im away from my tree. I began to wait for the wasp to pass like
thunder after lightning.
The castle has changed recently from a place of happiness and consistency, to
the absence thereof. In the castle I was greeted by the guardian. He has also changed,
by becoming saddened and heart broken. For the queen has come down with a horrible
tumor on her left side of her brain. It has been hard to live our normal lives since hearing
this news. Every day we would need to care and help with her basic needs. One day
she had a stroke by her tumor, causing the right side of her body to become limp as well
as affecting her brain. When she would want something, she would say: I want an
apple, so we would get her an apple. She would then say No, I want an apple. The
guardian didnt know what she wanted, I got you an apple he said. After a moment of
confusion, he gave her a white board, and she wrote, I want water. The stroke has

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changed her speech. After 2 years, the queen began to get ever weaker, nearing her
passing. Oh how I longed to return unto tree; my peaceful place.
One morning while I was still asleep, the queen went on to another realm. Sorrow
has now filled the cracks of the foundation. The days following are filled with grief and
anger. I ran to the tree; the place that eases my pain. Underneath, I dwelt on my life.
The sun is so warm and soft on my face. However, the wasp has left scars on the tree,
that will take years to heal. I sat under the tree for what seemed like hours; pondering
my life. Thinking, why me, Why has this happend to me? My life was so happy, and
now it is not. Im so content here, why would I ever leave? After what seemed like
seconds, the time came (as it always did) to return. I arrived at the dark castle with
sadness in my heart. I met the guardian as he told me what I needed to do to prepare
for the welcoming of the new queen. This news surprised me, for this new
replacement would now make everything change. She arrived, and immediately I had
a sense of frustrating confusion, because I am not ready for this new leader. To me she
is an enemy, trying to distract from the previous tragedies. Coming to my room I laid
down and returned to my thoughts. My peaceful place where I can think to myself. Am I
supposed to forget the wondrous legacy that she had left behind?
After a few months with the new queen, we moved to another castle. Its more
spacious, with more tracts of land. The tree is now alone, without anyone to give it
company. Now no-one will understand the tree. As the tree grew up, more grew in
around it. However, the tree never felt accepted, making it sad. It was in such a happy
place before, and now, all of a sudden its life is turned upside-down.

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While playing outside, I was stung. The wasp is back! How could this be?
Tripping, I fell to the ground, and cut open my hand. I have enough hardships I thought
to myself. I ran as fast as I could; I didnt know what to do. I came across a new tree, tall
in stature, and strong, yet, its weak. A new lifestyle, and a new environment. As if the
tree has been transplanted. All the while thinking to myself; I have to be strong, like this
tree. I bandaged myself and carried on. Alone.
Four years later, I slowly became more agitated as I dwelt on my life. Oh how
sorrowful the tree must feel; for I am gone. I am different. The tree may not recognize
me anymore. Day after day, week after week, I began to feel more separated from my
home. The tree began to wilt, and darken, as if it couldnt survive another winter. The
affliction of wasps are infecting the tree. Nesting in it, like it is their home. its not their
home, It is mine. I cant take it anymore! No-one cares for me. I have been forgotten I
thought to myself. As I sat in the dining hall, I began to feel more frustrated, and angry.
Anxiety filled my body, as if I was going to explode from the frightening sensation. I
dont want to be here anymore I said to myself, heartbroken. Grabbing a knife, I put it to
my chest. I fell to my knees, crying. I could hear the tree whisper, Its not over. Your life
is not over. The queen and guardian entered. She saw that I was in extreme danger
and hurt, and came to my aid. I care about you she said, I love you. That's when I
realized that I wasnt so alone after all, my family did care for me. Never in my life, has
this phrase meant more to me than before. She and the guardian had saved my life.
Just then, It struck me with an intense feeling of realization, like pouring cold water over
my face. It doesnt matter where I am, or where I go, as long as I have my family. Over
the next while, I began to heal. I exterminated the wasps with much needed care. The

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tree was starting to heal. Since then, I have realized, that it doesnt matter where you
are, who you are with, or what you have become. Tomorrow is a new day. All I can do
now is strive to become strong. I will never forget the queen that once ruled over this
land. however, I must learn to accept the reality, and respect the new ruler. Wasps will
come to infect the tree no matter what I do. How I handle the situation is what matters.
As for now, the leaves will forever fall, not alone, and with company.

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